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Forums > Social Discussion > Youth violence in the UK - what the §$*! is happening?

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"Interesting" news coming from the UK...

Adults in scare of youths, kids scraed of each other only leaving their homes armed. Teens threatened with disfiguration of death when they cross invisibles lines in their neighbourhood or support the 'wrong' soccer club.

Knife attacks on the rise, one case of teen murder after the other. Robert Knox killed, Amar Aslam killed, two fathers killed in Bradford and Bristol, one dragged out of his car and stabbed, the other one stabbed as he tried to mediate a fight outside a pub.

Another pub in Bromley attacked by 15 men with knives and screwdrivers, injuring patrons - "the pub looked like a slaughterhouse". At the station in East Ham, police spotted a stabbed 19 year old, two 17 year old in the north of London suffered got shot, one died and another is still in grievous condition.

Hello from the UK umm

Daily Telegraph talking about similarities to the "lost generation": The lost generation of today is not dying in the trench at the Somme, but on Britains streets. They are not dying for their country, they don't even die for their iPods, they die because they are on the side of the wrong gang or the wrong side of the street.

Statistics claim that the cases of violence declined, but they don't even take the 'under-16-yr-olds' into account.

What's happening, UK?


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faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

Have we considered that the violence these youth partake in around our areas of living is really nothing in comparision to some other places in say central america or africa (just examples)
I saw a picture of a kid, maybe 12, from Columbia (south america, I know) standing in front of heliocopter with an AK.

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

LurchBRONZE Member
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Just something interesting..


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onewheeldaveGOLD Member
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 Written by :Lurch

Just something interesting..


With regard to the headline on that page-

"UK: The English want their guns back...too little, too late."

I think it's important to say that it's 100% totally innacurate.

It's OK to argue for guns remaining legal in the U.S.- you make some good points in other threads.

It's even OK to argue that legalising guns in the U.K. could be beneficial.

But, the English do not currently want their guns back- there is currently no visible movement or campaign to make guns available in the way they are in the U.S.

It would be a shame in those outside of the U.K. believed that the headline above reflected the views of the English regarding guns, cos it, absolutely, does not.

The closest view is that some would like all police to be armed and, even that's controversial and far from the majority view.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

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onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

For youth violence in general- it is of course a tragic waste of life.

But, I don't really go along with the view that it's 'so much worse than the old days', that things are coming to a head/spiraling out of control.

Youth violence has always been a big part of british culture.

Back in the fifties, there where no hoodies and, big kitchen knives were not the weapons of choice- but, you had the 'Teddy boys' stabbing each other with switchblades and, the media publicised the big incidents and (some) of the general public lived in fear

Before that, in the twenties I think, you had established Sheffield gangs that are notorious even to this day for the levels of violence they perpetrated.

That's not to mimimise the current levels of violence, I'm just pointing out that it's nothing new.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

6,650 posts

Hmm, what makes you believe that the youth violence is not increasing, Dave?

I for my part am not a friend of the notion that "things have been better in the old days" - that's just rubbish. Yet I feel that the dimension and the quality of violence, ie. causes for fights (zip code gangs), weaponry used (knives and guns), injuries inflicted (beaten or stabebd to death), age of those involved (12 yr olds join to kill and gangrape) and the indulgement in the results (video taped and this video distributed amongst the mates) has definitely increased.

Maybe there's a good aspect to it: the more adults get scared, the more they will start to do something about it - maybe one day they might even come up with something constructive...

Guns are not the answer to violence - the US is proving that on a daily basis. I'm happy that you seem to support this, Dave. Violence is not the answer to violence. Never was, never will be.

Preventive measures and creative attempts to curb violence are the key.

Lurch has said a true thing somewhere... Ah here it is:

 Written by : Lurch

How many of these children have ever been taught that violence for violence sake is wrong? They don't have positive role models, and the media does little to help that.

Alcohol diminishes fear and the UK unfortunately has a strong booze culture - violence will spiral further, if not curbed... IMHO

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onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

 Written by :FireTom

Hmm, what makes you believe that the youth violence is not increasing, Dave?

I for my part am not a friend of the notion that "things have been better in the old days" - that's just rubbish. Yet I feel that the dimension and the quality of violence, ie. causes for fights (zip code gangs), weaponry used (knives and guns), injuries inflicted (beaten or stabebd to death), age of those involved (12 yr olds join to kill and gangrape) and the indulgement in the results (video taped and this video distributed amongst the mates) has definitely increased.

I think it's not increasing cos youths have always indulged in violence- sometimes to horrific extremes; as in the previously mentioned gang wars and teddy boys violence in the 20's and 50's.

I do agree, however, that the ages of those involved seems to be going down.

Knives however, whether kitchen, switchblade, or , in 70's liverpool stanley knives (sometimes customised with double blades to create a scar that counldn't be stitched) have always been part and parcel of youth violence.

And, when someone gets the upper hand with knives, the opposition,if they have access to guns, will often up the ante that way.

IMO, the only reason we now have what you call 'indulgement' now where we didn't before, is cos, prior to recent times, mobile phones with video cams didn't exist.

If they had, in the 50's, of course Teddy Boys gangs would have filmed the times they gave someone a good kicking so they could pass it one for the amusement (and aquire respect) of their friends.

It's not so much a new development in violence, as a new development in technology that those who like violence will happily make use of.

 Written by :FireTom

Guns are not the answer to violence - the US is proving that on a daily basis. I'm happy that you seem to support this, Dave. Violence is not the answer to violence. Never was, never will be.

Don't start on that Tommy-boy smile

My post made no comment whatsoever on the rights/wrongs of guns- I simply pointed out that the statment 'Britains want their guns back' was not true.

Fact is, as you know from previous threads, i fully support Lurches right to pump bullets into anyone who, for no good reason and, with conscious intent, attempts to put his, or his families life at risk.

I also believe that, though it's a last resort, in certain circumstances, violence is an appropriate solution.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

6,650 posts

I side you on your suggestion. In case the decision is between "you or me" - it will be "you" all the time (if I can manage).

I mentioned that before and also quoted a comment of the Dalai Lama, under which grounds he supports self defence (and subsequently violence as an appropriate response even for those committed to a life of 'non violence', ie. Buddhism).

Not quite that certain about your comment on supporting "Lurches right to pump bullets into anyone who, for no good reason and, with conscious intent, attempts to put his, or his families life at risk." Sounds too martialic for my taste and opens the door for misinterpretations. Use of "appropriate force" (for me) is the key term.

However, I have not enough informations on the youth violence of the 20's to 70's in the UK, yet I noticed that the one in Germany strongly increased in both 'quality' and 'quantity' (without any hyping) - which is why I'm asking:

What the censored is going on in the UK? You tell me that it's just media hype - even though something tells me that it ain't - I just hope it's true.

Violence - and specially that of youths - has the unfortunate tendency to swiftly spiral out of hand. "Don't like how you look" - punch. "Like your jacket & you don't hand it over" - stab. "I feel threatened and you appear to have a knife" - shoot...

I just read (in the media) that the statistics don't include violent offences under the age of 16... as the age is coming down, therefore this is a great factor disregarded.

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The Tea FairySILVER Member
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I'm not really convinced that it is all media hype... yeah I know some people who live in rough areas, who have not witnessed an increase in violent crime... but similarly, I've lived in areas where I've known of violent crimes that never, ever made it into the local or national media in the first place (guy who got stabbed at the end of my road, guy getting beaten up by a gang of 16 - 20 yr olds at the end of my road, 3 of my friends being beaten up on their way home from the pub in a completely random and unprovoked incident, friends being threatened by a group of 14 year olds with knives and older brothers because they wouldn't play football with them)....

The stats and reporting of crime in the UK doesn't paint a true picture, so it's really hard to tell either way. Also, the things I described above don't necessarily indicate a rise in violent crime in that area... for all I know it was that violent before I moved there too.

I think it would be more constructive to look at why violent crime seems to be increasing in certain areas of the UK, and the situations in those areas, because it is often related to a whole load of other issues regarding social deprivation, family breakdown, race/ethnic relations etc etc.

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jo_rhymesSILVER Member
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I think you're right Tea Fairy. Personally I think violent crime isn't that heard of in rural areas, it's mainly built-up towns and cities.

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BirgitBRONZE Member
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I heard somewhere recently that bright pink is the colour that makes people most agressive. Maybe if we could get chavettes to switch entirely to the baby-blue instead it would help... ubbidea

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The Tea FairySILVER Member
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 Written by :jo_rhymes

I think the trees and plants keep people calm and happy sunny

I couldn't agree more! I've recently moved from a really grotty bit of West London to lovely rural Gloucestershire... every time my mum starts going on about how it's not as safe around here as it used to be I feel like laughing, because I saw so much violence and crime happening where I used to live and the levels of violent crime in Gloucestershire are so low in comparison!

There's definitely something to be said for being able to see the seasons change and not being all crowded together in big concrete housing estates! smile

Idolized by Aurinoko

Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind....

Bob Dylan

6,650 posts

Trees and green keeps people happy - less density of population and definitely canalized opportunities to express frustration/ aggression promotes a healthier society.

But maybe we just need more guns? wink

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JaqueDarkBRONZE Member
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Location: Liverpool England

I have no idea. I've been a victim of such violence. Last january when I was coming home with my big bro there were a bunch of lads after money. When we ignored them and kept walking they tried to attack my brother with one of those triangle men at work signs. My bro is a complete pacifist and hates violence so he wouldn't fight back. So I got scrappy and got punched in the face and shoved around. I had to go to the hospital because I'd hit my head and landed on my wrist.

I think this whole attitude of knives and 'protection' is all coming from fear. Did anyone see Bowling For Columbine, specifically the bit about American TV? I think that's what happening here. You've got all these reports on the news about people getting attacked, sure people are bound to be scared and want to protect themselves! I'm just extremely thankful that guns aren't easily accesible here otherwise I'm sure things would have been a lot different when those lads tried to take our money.


faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

Tom, what the heck, I mean really. It's not really fair to continually bring guns up. We get it you don't like guns...

The best protection is a confident attitude and an awareness of what is going on around you.

As for Bowling for Columbine...not a huge fine of Michael Moore. It's a regular thing though, media making things appear worse than they are. It gets you to tune in day after day

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

6,650 posts

Faith, I'm bringing guns up because somewhere some people do argue that 'an armed society is a polite society' and some other people write articles that the Pommies 'want their guns back' when that clearly is not the case.

Maybe you inquire for yourself why you get upset about me (making these statements) and show such a strong reaction to them. By no means I want to provoke you (or Lurch).

I (generally) observe society to get more radical in their violence/ approach towards others - and would rather like to see a society that helps each other out rather than stepping into each others faces.

There are reasons for (escalated) violence.

I side all those who say that 'the media' (again these are only people) like to blow it out of proportion to sell their news.

If people start buying knives for protection - again we face only one (negative) reaction of the entire possible spectrum .

I remember myself walking in some deserted Ozzie outback town after dark and that one guy approaching me must have felt a little funny about my appearance. Immediately (instead of feeling threatened and helpless) he looked straight at me, into my eyes, gave me a nod and said: "How'sit goin?"

We can escape the escalation (or start) of violence by not falling into the vicious circle of victimasation - without needing to feel that cold steel on our hips.

 Written by : Faith

The best protection is a confident attitude and an awareness of what is going on around you.

Thank you so much, Faith. That kind of comment I was really missing from you in the gun thread (please note that I missed it, even though you might have stated it somewhere).

It's about communication, respect, confidence and awareness (in the present). It starts right here and now, in the very place I am sitting and typing these words, trying to arrange them in a way so *you* don't feel threatened by them in your integrity.

I for my part feel improvement already by not getting called names in response for what I am writing hug

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

It's not so you don't feel threatened, it's so you see that robber and can avoid any other need for defense

Guns are defense too and it has nothing to do with what I said. The two are not related. Don't try to make them so.

I get assertive with you because all you do is criticize and if someone disagrees well then you start in by saying that we feel threatened. I don't. I get tired of hearing the same things from you over and over again.

And do you insinuate that we call you names? Really?

Attitude and awareness help you only so much. When guns get pulled, attitude and awareness may not be enough to help you.

Also, many of us aren't keeping guns as defense against people. And if we do, it is not going to be put into action necessarily. Owning a gun doesn't mean you are going to use it against another human being. Guns are not bad. People and their desires can be

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

6,650 posts

 Written by :faithinfire

And do you insinuate that we call you names? Really?

Most others just have generalize judgement upon others because they need to identify themselves. Thus neglecting that derogatory statements show more about their own personality that of those judged upon.

You directly aim your censored at me and I kindly ask you to stop right here.


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faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

I have not called you names, I have called into question your bias, and techniques.

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

6,650 posts

Faith - the topic is "youth violence (in the UK).
Unless you have something (constructive) to contribute to the discussion you'll be talking to your hands...


the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink


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