Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > anybody use this move? will!

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touchBRONZE Member
61 posts
Location: London (S.E), England (UK)

Ever have problems finding ways to get into the butterfly smoothly? Here`s my way.....Do the bkw weave, and turn as if you are turning into the fwd weave. When you start to turn, open up your poi into two circles next to each other. With the poi in your right hand draw a figure of 8 (on it`s side) and you should be able to change its direction without stopping it. You end up in a bkw butterfly and from`s up to you!Do you know what I mean (my explanations are always cak!) SORRY.Peace, Love, Light, and Good Night(I`m tired)*TOUCH*P.s When you turn, turn to your left.

"Music is my mother...and my is my work and my love" Jeff Buckley.

309 posts
Location: Tampa, Fl

I think I can visualize it... It will take a little practice, but it sounds neat. Always looking for ways to make that transition!Ill let you know how it turns out, thanx!------------------We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.~Edgar Cayce


SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

huuuh...very cool...never thought of that. Now can you do that with in one beat?? Or do you have to splititme it a few beats then go into the BF?Ineed to try this at home tonight..Good stuff touchSuper'

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

4 posts
Location: Boston

Here's what I've been playing with. . . .If you are spinning the poi forwards, when they come to the top to the circle start to bring them across your body as if you were doing a simple crossover. When they get inline in the front of your body stop moving them across your body and keep them spinning there- you will be doing a reverse butterfly. If you start spinning in reverse you can get into the forward butterfly by doing a similar move - starting a reverse cross over and stopping it half way in forward butterfly.You can move in and out of the butterfly and the reverse butterfly this way in one beat. Kind of fun.Cheers.

2 posts
Location: On the Road

A quick way to get into the butterfly from the weave is to just do a quick wrap on the leg to reverse the direction of one poi..Also, the thread-the-needle move is a good transition getting from one side to the other in one beat... Doing Thread-the-needle inwards & outwards will allow you to stand perprendicular to the butterfly move and just drop it back & forth on both sides of your body without having to separate for a beat. Also standing with the butterfly going in front of you, use those motions to move the poi under your arms on each side while still doing butterfly motion.-pasha

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

i know when i want to go into a BF from a weave, I just hesitate for a second, almost a full stall with my right hand, sort of like im going to go into a criss cross (like when jumping rope) And i jus angle my wrist just right and it will go into a forward BF. i use to have to lean to the left to do it, but now that ive gotten better at it, i can just weave, then without any transition moves i go into the BF."S"------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams"- Willy Wonka

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

ReddevilBRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: Den-Haag, Holland

I always go into a butterfly by spinning backwards in equal time, then cross your arms over and do an over the head butterfly, when you bring your arms down your in a forward butterfly, its very simple and cant go wrong.

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