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Profile for Anonymous

Registered on: 7th Nov 2002
Total posts: 1,591

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Last Forum Posts

I made the mistake of thinking she was still addressing me when she addressed me, used an example and said "what a load of rubbish"I don't think her post is rubbish. I didn't mean to i...

I agree, I was merely offering my opinion. Untill someone said it was a load of rubbish.just to restate my opinion im not saying "under no circumstances bypass him"im saying "use discr...

I think it's a load of rubbish that you bring up the most unrelated, extreme situation you can think of.What does that kid that killed himself a couple of years ago by overdoseing and w...

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Teen Glow Fest
my hoop friends get by with no hands
Into the Woods
3 beat
free poi is a harsh mistress
Morten - Play Open Stage
4 staff juggling
Mask POI Rider
Double staff
fired battle
my practise shots
Sagittarius Arrow With Glowsticks On Shoelaces, Keepin It OldSkool! @ Ravers Only: Cant Stop Raving featuring Dune in NYC
make magic happen
A dark night of fire
Hoop spiral
Un peu de chaleur
Static Symmetry
Flarts with tourists
fire, walk with me.
Late Night Lights
new fire whip performance 2014
Plague Doctor
Florida Sunset

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