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Profile for Reddevil

BRONZE Member since Jul 2001
Registered on: 24th Jul 2001
Total posts: 28

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Last Forum Posts

I just attatch the glowstick to a keyring at the bottom of my tennis balls

Im not sure i beleive that certain stones will bring me luck or love ect, i thiink its just what you want to beleive, i was at a party 3 years ago, and this guy who i never met picked u...

Definately Star TrekThe borg are the bestresistance is futile!!!

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Flaming Dancer
Come on Baby Light my Fire
levitating fire ball
Mother Hooper
Fire Orb
So-Cal Sessions
fire battle
Candy Skull Hoops
ring of light
the taste of fire
Post workshop chill
fire spinning
We’re all mad here..
The only one last bit of nature
Pele, the fire goddess
Firey skies
my hoop friends get by with no hands
the circle of fire
Balance & Light
DIY Palm Torches
Tooth holds are fun
Attention grabbing opener
When the flowerstick shines, I shine.
Steampunk Fire
marama swirl
Red Carpet Buffet
Fun Orbitals
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