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Profile for ElectricBlue

old hand
GOLD Member since Feb 2002
Registered on: 10th Feb 2002
Total posts: 810

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Last Forum Posts

wash it with warm soapy water and then rinse with warm waterthe silicon coating gets dirty over time which causes it to lose it's grip

I have not made them my self but i have seen people make them out of BBQ skewers, i think they bent over the end of the skewer right around so that the wick had some thing to hold on to...

I'm not sure if it necessarily looks better but it will make things smoother. hoops will not tilt as much and tricks like lifting it up your body become easier because you are pushing t...


Single Euro Classic Juggling Club  
24th January, 2018
Excellent and great value for money.
"We got these clubs because we needed a lot and fast for a passing act (15 in total). there is no way we could afford the Henrys classics that we usually juggle. Pleasantly surprised by the quality and feel for juggling, every one adjusted very quickly to the new clubs. They do feel a bit lighter than the classics and have a slightly slower spin so might not be good for fast or high number juggling. But they were actually great for passing, helped us to slow down and not race which was nice. We can Pass 7 and 8 solids with theses just fine. I will be interested to see how they hold up i think the handle tape silver layer does not seem quite as sturdy as other clubs but the wrap itself seems fine. The rest of the club seems fairly hardy,"
Jane, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Feb 2002

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