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Profile for DrexFactor

GOLD Member since Jul 2007
Registered on: 17th Jul 2007
Total posts: 73

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Last Forum Posts

I'm starting a series this week on how to do gunslingers, starting with entries and exits I'll also be covering spiral wraps, weaves, and flowers with this type of tether manipulation. ...

A number of years ago, a gentleman by the name of Adam Dipert showed me the basics of how trig functions could be used to model basic poi flowers. In the years since, I've used these ba...

This is a tutorial series on how linear extensions can be used to break down everything from flowers to polyrhythm hybrids and third-order motions. The lesson get broken down with the a...

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Call the fire department cause its smoking hot
Fire and Ice
A beautiful branch
LeFreak of the Party
Myk Yp - Dragon Staff - UK
The magic of fire
fire inside
Bendy aerialist
Burning desire
Autumn impression
Cloudy Hoop
Harley Hellfire Qunizell
Against the Dark Side
Light and dark on river sand
Levitation Wizardry
Helicopter wings
Feeling The Heat
Sunset flips
ambitus flow tergum
Fire hoop flower
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