Learn Beginner Arm Moves - Rolling Waves

Fire Fans - Rolling Waves

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PLATINUM Member since Jun 2004
  Published on 1 Sep, 2007

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A simple and effective-looking move.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Position your hands shoulder width-apart, facing each other as if you are about to clap with them, your elbows touching your ribs. Turn your left hand so that your palm is facing downwards, and turn your right hand so that your palm is facing upwards. Perform both of these moves while moving your hands to the right, keeping your arms parallel and your elbows firmly against your ribs.
Once you cannot move any further without separating your elbows from your ribs, move your arms the other way and roll your wrists so that your palms change direction. Your left palm should now be upwards, and your right palm should be downwards. Once you move far enough to the left, turn once again and move your arms to the right: Left palm down and right palm up.

From a spectators point of view, this will look like waves of fire that are rolling in the same direction backwards and forwards from left to right. You can also adapt this move slightly so that your palms roll outwards and inwards.
Finally, if you dip your hands downwards as you roll your palms from the upwards to downwards position, your waves will make shallow figure of eights which are pleasant to see.

Additional notes: As shown in the video, you don't necessarily need to keep your elbows fixed to your sides. Allowing a few inches is okay :)


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Comments/replies: 2
Member #31205
Reged: Feb 2006
Post23rd Aug 2011 9:53 AM 

How is he holding the fans (finger in the loop or out)?

Sursie M.
Member #161004
Reged: Nov 2012
Post8th Jan 2013 8:40 PM 

You're the first guy I've seen that actually dances

Comments/replies: 2


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