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Profile for JayKitty

GOLD Member since Nov 2004
Registered on: 7th Nov 2004
Total posts: 534

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Last Forum Posts

The flow mass kinda just slide on there but because the flowmass and the cases are slightly tacky they don't fly off when you spin. flowtoys.com says a bit of alcohol will help the mass...

So I haven't been here in a while but I see things are still the same. Thanks Tom. I was just rereading this thread and watching her videos you took the words right out of my mouth.

Think about how hard you had to focus to do a butterfly or a weave when you first started. How about about 1 month of spinning? how about 1 year?In circus arts its the same deal. I've ...


Service and support  
19th August, 2005
Custom Colors
"After ordering some tribal neon paint and not have it come for a few months I was beginning to question HoP's usually spotless record. But after sending an e-mail to Chris within a few days I had my paint and was extremely impressed. Recently I put in a question about custom colors on tailed poi. Not only did Chris help me with every question but saw me through the entire process from ordering to finding out what colors were available to informing me when they had come in. HoP has the best service and support around."
Kitty, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Nov 2004

COL 2005  
8th January, 2006
COL 2005
"A nice video all around. There were some average entries but I think this one has some of the most imaginative entries too. Good moves good video good times."
Poranski, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Nov 2004

LED light stick  
8th January, 2006
Super Bright
"These things really are very light and wafer thin to boot. don't let that fool you they're super bright. Not as good as an effect but they're almost as bright as the legendary beaming poi."
Jaykitty, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Nov 2004

Ultimate performance  
18th August, 2005
Custom Tails
"These things are my favorite. I switched to tails after learning on homeade glowsticks. Those hurt and really tought you what not to do and you stopped hitting yourself and learned very quickly. After learning the basics I love the tails. It's frustrating having the tangles sure but they look really nice and the tails do help clean up what you already know. Highly reccomended I really got attached to these things. I've had mine for close to a year and I have to go through watching the tails shred from use. They've had a good spin though they'll be missed."
Kitty, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Nov 2004

Empty poi socks  
18th August, 2005
Poi Socks
"I ordered poi socks not really knowing what to expect I've spun tails fire and glow sticks before but after seeing so many videos I had to buy a pair. They have quickly become my favorite toy. I've been trying forever and I've marveled at people talking about air wrap and hyperloops and such. First day I got these I stuff some balls inside and was doing it within half an hour. Now it's one of my favorite tricks. They feel differerent then anything else... but good different. They look nice under black light and are still nice in normal day time. Like the discription says wrap around your hands a few times and spin away these things are addictive."
Kitty, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Nov 2004

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with ms universe philippines 2013.national tv
A recipe for happiness
Hypnotized by fire
The Sun
Hula Hoop in Historic Museum
Mt.Ngauruho (aka Mount Doom), New Zealand
Hooping at Garden of the Gods
Through fire and flames
CT spring jam 14
Light and dark on river sand
Seduction warms the Heart
Electric forest ❤️
Dancing With Fire
Tantalizing Tiger on FIRE!!
California night
Fire Catching Ladies
Fire snakes among the trees
This has real Poi-tential
Ghosts in the Forrest
Fire Enchantress
My new hoop from OBJ
HOP fire poi
Forest Flames
Zoning In...

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