Forums > Videos > Niall Tuohy Performance,Boom Festival 2010

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KneelSILVER Member
80 posts
Location: Dublin,Ireland

Hi Home of Poi People smile

I've decided to post up my poi performance from the Boom Festival 2010,I was performing as part of a group called E-motion.The other performers were Ronan McLoughlin,Guillaume Cousson,and Chloe DeBuyl Pisco..
this was my solo in the middle,

Hope you enjoy smile


[ Unregistered ]addict
413 posts

All right, it's good performance. To make a comment I'd say I'm
missing a bit of consistency/track line/story, but what I see
many techniques glued randomly togerther. Am I right, you
improvise ? If not extra point for you. Many things are original,
some not(Ronan-thowes, Meeenik-flowers, Cyrille-contact).
I'd eliminate them and create own brand original performance.

Say no, to mainstream ! grin


KneelSILVER Member
80 posts
Location: Dublin,Ireland

"Ronan-thowes, Meeenik-flowers, Cyrille-contact"

im sorry but WHAT??
by my understanding of this it means that all throws belong to ronan,all flowers belong to meenik and all contact belong to i cant do flowers throws or contact anymore..about all thats left is standard butterfly kept in one place...

im not trying to be bad but people are getting to caught up in thinking that poi moves are owned by people,whoever created the circle must be rich from the copyright payments.

and whats the point in ronan meenik or cyrille teaching workshops if the moves they teach arent allowed be used?

(im sorry if my response is harsh or anything as i said before i dont want to be bad or insulting ive just heard too much of this from diferent people,not only directed at me but towards and from anybody who spins,and im finding it amazing..)



[ Unregistered ]addict
413 posts

Well, truly spinning is very reflexive, it's very trasparent as
a tool of story telling. So every influences you get taught by
a teacher is almost exactly the way the teacher told you. So
if you have a Meenik, Cyrille or Ronan school, which are great
spininers it'd be highly possible being recognisable for their
unique style, pattern.

But the point of accessing this classes is not to learn all the
moves they know, the way they know. But to learn the access
to spinning and use this unique access to develop your own style.

Quote:..about all thats left is standard butterfly kept in one place...
Yes, I'd love to see your buttefly and hope you get the point.



29 posts
Location: Belgium

very good performance with good moves
I like your work.

Continue in that way, it's very cool

qwertycoderBRONZE Member
43 posts
Location: USA

Very good performance! i loved the pacing most of all, each type of move had its time too shine and they went well with the music. i saw a handful of new tricks that i haven't seen before (and i watch alot of vids) and alot of transitions too. i disagree with the statement that moves belong too the artist... if it was a blatent ripoff that would be a different story, but there are lots of things that make this unique. and i envy your dancing smile

KneelSILVER Member
80 posts
Location: Dublin,Ireland

Originally Posted By: [ Unregistered ]Well, truly spinning is very reflexive, it's very trasparent as
a tool of story telling. So every influences you get taught by
a teacher is almost exactly the way the teacher told you. So
if you have a Meenik, Cyrille or Ronan school, which are great
spininers it'd be highly possible being recognisable for their
unique style, pattern.

But the point of accessing this classes is not to learn all the
moves they know, the way they know. But to learn the access
to spinning and use this unique access to develop your own style.

Quote:..about all thats left is standard butterfly kept in one place...
Yes, I'd love to see your buttefly and hope you get the point.



yeah i take your point and agree with the principle.

and thank you other posters for the nice comments smile



280 posts
Location: Hy Brasil - For real now.

I feel I would be letting myself and everyone else down if I didn't use the term "Clonan" in this thread, thank you.
Seriously Niall for all my pisstaking, I think you are a great spinner, and I wouldn't take anything [unregistered] says seriously. People who try to make their "own style" without learning what's already out there are trying to run before they can walk. You however have a huge library of tricks and I can't wait to see what comes out of your amalgamation of styles.

Never lie down with someone who has more problems than you.

Mark HustedGOLD Member
177 posts
Location: Fresno, CA USA

The second you compare yourself to others is when you FAIL!!! (unregistered) FAILS to recognize that you are an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT spinner. Personally I enjoy the performance and tricks....and don't really care where they came from or who said who invented them. I have come across plenty of movements all by my self and only later find video tutorials of the very move I discovered on my own. So in terms of originality......there are none with moves....they all exist get over the ego of owning such thing as patenting a dance move. Unregis"turds" comment flustered me so I feel better now. On a serious note only critique....change the pants. They make your cock stick out. Good for female audience members....bad for male audience members. I can see it now.....the first ever "Wet Loin Cloth Poi Competition."
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