Forums > Social Chat > Can one of the Londoners please tell me something.

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15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Is there a general consensus going round london that says:

Ignore any attempts from UCOF to get in contact via Txt.

I have texted loads of you and NOT ONE of you have replied.

Im sorry a million gajillion squillion times for loosing the t shirts, but i cant belive how pathetic some of you are for ignoring me.

I cant just wave a ****ing magic wand and make the t shirts appear...and i know its not helpful of me at all being in Kent and not in london looking over every inch until i find them.

IM just ****ing pissed off that some of you who i thought were my REAL friends, those who would stay with me through anything, arent talking to me.

If you want me to delete you from my phonebook, close down my HOP account and never show my face in Spitz or Clapham, then just tell me to and I will.

3,149 posts
Location: London

don't be silly jon, there's no conspiracy going on and noone's ignoring you for the t-shirt incident (which was partly my fault anyway )

have i been ignoring any of your texts?

i'm quite used to just smiling and not bothering to reply when you send me random bizzareness.

i'd need to develop special extra fingers if i was actually going to reply to ALL of them you txt monster.

now have a and stop being so paranoid (that'll be too much i presume?)

"Switching between different kinds of chuu chuu sometimes gives this "urgh wtf?" effect because it's giving people the phi phenomenon."

1,810 posts
Location: London

Jon darling Calm down will you take this and wrap it around yourself......and breath.

Honey people are not ignoring you.

I for one haven't returned texts because as per Jon you send me daft wibble texts that make me smile

We love you darling boy, please don't ever forget that.

Snuggles and fluff


A kiss blown is a kiss wasted, the only kind of kiss is a kiss tasted.

I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating and not just a LITTLE bit scary.

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

i replied to your txts did i not?

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

UCOF! dont stress it dude, fi you aint happy in kent or london dude, you can come to sheff or stoke and play with me, (according to sir_sheep i am teh sheff version of you) so we should ge on, but ill always talk to you man......just pm me!?!

later days

Step (el-nombrie)

Matthew B-MLemon-Aware Devilstick-wielding Operative
605 posts
Location: East London Wilds

Bah, I'm just going to feel left out because you haven't sent me any texts to reply to...

Luv 'n' Lemons
purity :: clarity :: balance

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

Babe... I been generally outta touch! Didn't even know you lost the shirts and that is so not an issue. We all love you loads.

Have another hug darling:

smiles n hugs always


colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

i lost my phone so i was out of touch for two weeks.

i replied to all the ones i received dude

and to be honest, you're pretty lucky - ask anyone and they'll tell you that i'm generally shit with mobile phones - i'm one of those strange people that doesn't take it everywhere and i even turn it off sometimes

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

AlienfoxSILVER Member
130 posts
Location: United Kingdom

I just don't like you Jon

Non-Https Image Link

- Alienfox -

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

You've only sent me 2 texts since I went on a 5 hour mission to visit you in Canterbury, and I replied to 1 of them.

That's a whopping 50% reply rate which isn't bad for me since I keep forgetting to read them.

How did your philosophising lecture go?
And why were you there in the first place?

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Walk down the hill Jon. WALK down the hill.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

The_Pirate_Dyke_BoyHOP Lord of the Pirate Admiralty
1,079 posts
Location: Canterbury, UK

erm yeh thanks for txting me too jon, and i thought we had something special...

silly boy!!! as if we hate you for loosing the shirts.

as Rosa sed at reading: "hes too silly not to love!"

big pooftah!

X x X x X

Ship off the starboard! sound general quarters! noise and light discipline! man the cannons! GET ME THE RUM!

Master of the Free Hug Program

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

Oi! I sent you lots of texts on Friday, and I sent you one today (by textstream as my phone battery died). So I am Noone am I!!

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

I think i replied to your text before i ran out of credit

And Jon honey how could anyone not stay friends with you, we all love you Just look at the replies for this thread.

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

On a serious note, Jon, I think you have way more friends than most people. Take a minute or two and appreciate what ya got!

Outside of firespinners (which I only hang with at spinning activites)... I only like having a small handful of close friends. I'm pretty sure you've got HOARDES compared to me. So appreciate what you got kid. And sometimes people get busy all at the same time. That's why God made the TV.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

jon, the only person that sends me texts is Durbs. So count yourself lucky.

I'm still waiting for a reply from bammers from about a week ago - it only required a yes or no answer.

And Smallboy didn't reply to my siamese twins text last night (although my brother says that might be cos i'm the only person in the UK that hasn't heard it before).....

oh and jez hasn't said thanks for me texting him directions to the sheffield train station, nice sandwiches and helpful tips on visiting grimsby yet either.

PM me your number and i'll devote a small portion of my last (for a big long while) 59p of credit to sending you texts before i go away....


9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Heh... the only person that texts me is my Dad. But that's because texts aren't cool in the US.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I think i texted you one time NYC. But that's only cos you half inched the Phone of the Bam whilst you were in the UK.


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Originally posted by United Caravan Owner's Federation:
Is there a general consensus going round london that says:

Ignore any attempts from UCOF to get in contact via Txt.

I once met a lad at a free party that was absolutely convinced that the everyone there had been told not to talk to him. He'd been going round asking people if htey'd been told not to talk to him and people were winding him up.

Of course the situation was created by and enflamed by the fact that he was on his first ever acid (and all his mates had wandered off and left him at a party with approx 1000 strangers) and the fact that some people like to wind up acid casualties.....

Took me ages to calm him down.


Flower fairyBRONZE Member
98 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

God Cantus that is soooo awful for that guy! That happened to my boyfriend too. Took me ages to even get him to trust me. Thank goodness you were there to sort his head out. You star

Jon how could everyone not like you any more cos of some tshirts silly. Friends are more important than material things. I havnt even met you in person and I like you and I can see from these responses that you have some good friends

Butterfly kiss to you


some people take a walk in the rain and others just get wet

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