Forums > Introductions > Puk :- More than a mistevious male Pixie

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PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Don't forget we're sweet , sexy ,cute even , very talented guy's

Okay here i go

Name : Ivan (Avan)

Age : 25

Starsign : such a leo biggrin

Fav Movie : Forrest gump

Fav Music : Anything that isn't heavy Rock

Fire toy's : Whip , double and single staff , Poi's and oh stilts as well

Fav writers :- Robin hobb

Stuff i do (too many to list ).

Any bodie want to meet up and swap move's in brisbane let me know . What else can i say will have to wait .

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

and because you never got your text message yesterday coz i had a silly wrong number, you get an *extra* sparkley....
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* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

ooooooooh. sparkly... biggrin

Happiest b'day to you meester pukko! hug *kitten pounce!!!*

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Shhh it's still a very quiet secret . And i wonder wich pixie would of done that ?.

Rougie you can't say you haven't heard it .
Moonpixie thanks for the call today and see you tonight
.Nice sparkles to
Lou thanks for the kitten pounce.

This last year has taught me lot to and im grateful for a lot .

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

I might have heard it as background music in a shop, but I don't listen to the radio so there really is little chance I know what's happening in pop music

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

what is going on in my world at the moment? I keep missing birthdays eek

so, here's yet another belated birthday wish!


PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Ade how can you miss birthdays when im trying to keep Quiet about them.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

not quiet enough methinks if I know about it ubblol

ubblol ubbrollsmile

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

pukko... i hope you are coming to common ground hug are you coming to common ground? smile ... i think you should come to common ground ubblove

.:*waves pixie wand over you*:.


* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Wish i could but . Thinking of hideing in gita's bag hope she packs me in tight.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

BrennPLATINUM Member
Will carpal your tunnel in a minute.
3,286 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

We'll be thinking of you thinking of us at Common Ground smile hug


Owner of burningoftheclavey smile
Owned by Lost83spy

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.


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* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

Hi PukkoMonsta!!



Currently on the right side up of the world.

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.


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.:*some butterfly sparkles for you!*:.

* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

hey pukko

come over on saturday night for the get together...all the normal beautiful people will be there....

YAY! ubblove

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

That's a nice picture moonpixie thanks. Flynt i feel huged .
Valura see you then .

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Man it's dusty in here . What's new with everybody ?.

Me in going to dalby to work at a ethonal plant .

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
2,676 posts
Location: The countryside, Australia

Ethanol plant? eek That can't be too healthy!?


.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.


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EDITED_BY: .:* Moon Pixie *:. (1206233766)

* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

pixie, that's lovely smile

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

Do whatever makes you happy pukko smile *:.

i remember this crazy fun guy... silly and funny and totally lovable... he was a crazy-coloured-hair-whip-crackin-stiltwalker... do you remember him?
biggrin ubblove biggrin

pretty lovely guy actually... smile

* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia


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TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

margitaSILVER Member
.:*distracted by shiny things*:.
3,777 posts
Location: brizvegas, Australia


do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good to eat!

if at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished!

smile! :grin: it confuses people!

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.


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* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

I turned thirty the other day i look good for thirty .
I just look good.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

Pogo69SILVER Member
there's no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness
3,764 posts
Location: limbo, Australia

holy smokes, puk... 30...? really...? you hold your age almost as well as I do...! *chuckle*

--pogo (pat) [forever and always]

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Happy burp day pukkeroo.
biggrin hug

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

 Written by :Puk

I turned thirty the other day i look good for thirty .
I just look good.

Thats funny. I missed the birfday but happy one anyway!

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

cough wow how old is this ?.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

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