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Profile for triptrician

SILVER Member since Feb 2010
Registered on: 25th Feb 2010
Total posts: 350

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Last Forum Posts

YAY got my passport. Cant wait to start filling it with stamps now!!!

@Refuge: You're right its not a visa its a work experience program.@AD- you have that strange fungus growing in your back yard too?any tips on getting rid of it? FinallyI WIN

@refuge: Firstly I win! and Lastly the travel plans are in documentation phase atm. Getting together my passport Criminal history checks and all that Jazz for the Visa. The group of us ...


Service and support  
24th June, 2010
Most excellently executed sale
"Would like to thank Malcolm and the guys at HoP for their excellent service. Being a first time purchaser of online goods was a little nervous of the whole process however the guys at HoP provide you with all information required plus more. Furthermore the delivery time was great arriving 3 days earlier than quoted. Thank you Home of Poi you WILL have my repeat business."
Christophe, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Feb 2010

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