Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > one-handed cartwheel w/ 2 poi

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26 posts
Location: Woodinville, WA, USA

I sent this to a list on this site some time ago, but don't think it read... It's a move worth becoming known, so I'm re-posting it.I haven't been active on these forums, and don't really know anybody here, but my experience with poi is over 4 years, and other than a few main moves I learned much of what I know on my own. The last year or so, however, this web site has been a great help for re-inspiring my interest and teaching me more advanced moves, if not at least letting me know that some of the moves I've thought about but been unable to do are actually possible...!With that said, it's quite possible to do a one-handed cartwheel (super-advanced would be no-handed...) whilst swinging BOTH (OK, at least one actively) poi.The cartwheel that I do for this is sort of cross-over; starting with my Left foot forward, with my right hand I reach in front of me to the left side and cartwheel in a straight line, ending facing the opposite direction with the right foot forward. It can be done with a spin as well, which makes the legs come up less vertically...To begin learning with poi in hand, what I did was hold only the Left-hand poi, circling forward (down in front, up in back...) vertically. Then cartwheel on the right hand, keeping the circle in the same vertical path. It took me a bit to keep the poi from hitting my legs; it just takes some doing.After getting only the left-poi down, with both hands, the left-poi does the same as mentioned, and the right-poi makes a sort of horizontal sweep onto the ground, bouncing as the right hand is placed on the ground through the cartwheel. If you're *really* good, you might be able to get the right poi to make a full circle without noticeably stopping on the ground, but I'm not there yet...Post questions here, I'll do my best to answer!-Ryan


341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Josh posted about this move a couple of months ago. His girlfriend can almost pull it off (she can probably do it properly now) whilst doing a one handed! smile

Girl From Marsmember
168 posts
Location: Liverpool, NY, USA

i use to take gymnastics a long time ago so i figured i would attempt this. i got a one handed cartwheel while spinning my glowsticks in my left hand. i use to be able to do a no handed cartwheel, i think i might re teach myself then attempt it with my glowsticks. i'll keep you guys posted on my progress. ------------------the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

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