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Profile for Sister Eleven

Sister Eleven
GOLD Member since Aug 2009
Registered on: 2nd Aug 2009
Total posts: 1,277

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That's actually kind of a universal feature of everything I learn. Forget about it for a week, come back to it, suddenly it's cake.

I will see what I can do! I've got nowhere to spin indoors, and the weather is likely to be crud until June, but if the opportunity comes up I will take it!

So the heavier your handle gets, the more it pulls the center of gravity of the prop out of the ball. This introduces wobble, or in the case of extreme weightings like 1:3 or 1:2, the &...


Maori Moko Mask  
16th January, 2010
Delicious Delicious Hardware
"When I first saw these I thought they must be massive since I had been using 8 swivels from a marine fishing supply company and those are huge. But since they were much cheaper than my 8s I decided to make the switch. I was pleasantly surprised to find that these apparently due to a difference in the sizing systems between the US and New Zealand are 2/3 the size of the monsters I'd been using before. I think these are the perfect size for ColeCord since the rings comfortably fit doubled cord without adding an enormous hunk of metal to your poi; they're easily strong enough for use on fire toys; and since twenty of these cost me less than half of what a dozen of my old swivels did they're yet another one of HoP's irresistible bargains. If you're building your own poi you need these."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Single MB Stage Contact Juggling Ball - 3.15 Inch 80mm  
17th July, 2010
Fantastic Poi Heads
"I have bought several pairs of these for making pendulum poi and the result are some of my favorite poi. They're comparable to a monkey fist wick in terms of weight and most of the colors (I've used the pink orange purple white and yellow) are bright and visible. The exception is the purple which is great in sunlight but may be too dark in other settings. I would recommend these to anyone who needs a poi head with a good weight to it; to those interested in experimenting with contact moves; or to anyone looking to make poi that will look great in daytime settings where fire or LED wouldn't stand out."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Single Expert Knob  
24th April, 2010
Handy grip for poi
"I bought these for making a pair of contact poi. There's not a whole lot to them and they're a little lighter than I'm used to but their texture makes them the handiest grip of this size that I could ask for. The material has a lot of friction so it's not easily going to go flying out of your hand and it's soft enough that it's not hard to drill or cut it to meet your needs."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Crystal Case  
26th February, 2010
An essential accessory for the flowlights
"The primary virtue of the crystal case is as a diffusive medium for the flowlight. It makes the glow look bigger instead of it being a few small points of light in a plastic stick. The flowlight plus the crystal case weigh about the same as a tennis ball and a weight sleeve will bump it up to about 100g. They might look like they have a slightly yellowish tint but when the flowlight is on you can't even tell."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Flowlight FS  
26th February, 2010
The best thing after fire
"While the initial cost to get a pair of flowlights into a poi-worthy setup may seem daunting they really are worth it. They remain the most attractive and fun LED toy because while the colors are fixed the strobe and fade effects add texture and vitality to the trails so you don't just have big solid streaks of color. And not only are they bright and great to look at in person but they are fantastic for photographing. Add to all of this that they're designed to use rechargeable AAA batteries making them much cheaper by the hour than cell battery options and these are all around pretty impossible to beat."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Lessons Encyclo-Poi-dia 2  
19th February, 2010
Elements of Technique
"An ambitious volume that covers everything from timing/direction to warming up and structuring practice to the basics of performing. It relates to its predecessor brilliantly; it overlaps very little but still stands independently by breaking down many important pieces of technique. It's like a Lego set giving you the parts to build and explore your moves. (It has also learned from many of the original Encyclopoidia's weaknesses in presentation.) I give it four stars because it felt at times like it sacrificed depth in favor of breadth but there is certainly more than enough here to keep a spinner exploring for a good long time."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

The Scales of Poi - Lessons  
22nd January, 2010
Mastering the fundamentals
"Every skill level of spinner will benefit from the advice in The Scales of Poi. The fundamentals of poi are not any set of tricks but plane control and the ability to move around. Nick's video is a light-hearted reminder not to get complacent in spinning but to actively push out to find the places we lack control and to establish the ability to move in even seemingly useless ways (see his section on Grooves). There are tips on a few very simple moves but primarily with this free-movement centered focus in mind; but if you take this advice you'll be better equipped to pick up and understand any move you come across. I omit a fifth star only because it didn't completely blow my mind and I felt like it could have done more with its technical exploration. I still recommend it emphatically; if you need one poi video you need this one."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

No. 10 Swivel  
16th January, 2010
Delicious Delicious Hardware
"When I first saw these I thought they must be massive since I had been using 8 swivels from a marine fishing supply company and those are huge. But since they were much cheaper than my 8s I decided to make the switch. I was pleasantly surprised to find that these apparently due to a difference in the sizing systems between the US and New Zealand are 2/3 the size of the monsters I'd been using before. I think these are the perfect size for ColeCord since the rings comfortably fit doubled cord without adding an enormous hunk of metal to your poi; they're easily strong enough for use on fire toys; and since twenty of these cost me less than half of what a dozen of my old swivels did they're yet another one of HoP's irresistible bargains. If you're building your own poi you need these."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Pair of EMPTY Cone Poi  
19th December, 2009
Some of my favorite practice poi
"I first got a pair of cone poi when I wanted to start applying what I'd learned with stretchy socks to something that handled more like fire poi. I like the wide range of colors they come in (good for mismatching sets) and the durable material that lets me use heavier balls than the foxy socks can really handle. Also I prefer spinning with longer poi and the large size is perfect for me (and they wrap comfortably when going short). I do have to say however that my opinion of them has changed over time. They could stand to have a bit more slip to them. The material has a lot of friction and things like air wraps that work for me on practically every other pair of poi I own are much harder on these. I still give them four stars though because they have a good feel to them and I think they have a visual presence that something like Colecord poi lack."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Empty LED Ultrapoi  
19th December, 2009
Long fun socks
"I first started spinning with Zuni streamer poi and I continue to have a soft spot in my heart for them. I wanted to try these because I had found that flat tails fly better than the vertical ones on the Zunis. These are a lot of fun. The white is very bright and visible even without an LED product and the streamers are seriously long with a fun flutter at the tail end from the forked design. I add these to my colecord poi when I really want to show off my flowers and extensions because they trace the path of the poi gorgeously. Just make sure you have a swivel near the head of your poi otherwise these will wrap themselves around the cord pretty quickly."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Length of 5/32 Inch 4mm ColeCord  
19th December, 2009
Really Nice Cord
"I gave this a try after hearing about it here and there for a bit and I have hardly spun with anything else since I made my colecord poi. While I think accounts of its bounciness have been exaggerated the cord has a couple of other great properties that I think make it so fun to spin with. First it's self-cushioning so it's really comfortable to grip any part of the cord and spin from there. Second the amount of friction is great for air wraps/orbitals etc; I haven't been able to do orbitals on anything else yet but I can do them with my colecord. I've only tried the Mayan Purple and Geometry Red colors but both are vivid and appealing. Further 60 feet of the stuff (that's enough to make ten pairs of my poi with doubled cords) cost me just under $15! For what you get out of it I doubt there's a better bargain."
Vidrine, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

Pair of Empty Styled Foxy Sock Poi  
13th November, 2009
These keep growing on me.
"Since buying my first pair of these I've ended up buying five more and only one of those because I accidentally tore a pair. All the colors are visually appealing and the slick stretchy fabric means that wraps have a real spring to them. Not to mention they're easier than any of my other poi to untangle--grab the heads and pull them apart. They are by far my favorite poi to practice new moves with and definitely the least painful. They're not the sturdiest things under the sun and I've had to repair the seams once or twice (usually after using heavier weights or I try something that ends up tangling and I tug before I've noticed). But when buying an order of three or more pairs even with U.S. shipping they're still cheaper by the pair than actual knee socks from the nearest store."
Sister, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Aug 2009

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