13 posts

I was just wondering ....can all wraps be done while twirling fire? ...when I try to practise wraps they always seems to touch by body ....I dont know if Im doing it worng or what ..but I was just wondering------------------

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Hello !yes, most wraps can be dones with fire. If you check the previous posts on this subject (search engine using fire wraps or just wrap) you'll find many things. Also I think NYC (aka the falcon dude wink)posted a subject in the "technical" section talking about possible arm protection for arm wraps with fire.Make sure you practice a lot without fire before though !Shine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Yes, the moderators owe Cassi a nickel (which should be converted into Francs for the next few months or Euros for the next months after that or raspberry jam during each of those time periods...)Yes Esrika there is a Santa Claus and he does wraps. You can do it with fire but before you do you should be VERY certain that you can do the wrap well without fire, then pick some nonflamable clothing to start off with (I like my denim shirt when not in my "robin hood" arm bracers). Once you're comfortable with that you can join the crackheads who wrap on bare skin. As they will often tell you you often get "marks"... the rest of the world calls them "burns" winkI got a nice second degree burn from a pretty clean wrap that has scared and will probably be with me for life. I know the rest of my posse has "marks" as well. I'm not down with the whole "scars are cool" thing so I'm gonna be wearing something from now on...

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[They do not move.]

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

::Josh carefully inspects forearms for scarring::nup - none here...NYC I have one thing to say to you;Yer a big Woos! winkbut seriously. What fuel do you use again? wick design? there has got to be an explanation as to why you scar and I dont.Or perhaps its this rugged Aussie Bod; moulded in the harsh Australian Outback, hardened under the forge of the mighty Australian Sun, Muscles like Balls of Steel, Skin like well tanned Leather... winkhehe... smilemaybe its cuz I dont eat red meat? smileJosh

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Well I used to use stuffed porcupines soaked in whitegas attatched by a length of barbed wire but those hurt too much doing wraps so I switched to a simple cathedral with a ball chain and lamp oil.Yes, it is true, I am quite the urban man, short and thin and totally unable to barehandedly kill any dingo at all. All of my posse has "marks" and I've got arms and belly full of them now that I've gotten into trailing. Basically looks like I got into a fight with 40 or 50 small cats and lost. smileIn all honesty, I could probably redesign my wicks to have no exposed metal on the top but then I'd have no reason to wear my sexy leather bracers would I? wink

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Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

ARRRR! Crack! marks? what marks? Oh, you can barely see them. (just a flesh wound) But, I don't want to be even more scared up, so now I wear (non-flamable) clothing on the body parts I entend wrap on. Damp cotton makes me feel safe. leather is good too.

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

::tries to imagine fighting 40-50 small cats and losing::hmm thats gotta hurt smileahh dunno dude. maybe its the ball chain? I use normal chain, which doesnt have the same volume in the links as ball chain....maybe the ball chain gets hotter? Do you twirl fast or slow? to tell the truth, I dont do many bare skin wraps anymore...its more fun to do slow ones I reckon smileJosh

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

I've got more scars from filling shelves in a supermarket! Mind you I haven't exactly been doing wraps long. I have one scar on my arm from an accidental wrap whilst trying to thread the needle, but it should fade in time.An interesting fact - if your skin is tanned when you injure/burn yourself, then the scar will be darker, if you are fair skinned, then when you do tan, the scar will be light.With this in mind, if you like to be tanned, but want to avoid trouble in the long run with skin cancer, try this:Get an all over tan (nude up if you want) to the level of brownness you want. Then induce a full body burn (not too bad just enough to take the first dozen or so layers of skin off). That way when you eventually heal, you will have nice dark brown colour all over. That's right you can look like you spent every weekend in the caribbean...I'm gonna stop now. smile

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Something NYC forgets to say here is that the only reason why he gets these burns in the first place is just to impress that nurse with some oven potatoe stories (see previous kinky thread wink ).About those marks, I did quite a few bare skin arm wraps / neck wraps last summer and, silly me, I went to the beach and in the sun afterwards. of course I did not cover the burns with protection cream so I do have some marks here and there that I still can see now frown... Sun is the enemy of burn marks !!!And BTW : any rasberry jam is welcome smileshine oncassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

2 posts
Location: Heraclio,Krete,Greece

Hi!My experience has taught me that:a)when practicing fire wraps fire usually does not stay long enough to cause any damadge even if you practice naked as i do.b)trouble starts when there are metal parts in direct contact with the flames.And I'm not talking about the chains but mostly about the screws or wire that hold the kevlar in place...of course there has to be something to hold it into place so...but screws are definitelly better.c)keep in mind that no matter what you know,no matter what you've seen and been told,you can ALWAYS get severely burnt and fire wraps are one of the best ways you can do so...Anyway fear never helps,but respect doesKeep spinning...------------------

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

heh heh naked fire wraps - sounds mighty dangerous...

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

79 posts
Location: SA, TX, USA

okay this is just from my experience... but has anyone else noticed that wraps are hard to do with ball chain? maybe its because i'm a skinny white boy i dunno... i've only sucessfully done one arm wrap and it was accidental when transing out of a mexican wave. I can do arm wraps with strings, although i do have like 5 scars on my left arm from a particularly rough set of shoe laces.The ball chain works great on legs for wraps so.... heheh maybe its just me.wulff


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Hmm, I'll leave all the poi people to go into the technical aspects of fire wraps, but a note to NYC.Maybe you guys just scar badly...Everyone is different, some poeple are allergic to porcupines, some people are allergic to lactose, some people's skin burns fast in the sun than others.So I guess, maybe, that like me shocked, your skin might just be more prone to scarring than others. Coz we are all individuals, no matter how hard we try to blend in... rolleyes------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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13 posts

thanks for all the input about fire wraps...although I'm not worried bout "scars"as I am quite tanned and they fade to almost nothingness with time. Guess Im just lucky that way hehehguess now I just have to practise those elusive wrapskeep twirling

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I definitely burn quickly. My delicate subtle skin is no match for a hot piece of metal... I've been trailing quite a bit lately so that contributes too... But my "real" burn was a bicep wrap...Wick design and "girly-man" skin type surely make a difference... I like wearing protection just in case something goes wrong. I figure if I'm getting "marks" doing clean wraps, what would happen if I actually messed up badly? frown

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[They do not move.]

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

NYC - you could always argue that the bracers aren't for protection, instead they are part of a costume/theme/image that you are trying to complete. Not girly-man skin, but macho man image. You need a leather vest, handle bar moustache and biker cap too. Well that or a construction worker outfit etc

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I think it would clash with my both my police man uniform and my indian uniform. (GREAT, Now I'm gonna have "Macho, macho man..." stuck in my head for the rest of the day...)

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Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

With my glowsticks, I tend to make them go real fast then hit the bottom of my shoe... in my experience with rubber and fire, they don't mix. Rubber's bad when it melts =) Would I be able (if I get to do fire in the next year or so) to hit the bottom of my shoe with the lit wicks?

397 posts
Location: Brunswick, Ohio

With all this talk of what wraps do to you... Has anyone expertmented with stalling flaming wraps?------------------We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonMost Memerable crowd saying "Hey look that dude's gonna set himself on fire again!"

We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonIt's going to come from a direction you didn't predict at a moment of chaos which you didn't see coming. -- NYC

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