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Profile for Katinca

Registered on: 8th May 2001
Total posts: 693

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Last Forum Posts

I saw those boots in the garbage, and thought they were well loved Gaff does wonders.

Hi All,BRING YA BOOTS! Went to the Common Yesterday, a fair few soggy bits.gum-boots (and gummy bears - different story but also nice) would be a good idea, as rain is forcast for the w...

Just a reminder to everyone..... There's no public transport to CG, it gets close (within 5km) but is not direct so you will need a car or to get a cab to the site. AND...At the Commong...

Follow your Friends

3- gotta be LED!
Live Youth Carnival Night
Pirate Invasion 2015
My killer ink.. ha
Burn it down!
just the right balance
Poi Passion
Purple Wood Nymph
Hearts Burst Into Fire
Roller-coaster of Flames
fire diabolo at a festival in Austin Tx
Nuclear burn off
i spin because...
Scary Doll
interpretation of UK weather!
Blessed by the birds
Unleash the Dragon
sacred geometry
spirit of fire
Fire and Light
Aerial arts - Cirque
Orbs of light
Just for fun
Fire Sprite Liss
Warrior Women

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