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Profile for Wengrid

Registered on: 29th May 2006
Total posts: 10

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Last Forum Posts

Having said that i think the questions you have to answer before you can donate blood puts some people off. Also for those of us who dont go looking to do it but might be willing to do ...

When poin attacks........This happened to my friend using my fluffy poi at a party saturday night. Its a good job it wasnt normal poi or fire poi. The fact that we caught the effect on ...

Yeah... my sister still wont eat the biscuit bottom. when i was little i used to only eat the bottom of chocolate cheesecakes (she'd have both the tops, i'd have both the bottoms), but ...

Follow your Friends

Heart burn
Devine Fire
Kenaz Concepts - Fire Megababe
Flag Poi at Decatur Square
Flaming sword
Follow the sun...
Next Generation
All Smiles
contact juggling ninja
Handcuffed face spin
Dark Era
A Light in the Dark
dancing with fire
Harvest Moon
Blazin Razin
Flaming Scythe
Danger on one wheel
Hoop spiral
orange mecanique
LazyAngel¬Fire in Yangshuo
Festival of Lights 2018
Led hooping at Wonderfields
The Circle
Fijian kids loving poi
magic stick

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