Rick aka LokiBRONZE Member
134 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Peace and Love to everyone! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Happy Days and nights.I'm trying to figure out how to flip while using poi. Does anyone do this in their act?Without poi, I can do a no-handed cartwheel. Does anyone know how best to swing the poi while doing this move? I've seen it done with staff, but I'm having trouble visualizing how to manage it with fire chains.Thanks a bunch. grin-Rick

-Rick aka Loki
oh, man, a signature?... uuh... this is like coming across wet cement... uuh, shoot, I had something clever I was saving... I hope I don't run out of sp

53 posts
Location: Denver, Co.

I spin with a guy that does a front handspring in the middle of forward spinning he just slams them to the ground while going into the handspring. For a no-handed cartwheel how about either chasing the sun or maybe even a giant windmill?

How is it ever possible to feel safe and secure in a world in which everyone dies?

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