Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

Ok, Your watching the news and you hear "Zombie Outbreak, Everyone Run!!" But the only thing is the zombies are knocking at your door. You must fight them off!

Heres where the game comes in. Look around your room and see what items you can use to fight off the Zombies. Tell how you would kill them with such item.

And after your post on how you will fight them i will rate your Success with such item.

Looking around my room i would fight them with a Piano, Just by Stabing them with it.

I give that a 43% Success rate of living.

You try now! grin

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

id give a piano a 13% chance...

I'm at work so i would grab my shovel, some screw drivers, and a saw.

shovel can be used as a blunt object for whacking, screw drivers are a quick way to the brain and the saw would easily slice thru decayign flesh.


Owned by Mynci!

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

I've got a staff(Good til they get in close) and two short staves (For when they get in closer)

I've got a djembe I can hurl down the hall to push them all back at once and also act as a barrier to slow them while I bash with the staves. ^_^


Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

Haha. Mother_Natures_Son i would give you maybe a.. hmm.. 78% Chance of living grin

Will the staffs be on fire?

And Poje, Perfect Zombie fighting equipment grin i give you a 85% Chance of living.

New Item i just found, A 5 feet tall huge fan and a huge amp. Just bashing and throwing items, aimed at there heads.

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Well, Fruitbasket, I do have balloons, a funnel and some flammables in the cupboard, some with high flash points, some lower. I could start hurling those round, light up the staves and start setting some zombies on fire. grin

Also have lots of things to hurl down the passage way... concrete statues and whatnot. Mattress to use as a barricade at the doorway and the base to use to barricade the windows.


willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

I'd start with a good smash over the head with the big laserjet printer, followed with a frenzied beating with the metal coatstand. If that didn't work I'd be reduced to a good kick to send them out of the full-length windows onto the carpark 2 floors down smile

Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Hahaha, I like your thinking, willworkforfoodjnr, go for the cliches. They always work. tongue2 No fire extinguishers, though? ^_^


willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

None nearby - nearest one would be outside the office door. Plenty of desks though so I could probably get round them with a bit of jumping and fetch it if I really needed to

Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

id take them all on with a spoon 60% chance

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

MuckySILVER Member
Rum-Swilling Combustioneer
227 posts
Location: Macungie, PA, USA

Zombies *are* known to show some hesitation when confronted with fire. It is not yet certain whether a primal fear of fire somehow remains with them, though this is unlikely considering that they apparently lack any fear of physical harm. More likely is that the light (and sometimes noise) may somewhat confuse their ability to detect brains.

MNS, Stick with the long staff - you *don't* want zombies to get in closer! The problem with zombies is that they don't care how many times you hit them, and they tend to mob around you - if one gets in close, he probably has a friend who's already chewing on you. If you have time to rig up incendiaries and barricades (if you do, you're fortunate) - you probably also have time to make a quick spear out of your staff and the biggest non-serrated knife you have. Spears give you a lot more range and a lot more stabbing power - with a decent butcher's knife I doubt you'd have any difficulty punching through a zombie's skull.

Poje, depending on what kind of shovel you have, you could probably use it for slicing, too! A heavy shovel has some amazing striking power if used with the edge - indeed, should you cause a zombie to lose its footing you can easily sever its head with a judicious downward thrust!

Willworkforfood, coatstands rock. In fact, if you have one with several large prongs you can simply use it to herd them into the break room and tell them it's somebody's birthday party. They'll wait for cake, if they think it's coming. smile

Fruitbasket - You must have some piano!! I'm pretty sure my piano spikes are purely decorative, and the mounted flamethrower has been out of fuel for months.

Noddy, I recommend you consider investing in a titanium spork.

As for me..... I would tempt them with this noisy cockatiel, then skip to the kitchen and thank my friends for investing in excellent cutlery (and leaving it on the counter)! This apartment is somewhat close quarters, so I think I'd have a fighting chance if I were to strategically place myself in the hallway. Then again, this has a lot of potential to backfire, so maybe I'll consider going over the balcony - it's only one story, so I'm close enough to the ground to avoid injury if I partially climb down.

If I were at my house, I would welcome them! I have plenty of martial arts weaponry begging to taste the flesh of the undead! grin In fact, I suggest you all go out and buy a machete right now! If you buy a cheap one, get two; you'll want a spare. A hatchet is also your friend in the case of a zombie emergency. smile

The thing to remember here is that you don't have a lot of time. Once these ghouls detect your flesh (brains or otherwise; the mechanism by which zombies differentiate human flesh from that of other animals is not yet known to science), they will swarm. If your home is secure from the outside they may have a hard time penetrating it, giving you a chance to prepare your supplies. Otherwise you'll be doing a lot of bashing and throwing stuff in a frantic attempt to keep them away from your person. The difficulty isn't in destroying a zombie; the difficulty is that there's a never-ending supply of them.

Oh, one more thing - if you have thick clothes (especially a leather jacket - or leather pants, really), wear them! Zombie teeth are more or less human teeth, so if you don't think you could bite through it, odds are they can't either.

EDITED_BY: Mucky (1225897872)

Bouncing Baby Pipe!

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Ya after posting i realized i forgot to put the shovel's decapitating abilities. It's a spade head


Owned by Mynci!

MuckySILVER Member
Rum-Swilling Combustioneer
227 posts
Location: Macungie, PA, USA

As I was browsing through the kitchen drawers (unrelated to zombie strikes, I promise) I realized that perhaps a round skewer of some sort would be more to one's advantage than a butcher's knife, if rigged to a spear, provided it seems durable and sharp enough. Cutting implements seem like a good idea for the living, because a good laceration can be a real show stopper when the blood isn't coagulated. But when there's no more room in hell, you'll probably want something that is the easiest to remove from a punctured skull - a round object can be twisted and pulled without strain or fear of mechanical failure, extracting it from the re-deceased head in time to employ it on the next undead menace. A wide-bladed knife can sometimes be surprisingly difficult to remove after a hearty thrust, and as the old wisdom goes, any second you aren't killing a zombie, the zombies are killing you.

Bouncing Baby Pipe!

glowing_foolknown to wear fancy pants
11 posts
Location: New Jersey

since there are currently welders working on the ventilation system in my office i would opt for baracading the one set of stairs up my office then wait until absolutely necessary to light said barracade with aforementioned welding stuffs. Id then scurry out my window to seek allies given the assumption that ive already fed the welders to the zombies to increase my chance of escape. depending on whether or not i thought it better to climb to the roof or drop down at that moment would lead me to take either the welding gear (for welding and burning) up to the roof or toss the small one man handtruck out the window for quick collection and happy bashing action. if i thought i could make it to my car id be more likely to take the low road and plan on some off season plowing. i do keep a flame throwing contingency of axe deodarant spray and lighters in my car for when i classically run out of gas just a block shy of the next gas station for my final stand though. i wasn't looking for a percentage, to be honest this is how i've always wanted to go out -preferably accompanied by some minstrel(s) to carry on my heroic tales via song to the following generations.

spin happy

Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

Originally Posted By: Noddyid take them all on with a spoon 60% chance

That would be amazing. Even an attempt with killing zombies by spoon is pretty cool. Well too me atleast.

What other simple items could you use? Im thinking like.. a pointed lamp

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

CoRaySILVER Member
Hoopy Frood
16 posts
Location: Reno, NV, USA

Well, there really isn't much in my room. I'm wearing some pretty sick, size 13 boots and that's all that is practical for gear. I've got a parakeet that's mean as hell and would love to tear some zombie's eye out. But after that I would have to get creative with the large stack of sharpened pencils, my laptop, and a very sharp picture frame. I do keep most of my groceries in this room and I have a big freaking bed to block the door, so I guess I would have a chance of holding out until Noddy showed up with that spoon, hahaha.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

-Sherlock Holmes

Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

I could see you like.. taking a rubber band and banding the Large stack of sharpened pencils in a way to jab them into the zombie.

Id give that a 60% chance of living.

But you said something about groceries. What kind? groceries can be deadly.

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

Originally Posted By: FruitbasketOriginally Posted By: Noddyid take them all on with a spoon 60% chance

That would be amazing. Even an attempt with killing zombies by spoon is pretty cool. Well too me atleast.

Whilst yelling "SPAAAAAAAAARTA!" grin

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Originally Posted By: CoRayW I've got a parakeet that's mean as hell and would love to tear some zombie's eye out.

I think you mean a zombie parakeet that would love to tear YOUR eye you.


NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

Originally Posted By: Fruitbasket

But you said something about groceries. What kind? groceries can be deadly.

a carrot has good stabbing capabilities, a spoon and a carrot i could kill zombies in the morning and have a salad in the evening grin

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

jarleGOLD Member
Lv15 Ranger
1,489 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I have an iron. Steam powered rope dart anyone?

How many points does being drunk drop me?


Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

Iron - 53% - Very good bashing tool, and effective when burning hot.

Steam powered Rope Dart - 23% - Steam powered may not be the way too go.
How about Vegy Oil powered Rope Dart?

Being Drunk - + 5 points - Being Drunk maybe a effective way to warn the Zombies.

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

CoRaySILVER Member
Hoopy Frood
16 posts
Location: Reno, NV, USA

Originally Posted By: FruitbasketBut you said something about groceries. What kind? groceries can be deadly.
The only groceries worth noting are the can of black beans and the large jar of tomato sauce. I think that I would put the two into a pillow case and swing that around like a maniac.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

-Sherlock Holmes

Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

That would be a pretty deadly weapon!

I give that a 55% chance.

Ive been thinking about this now every ware I go, and i will say in my school theres this mini statue that if a zombie where ever too attack i would go right for it and just start swinging and bashing away.

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

I have... 2 computer moniters which i could use to smash two zombie heads with, and a record collection (thankyou shaun of the dead/DJ boyfriend) a heavy duty ashtray, a ,mouse to use as a lassoo to choke a zombie neck with.. one guitar one violin and many extension leads....think thats enough to fend off a zombie attack?

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

MuckySILVER Member
Rum-Swilling Combustioneer
227 posts
Location: Macungie, PA, USA

Burningoftheclavey - don't use that mouse for a lasso! The last thing you want is to engage in a struggle to collapse a zombie's windpipe - even if you, it doesn't need to breathe, so all you've accomplished is bringing its hungry jaws closer to your person - not to mention distracting you from its buddies. Better to save that wire and use it as a tie for something, whether to rig up a weapon or defenses (computer cords are tough, but not too tough, so don't use it as a life-saving device) or as a tourniquet, should that need arise. Some zombies can be lulled with serious shreddage, so plug that guitar into Fruitbasket's amp and wail!

CoRay - don't put the tomato sauce in; it'll just break and then you'll be left with a bag of glass shards and liquid, neither of which bother zombies. If the can of beans is large enough, it should be sufficient to kill the brain (thereby killing the ghoul). You may need that tomato sauce later...

Jarle - +100 points for anything involving steam powered weapons. That's badass and I wish I had thought of it. cool But don't waste your steam - the only person you'll harm is yourself or other living people; zombies are not guaranteed to notice if their (probably decaying) flesh is melting. However, the sheer weight of an iron should be excellent for clubbing the damned back to hell.

As for carrots - if you've seen Shoot 'em Up, you know what a menace they can be, in the hands of a skilled warrior! grin

Oh, and a note for those considering using a bludgeon of any sort: Please try to avoid swinging like a maniac! You'll wear yourself out and probably wind up getting overwhelmed. Use fast, solid, well-aimed strikes to the side of the head. The average zombie will be standing, after all, and will most likely be of similar height to you, so the side of the head will be the best target. And club smart! If the zombie is standing next to, say, a corner of a brick wall, use your club to propel its skull into the wall - let your environment do the work for you if you can. You need to stay strong for the long haul, so using all your energy in a short burst to throw statues and computer monitors is not a good strategy, unless that's the only way you can escape to a place you can rest or formulate a new plan.

I watch a lot of zombie movies! sick

Bouncing Baby Pipe!

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Ok... If I was attacked at the very room i'm in now?

I would grab the 30 wooden broomsticks and throw them like javelin. Grab the bucket of juggling balls and throw them on the floor hoping they'll fall over them, take my shredder - turn it on, then throw it at them, hoping the blades will do some damage, then if all else fails... run down the other part of the office and grab a hefty trapeze bar and beat them with it.

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

blitsnimfGOLD Member
Loving Life
6 posts
Location: South of Holland

Ok you guys, i think i have the ultimate solution:
If zombies would knock at my door RIGHT NOW, they'd be knocking for the last time, because right now i am next to a cremation oven. It is not in function at the moment, so there is no heat or fire to scare them off. I would open the door of the oven and put something alive in it to lure them. if the zombies are in the oven, the only thing i need to do is to shut the door and push the button, hell will break loose!
There is only one problem....i do not see anything alive around me to lure them with...except...would a freshly brewed cup of coffee attrack them? Because if so, I WILL WIN i believe...

go go, Gadget Poi!

Fruitbasket#1 Bender Fan :D
133 posts
Location: Somewheres i tell ya!

Originally Posted By: Pink...?Ok... If I was attacked at the very room i'm in now?

I would grab the 30 wooden broomsticks and throw them like javelin. Grab the bucket of juggling balls and throw them on the floor hoping they'll fall over them, take my shredder - turn it on, then throw it at them, hoping the blades will do some damage, then if all else fails... run down the other part of the office and grab a hefty trapeze bar and beat them with it.

shocked WOAH! 30 wooden broomsticks..what are you doing with that many haha. I do see some good tactics in your plan to kill. First one to use a shredder witch is very nice. How big (size and weight) is the trapeze bar? I have no idea and may look more into this tool.

[And I love your Sig. 1984 <3..but its my second love, to bender]

ANGER IS A GIFT.You have the right to demand better!

Originally Posted By: Mr Majestikhear the news about the guy in adelaide on the weekend who walked stilts 20m high? broke the world record by taking four steps.

NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

Originally Posted By: blitsnimfwould a freshly brewed cup of coffee attrack them?

maybe a mocha would attract them zombies may have a sweet tooth?

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

the mind gap.old hand
829 posts
Location: Brigadoon

Hang on a minute, how do we know that Mr Fruitbasket here isn't a zombie in disguise, telling us "Oh, no! That wouldn't make a very good weapon against zombies," when actually what he's trying to do is steer us clear of weapons that'll really work?

As for me, I have a girly scream and arms that start flapping when I run away in fright, soiling myself. Am I safe?

wherever you go, there you are.

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

I don't think zombies care much about the quality of their meat, so pooping yoursef won't do much.

Girly screams often seem to antagonize the blighters further...

But arm flapping? Might be something there. Turn it into a windmill and you might be able to beyotch slap your way out.

God speed, stinky.

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."


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