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Profile for Mr Majestik

Mr Majestik
Carpal \'Tunnel
SILVER Member since Mar 2004
Registered on: 9th Mar 2004
Total posts: 4,696

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Last Forum Posts

dammit. i was winning a minute ago when Mike asked if i was winning... of course i had to look in social chat & realise i just lost the game :(

welcome Sonja!i think we need to discuss this nutella choice a bit further... have you even tried vegemite? and dont forget there is the often neglected promite. you shouldnt be so fir...

me too, first time back in at least 5 years. seeing how quiet it is feels like walking into my childhood home without the furniture or family there


LED light stick  
9th August, 2006
nice price fun and pretty!
"at a very reasonable price these LED light sticks are the perfect toy to take to parties as they fit easily in pockets or handbags. as luminous as any glowstick i've found on the market these LED sticks look excellent when swung like poi or can simply be pendants hung around the neck. unlike glowsticks the LED light sticks can be turned off when not in use and the battery can be changed by simply taking out three screws. worth considering as a reusable alternative to glowsticks and at basically the same price very affordable!"
Brian, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Mar 2004

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