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Profile for Thrutch

BRONZE Member since Sep 2011
Registered on: 23rd Sep 2011
Total posts: 3

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Last Forum Posts

Theres a few groups in sydney, but also some down in newcastle. Ive got a few twirler friends there, not sure where they train though. Contact Circus Avalon, they probably know where to...

I ended up using a mixture of baking soda, water and dish soap. I applied it with a scrub brush, than poured a bit of vinegar onto it. The reaction plus the use of the scrub brush light...

Hey I've recently started burning twice a week and I've noticed that the bottom of my shower is getting a fine layer of a black waxy substance that I presume is fuel residue. My questi...

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Void of fire
Born in flames
ninja sticks
Fans on the Beach
LED Hooping
For the love of fire
Safety Third
Magical ball juggling
Deep focus
flow love
Danielle Good @ Play
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, USA
Rapid fire rain on the bridge :
Higher than the Sky Tower
Autumn fire
Flower of Buugeng
foot fan
balls everywhere
ring of fire
belle isle fire
Balance Beyond Duality
Never Lose Your Flame
Sock Stalls
You Can’t Get Away!
Sunset Groovin
Pirate Invasion 2015
Jedi Fire

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