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Profile for CelticHippy

Registered on: 2nd Nov 2006
Total posts: 12

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

As I pointed out earlier, I am not a PHP guru, and Nuke seemed the easiest way to go. I spent a lot of time putting together the colors and layout and wanted it to be more than just the...

Just to let everyone know, I have redone the layout of the site. Let me know what you think!

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, absolutely, if there are any articles or ideas you have for content, please contact me! Thanks!

Follow your Friends

Lighting up their eyes
pendulum dreams
Ninja Syuriken
Whisby Wonder
The world in my hand.
third eye
Temple to Music - Roger Williams Monument
Jo Black - Fire Sword
Keep Portland Weird
Feelin the love at Friendsgiving 2015
Through the looking glass
Body burn
Led Poi in Barcelona
Felix the Fire-Cat
Galaxy Flowers
sparkling lights
Flaming Santa
I can see it in your eyes
Fakir S Staff
A man and his fire
mystic smoke screen
sunset smile
Glitter Orbital
~Full On Elvin Fire Flow~
iannà tampé
Fire love
lembu sora

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