Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > How to start learning 'btb' moves?

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Location: London UK

I am having real problems with all the btb moves... I have beeb just trying to swing the poi forwards with my arms crossed behind my back, not even trying any moves or anything, just a double cross behind the back... and no matter how hard i try i always hit myself. I am beginning to think i'm simply not flexible enough!!!Is it cheating if I learn them all behind the head instead?------------------"O! for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention." - William ShakespeareCheck out my Online Gallery!B l A c K i E

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LizzybethLizzy hearts sunshine hoop
272 posts
Location: midlands!

heehee cheers smile i had a brain wave and replaced my fairly painful tennis balls *dont know why they are so non bouncy and painful* and replaced them with my small juggling balls. feels much better biggrin i keep getting it but as soon as i realise it works i mess it up :P will keep trying.

if i could be a busy busy bee...

LizzybethLizzy hearts sunshine hoop
272 posts
Location: midlands!

ow. my eye hurts. wiggled at the wrong time...flailling arms truned out to be a bad idea ..heehee

if i could be a busy busy bee...

MolochSILVER Member
Shirt-Cocker Extraordinaire
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Location: Colorado, USA

Haha, but the same mistake is rarely made twice wink

dirkjentlyBRONZE Member
22 posts
Location: melbourne, Australia

i just started trying this move about an hour ago i almost have it one way hehe i'm happy but my arms are killing me, wide shoulders mean i need to stretch more.

that video helped a fair bit, i thought i was doing it wrong cos the loops wheren't parralell.

i found it easier to try and attempt the whole move instead of the practice exercices, and handed poi put me off.

'The prerequisite of originality is the art of forgetting, at the proper moment, what we know.' 32

ficklampaBRONZE Member
81 posts
Location: sweden,stockholm.

i say one poi at a time to get some control.
also taking it slowly and gradually so you don't put your shoulders under to much strain.

the only thing worth dying for is life itself

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Anyone got any tips on how to do btb weave but starting in farward weave. my brain isnt having any of it!

LizzybethLizzy hearts sunshine hoop
272 posts
Location: midlands!

uuuummmm ok, weave forwards to one side of your body, pull one arm out of the weave *if your going left then your left arm pulls out* pass it behind your back, and bring the other arm around the other side behind you?? maybe... it sort of worked for me, and just span backwards on its own strangely... im not sure i was any help! eeep!

if i could be a busy busy bee...

4 posts
Location: Scarborough, Maine

i've tried the BTB weave before with complete utter failure and frustration. well, after watching this video this week i kept tryin. basically, i mastered just the two spinning behind the back without them crossing but staying sorta parellel with each other, the same technique i did to learn the weave. then u start criss crossing just once and goin back to parellel. then u start, going for the big number two criss cross, then once u get that, u've practically got the hang of it. but as in the video, u really need to swing your body with the swing to make it work or u'll get a very red bresticle haha.

but yes, thanks to this post, I got the BTB weave down. thank you thank you very much.

next step, tryin it with fire ooo.

Flame on

3 posts

Im learning the btb weave right now, I was bored at home and sort of just figured it out, but I think what Im doing might be a reverse btb weave... Any who, Im not that flexible (like I cant do the splits or anything) but Im certainly not one of those incredibly not flexible folk. I find the btb weave is much easier if you move to it, that way your arms dont have to stretch heaps behind your back

shen shuiSILVER Member
no excuses. no apologies.
1,799 posts
Location: aotearoa, New Zealand

One of the things I've found is that sometimes people are unable to move their arms far enough behind them, which is most probably due to their muscles not being able to stretch that far, because its a foreign movement and direction, etc.

But if you continually stretch your body, you'll eventually be able to reach around behind yourself.

But maybe thats not whats stopping you from being able to do it, I don't really know..

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mattostrokolSILVER Member
1 post
Location: USA

I have found (if you dont mind a beating) that if you add some weight to your poi all of these move become easier to learn. More weight = slower poi = more time to get your plains just right. = ]


ArtemisiaBRONZE Member
5 posts
Location: Belgium

lots of frustration here too with the btb stuff, aarrghh, thanks for all the explanations, but not getting anywhere

right, of to look at some youtube clips


do you want to move or be moved?

LizzybethLizzy hearts sunshine hoop
272 posts
Location: midlands!

me thinks nick has posted a video *knows he has posted a video* which is really helpful! breaks it down into little steps. i have pretty much got it now *still hurts* but i found it today and it helped me. its on playpoi - might be worth a look.

if i could be a busy busy bee...

LizzybethLizzy hearts sunshine hoop
272 posts
Location: midlands!

try this. its excellent *as usual*

if i could be a busy busy bee...


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