Learn Jaime Garbutt in India teaching Poi - Jaime Garbutt in Indi

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Interviews - Jaime Garbutt in India teaching Poi

HOP • Published on 30 Apr, 2013

Jaime Garbutt has been doing POI with children of Renganathapuram, whilst working as part of the Association of Rural Education and Development Service (AREDS) and children's Theatre School in India.

"You should see how they react when I come out with POI and , even when I am going about my day to day business, many come up and ask, or sign, such is our communication (I really do need to learn Tamil) whether I can bring out the POI. I have brought poi along to workshops and allowed them to play during lunch and break times, they love it and I have absolutely no doubt what-so-ever that all the children exposed to the arts that we, as an international poi community love, will greet it with as much enthusiasm and joy as has been the case so far....
We are all thrilled with the way they have taken to it. When ACTS is completed, many more children will benefit from the equipment once things are organized and we start holding workshops and gatherings up at the ACTS site.We thought you would like some photos of the children in action...
This was a small gathering with the children of Renganathapuram with the aim of deciding who would like to, and could do some performing at the inauguration ceremony. "

Home of Poi donates POI and juggling equipment sets to use at the Children's Theatre School.

Much thanks to Jaime and all those that spread the love and joy of our arts .


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