53 posts
Location: Dacula, GA, USA

I've been toying a little w/ doing a forward butterfly and switching to a reverse butterfly w/ a 180, and vice-versa. I've also been toying with going from a forward at one side of my body to a reverse at the other (seems a lot harder than w/ the 180). I remember reading 1 post about an around the world butterfly and was curious how it is supposed to work.I'm guessing it is supposed to go from the right side, to in front, to the left, and repeat since going over your head for part of it would mean moving your body to bring it to a different side. If that is the case then do you have to alternate from forward to reverse each time you move it in a different position, or ...?Lastly, if anyone can do a fluid switch from rev. bf to bf w/ a 180 then *please* tell me how. Whenever I do it I have my right hand on top, split my wrists just slightly (I don't really pull them apart much, just rotate) and basically do a high turn, dropping back into a forward bf. The problem is that I get sort of a wild beat above my head/behind my back and in order to drop in back into a forward bf I have to bend at the knees, thus I lose fluidity (shrug). I prolly just need more practice. smile

36 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

I never know the proper names for the moves I know, but I'm pretty sure (from your description, Lamar) that it's something I've been doing. What I tend to do, is as I begin to turn the 180 degrees, I slightly cross my wrists (the right on top), and as I finish facing the opposite direction, I bring them back together again, with the right wrist still on top. For me, the motion is perfectly fluid, and there is no chance of the chains tangling, or the wicks smacking each other (or myself) smileWhat gets me everytime, is that when I am doing a forward butterfly, and am about to do the 180 into reverse, I need to make sure my left wrist is the one on top, otherwise I tangle my chains. Starting with left wrist on top doing forward, I 180 turn and end up doing reverse with my right wrist on top. Is that the same for you too, or am I just wonked? grin ------------------"From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring." TOLKIEN

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring.

309 posts
Location: Tampa, Fl

Lamar,Yeah, that is a really cool transition into one day... I stopped myself, and said... whoa, back up! This opens up a whole new world! smileIt took me a day to get it down, and then it was sloppy. After much practice and learning all 4 ways, I can do them all fluidly without having to separate my wrist at all. Just practice and it will come.I am curious. I couldnt visualize what you were describing about the butterfly to high turn; it sounds really cool... could you run through it one more time?


53 posts
Location: Dacula, GA, USA

Evenstar: Sweet! So I can do a 180 w/o switching the direction of the spin? Hehhe... that is going to be a *hell* of a lot easier than trying to go from frickin' rev. to forward back to rev. Sweet! smileAlso, the way you do it is identical to me. It is a lot easier for me to do a forward bf w/ my left on top than a rev. bf w/ my left on top and although I have tried to just keep my right on top for the full switch-over, I have failed miserably and I don't think it is very possible. If it is I doubt it would be fluid, anyway, so your not just wonked... we both are! smileShibaki: Whatcha mean by all 4 ways?About the rev bf->bf turn... for me (and Evenstar) I have my right on top of my left in a reverse butterfly directly in front of me. Then, on the bottom of the swing I give an extra push up and I turn my hands away from each other (both wrists facing up) for my switch-over. All of that basically happens while I turn. Now I can't see it myself, obviously, but best I can figure is that it is basically a high-turn but sort of reversed. So a high-turn basically makes the poi spin a circle in front of you and behind your back and you complete the turn to drop them back at your sides. What mine does when I split it is basically make the poi do 2 circles at my side and then drop back to 2 circles in front (butterfly). My problem comes from the fact that the rev. butterfly breaks high, so when I drop the poi to my sides to turn they have to slash up and towards my head in order to complete the direction-shift, thus causing me to have to drop my knees down a little to pull the butterfly back out (and not get decapitated). smile Suggestions?

309 posts
Location: Tampa, Fl

When I figured this one out, I practiced with them swinging opposite directions, one on my left and one on my right side. Then I brougt one over at a time. 4 ways means: going from forward, turning to your leftgoing from forward, turning to your rightgoing from reverse, turning to your leftgoing from reverse, turning to your rightIt was tricky learning some of the direction changes... but worth it.Your high turn idea sparks some ideas over here! Thank you.------------------We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.~Edgar Cayce


protozoaGOLD Member
148 posts
Location: Baltimore, MD USA

The combo I've been calling the 'around the world butterfly' goes something like this:1. Do a forward butterfly in front of you2. Move both of your hands behind your left hip, do a butterfly beat there3. Move both of your hands back to front and center, do one butterfly beat4. Move both of your hands behind your right hip, do butterfly beat thereThen go back to front and center again. Then back to the left side, and back to center, then to the right side, then back to center.I will be putting together some kind of video lesson for this combo as a lot of people seem interested in it. There's a video of me doing it briefly..lemme dig up the link and i'll edit this post with a link...

53 posts
Location: Dacula, GA, USA

Shibaki: Share the wealth, man! If ya got ideas I definately wanna hear 'em! Especially if you have an idea of how I might be able to smooth out my turning. smileI'm really surprised that you haven't actually already tried to do 180 turns switching from rev. bf to bf. Thats all I'm doing really... it isn't really a high turn so to speak, it is just the natural path the strings have to take to complete the move. Dropping from bf->180->rev. bf involves a pseudo-low turn just like the other involves a pseudo-high turn. The difference is I can pull off the bf->180->rev. bf real smooth and I'm real urked by the fact that the opposite isn't just as smooth 'cause it seems to me like it should be. (shrug)Protozoa: That'd be kickass man! I'm definately looking forward to seeing it. Do you switch from forward to reverse at all or do you stay 1 direction the whole time?

309 posts
Location: Tampa, Fl

OHHHH!Yeah, youre right, i do the 180 turns when i switch from forward to rev bf; not always, but its fun. I think that Protie stays in one direction the whole time. I saw a vid of Jo Derry doing this, couldnt figure it out until I did it...I havent tried out my new ideas yet; havent really had a chance to yet. The concept though is to go from rev butterfly, to high turn??? to forward weave. It sounds like it might be feasable. Im sure it is. When I get that, Im sure it will open up new worlds. ------------------We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.~Edgar Cayce


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