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Profile for BrettStar

old hand
PLATINUM Member since Oct 2004
Registered on: 10th Oct 2004
Total posts: 765




dragonfly wings
The Balconies, The Granpians Victoria
The Magical Forest Ottaway Victoria
Lake Surprise Fairy Mt Eccles Victoria

Last Forum Posts

latest vid.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-p8-IsTodg

Hola!Im currently looking for a brizbane earthfreq return carride. actually ether way would be good... well there is better I guess... Can anyone help me out?

Im making a post for no other reason than to feel more involved


Pair of Medium Monkey Fist Wicks  
10th January, 2006
monkey fist poi heads
"these are buy far the best poi i have come across beautifully weighted..."
Schmerl, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
PLATINUM Member since Oct 2004

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Fire Fans Of Death
Sunset gypsy
My Guardian
i spin because...
Green scene
Jedi Light
Lukas Flowers
Sock Poi in a fashion parade!!
Underneath the bridge
Double white light flow
One hand cartwheel
A faerie in the trees.
20s Style Bowler Hat Fire Staff
Fire bug
Are you ready?
Sparkles in the Dark
Slacking on a Hammock
Zev and Floki of Solar Rain
Little beach flow
Earth, fire, water, wind
Stilt LED ball Juggling
Prop Wall
double antispin
shadow flames
Playing ghost
Guerrilla Flow Tribe

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