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Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

C'mon people, let it all out!

everyone's unique except me

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dearest Pedally Objects, in particular my bike, Marte’s bike, and that pedalo last week.

What did I ever do to you? Bike, we have been together for over ten years. Just last week I took you to the bicycle doctor to have your brakes and chain fixed… how do I deserve this!?

Though the weather is warm my legs are wonderfully smooth and silky thanks to today’s invention of home-made olive-oil-and-salt body scrub, there is no way in hell I can wear a skirt right now because of the huge purple bruises that cover my shins.

Why why why?

Please stop.




Dear 70% cocoa and orange chocolate by Cote D’Or,

Sometimes, late at night, when you are not around, I tremble at the thought of the power you hold over me.

When we are together though, I surrender willingly to your chocolatey embrace.

I love you,


everyone's unique except me

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