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Profile for dromepixie

Registered on: 19th May 2002
Total posts: 1,463

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Last Forum Posts

I'm livin large in the Rocky Mountains. People should come visit this winter... PIMP! Mad mountains phat people and better beer... Too good to be true you say... I think not people... O...

Hello people...this post could be in a variety of sections but I reckon its an event...I'm moving to Boulder, CO... I'm looking for people in that area to spin with.smiles peopledrome

I was told there was no spitz on the 29th... So are people oging to be down there or not... I'm well confuzed... The studying is frazling me poor brain!so can anyone clarify... are my s...

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Ring of Fire
Kinetic Fire
Cold balance
Guerrilla Flow Tribe
Fire Wall
Ring of Fire
Zombie Stalls
Forest Clearing
The Lake
Fire Charmer
the dragon has more flame then ever
cuentos de dragon
Balancing in the Sunset
Coming Full Circle
Feel the Burn
Eclipse Burn Off
For the love of fire
Elliot Walton Circus Artist
Behold! My Alter of Divination Trinkets~
Figures of fate
Making it look hard....
fan-cy smile
hybrids 3 petals
Fan Duo
Fiery booty
Day of the Dead
Stuck Stick

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