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187 posts
Location: Oceanside, CA USA

Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th.
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have a great weekend!!!!

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Its not easy being green....

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

um...looks at watch... 3rd.

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

We're on the *points* other side of the international date like Miss but that's awesome that we're wishing them a happy 4th as well so...



Do people in any other country besides the US celebrate the Fourth of July?... just wondering

187 posts
Location: Oceanside, CA USA

I was wishing everyone a happy fourth for tomorrow jon
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I know its the third im not dyslexic.
I should have clerifyed happy fourth of july tomorrow.

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Its not easy being green....

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

well then, in which case:

i wish everyone a happy 5 of november, 24th, 25th and 26 of december, 31st of december and 1st of january!

187 posts
Location: Oceanside, CA USA

Well i should clerify even more happy fourth of july tomorrow to all the people in the US .
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For everyone else in the world have a great weekend.
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Its not easy being green....

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

"ridding around in helicopters, learning how to blow shit up"

I love the 4th!

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

646 posts
Location: Mpls, MN, USA

Originally posted by Kinudin (Soul Fyre):

Do people in any other country besides the US celebrate the Fourth of July?... just wondering

Nope, it be our independence day and ours alone

On a simular note, once when I had to fill out one of those forms with the check your nationality deal the lady behind the desk saw that I checked hispanic and asked if I was going to be celebrating Cinco de Mayo. I befuddled, than explained, in a polite way, that I'm Colombian, and that Cinco de Mayo was Mexico's independence day. Kind of ackward, didn't want to make her look stupid. I understood her side though, Mexicans are the majority of those who would check "hispanic", people arn't really exposed to any other latin culture or group.

Anywho, yeah, Happy Fourth! I personally plan on doing absolutly nothing

Fuzzy Dice.......................................

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

thats boocks..

surely hawaiiiiiiiiiiiii and i'll ask her (alaska)

do, seeing as they


american states.

646 posts
Location: Mpls, MN, USA

Originally posted by The United Chains of Fire (Jon):
thats bollocks..

surely hawaiiiiiiiiiiiii and i'll ask her (alaska)

do, seeing as they

american states.

But of course, they are part of our country He asked if any other country did, the US expands a bit beyond the 48 continental states

Fuzzy Dice.......................................

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I'm pretty sure that England breathes a sigh of relief on having gotten rid of us.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

34 posts
Location: Wageningen, NL

Actually they did
Announcement taken from a Schnews mail (UK activists), talking about Menwith (= apparently a US spy
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base in the UK, listening to all internet, telephone & radio traffic. You know, like Echelon).

If you've had enough of those nosey neighbours then get along to the Independence from America Day/Gatecrashers Ball at Menwith on 4th of July.
There will be bands, soundsystems and speakers including comedian Mark Thomas. Recommended dress is tuxedo or ball gown - and er, ladders. Why the
party clobber? Coz in Mark Thomas's words: "Menwith is a key part of the US war machine in Britain. In the absence of the non-violent zen revolution I feel the least we can is occupy it for a party for the day.

Fairford Peacewatchers are also organising a party for Independence from America and a Gatecrashers Stroll. It'll be on July 4th at Fairford airbase, where planes are loaded with B-52 bombs to drop on Iraqis. Meet up at the main car park at the top of the main street in Fairford town
Gloucestershire 3pm onwards 07932 628269

* Also at Lakenheath, Suffolk, home to 30 US Illegal Nuclear Weapons, there will be a Peacemaker's Ball. Put on a party mask and wear your best tuxedo or ball gown. Bring food, a bottle of bubbly, party poppers, ladders, Banners, Puppets, Music, Drums , People etc. More info:

Mistress AuroraHot Schtuff
1,032 posts
Location: Stillwater,OK/Wichita Falls,TX

Happy 4th of July even though it isn't until manana, even though it shows up as the 4th on the date of entry.

I will be working til 5pm and then I will come home and chill.Me thinks it will be a sloooow day in pizza land.Since most people leave for the lakes or BBQ. Drools BBQ is what I will be craving manana nite!

RISK: Do not follow the common path; Go where there is no path and leave a trail.

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

Bumpity Bump.

To the Americans reading - Happy Independance Day smile

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

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