Showing some pride uploaded by jrogersits2326

Final results

Showing some pride

June 16th was truly a night of firsts. My first flow performance, my first Pride event, and the first time I felt indestructible. Taking the stage and watching peoples faces react with enthusiasm and wonder reminded me of what it means to be part of an industry built on excitement. The love I witnessed reminded me of what it means to be part of a community built on strength and inclusiveness. But most of all, this night and this chance to step onto a stage reminded me of what it means to be proud of myself for the transformations and growth that have come from every step that has lead me here.
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Submitted on 2017-06-29 Views:6974
Showing some pride

As picked by HoP
1. Steaming hot entered by stroppymare77
2. Showing some pride entered by jrogersits2326
3. Disco of the Dead entered by Mitch Wirtz

No. 1
The call of the Warrior
No. 2
Wake up!!!
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
No. 6
Dark Bunny
No. 7
No. 8
Masquerading at Midnight
No. 9
Showing some pride
No. 10
Harley Quinn fire staff
No. 11
No. 12
Steaming hot
No. 13
No. 14
No. 15
No. 16
Post-Apocalyptic Performance
No. 17
Jestered Dragon
No. 18
Scary Doll
No. 19
show leds
No. 20
Renegade Park Rave
No. 21
Disco of the Dead
No. 22
Balance with torch
No. 23
The Hat Juggler
No. 24
Maeve From The Fields
No. 25
Dead Jester
No. 26
Playing with my beautiful balls..
No. 27
Scar with spinoptics
No. 28
Voo doo doll
No. 29
Clown lives matter
No. 30

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