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Profile for gal

Registered on: 24th Feb 2002
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

burning clothes is really annoying, but not as damaging really as burning one's hair (not that I've ever done that ;-) )..so my advice wet your hair before spinnning and tie it if its l...

Hello,Well, my parents live in Athens so when I'm not at uni in England I visit. Only I haven't done any poi in Greece yet (I've only been there a few days over the last 6 months)...The...

The pictures are absolutely gorgeous..!Another thing that would look cool is doing poi while SKATING Unfortunately, though, that would be quite difficult to achieve, as on most ice ri...

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Pillars of Flame
fire eyes
Sweaty sustain
friendly night
Phlox KS
Hell’s ruler
A burners sunset
ice dream
Burn Out in Budapest
Through The Looking Glass
Eye Of protection
Late night poi sesh
Summoning circle
Daniele Testa Yantra
Lake Michigan Adventures
Throwing my poi in thailand
Bendy Fire Patterns
lanterns in the night
Mystical creatures with fire
The First Flower of Spring
Dragon Balls
Sirkuz Days
Lets LED da wayyy
Invisible Two-Finger Stall
Hoopie flowers

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