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Profile for heckathornjeff

SILVER Member since Jun 2005
Registered on: 22nd Jun 2005
Total posts: 1

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I used to do Rifles and Flags way back in high school. I definitely agree with you that the moves for staff are very similar to both. Without the flag and possibly having a shorter le...

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Fire and Snow
Dave and His Flute
I &lt;3 Poi
Spin LIfe
My Signature Burlesque Face
Streaks of light
LED poi trails by Lumina
New Mexican Hoop Canyon
Some mood lighting
Buzz Saw at the Drum Circle
fiery vicious circles
Indoor twirlin
Dedication and Appreciation.
Dawn of Happenstance 9
Scorch the Heavens
The first lighting
Amongst the flowers
hooping grace
Goddess Flow
mile high nights
double throw
Circle of Smiling Flames
Mad Max Twirlsquad
Pixx in Bloom
Hula Hoop in Historic Museum

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