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we would love it if you where to take a look, read the two proposals for hosting BJC 2011.
if you have any questions can you please post them on the forums there, try not to use rec.juggling, uk_jugglers, facebook etc for discussions on the proposals.
the prospective teams will answer any questions you may have.
there is also a voting option on that website to allow you to vote for either proposal (or neither).
can we ask that you take your time to read the proposals and consider them both before you "automatically" vote for your friends or which ever proposal is closest to you. Consider which would make for the best BJC.
Mini (on behalf of both teams)
meshunderlayBRONZE Member Juggler/Spinner 612 posts Location: Hicksville, New York, USA
Posted: May I ask, not sure if I noticed this when I was looking at the proposals, how is lodging in the areas? Or, on the other hand, how many awesome people per area may have crash space? ^_^ =P
willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member Hunting robot foxes 1,046 posts Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)
Posted: Its camping But the team will be able to point you to local hotels in the area easily enough as they will be putting performers up in them!
Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!
meshunderlayBRONZE Member Juggler/Spinner 612 posts Location: Hicksville, New York, USA
Posted: Ahh ok, didn't realize it was a camping affair. If I get up on stage and throw a club in the air, does that make me a performer?! ^_^