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RonopotamusGOLD Member
412 posts
Location: Ireland, but floating around at the moment...

I am able to do the basic moves on the site, as well as chasing the sun, forward and backward weave, low and high turn and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to go from one move to another, eg from the butterfly to the weave, etc. Or is it possible?Later laterRónan------------------Don't bolt your door with a boiled carrot...

Don't bolt your door with a boiled carrot...

121 posts
Location: Brisbane QLD Australia

I normally combine moves by taking doing one move then quickly bringing it back to the standard forward backward spin for a few rotations then go into something else. I also throw in a few high/low turns where necessary. As i get better at bringing moves into and out of the standard swings I find that I can move between moves easily without the need for as many standard swings between them.

Simply an excuse to play with fire.

RonopotamusGOLD Member
412 posts
Location: Ireland, but floating around at the moment...

So it is necessary to go back to the standard forward or backward swing to change...phooeythanks Twirl'N'Burn

Don't bolt your door with a boiled carrot...

97 posts
Location: Naples, Florida

Kolong, No it is not nessecary to go back to a standard swing(weave) in order to transition between moves...ie.(forward weave to butterfly, on the first downswing of your left poi coming back to your left side of your body swing your arm out and force the poi into butterfly, its all about controling the poi(which subsequently can only come with practice) And as for Butterfly to weave, when doing the forward butterfly, when both poi heads(glowsticks, or whatever) reach the bottom of the swing, simply force them down to one side of your body and throw into a reverse weave, or carry that force into a 360 turn and throw into forward weave. However even easier transitions lie in the world of wraps. You can(or at least i can) transist from nearly any move whether in be forward, reverse, or behind the back, into any other move using a wrap or two. Which also adds to your performance so why not? My advice, learn wraps early on, you will be amazing. Check out my thread Signature moves for some ideas on transitions from wraps. Hope I've helped.PLUHRDOC------------------Let us Light up the Night[This message has been edited by DocLiquid (edited 29 January 2002).]

Let us Light up the Night

195 posts

you can also change from BF to weave by using the alt. BF. When you bring your right hand side behind you, turn to the right and bring your left hand across into a forward weave. practice and you'll actually be able to do it without moving your feet. (BTW if you turn to your left, with left behind on alt BF you can go into a reverse weave.)

RonopotamusGOLD Member
412 posts
Location: Ireland, but floating around at the moment...

Ah ha! DocLiquid and toneman thanks for your help smile....now just have to go home and start the rigourous process of smashing myself in the head until I've got it right winklater laterRónan

Don't bolt your door with a boiled carrot...

195 posts

i know that process well!! I have found the best recipe for learning transitions is just practice. Learn a move, then learn it backwards and you'll get several more combos. Also pay close attention when you do something stupid and NOT hit yourself smile

646 posts
Location: Mpls, MN, USA

Kolong:now just have to go home and start the rigourous process of smashing myself in the head until I've got it right later later
hehe, thats what I'll do now too, I'm kind of at the same point as you. Better go get the ice pack and bandaids ready smileThese tips are good, thanks, I too need work on transitions. DocLiquid - I havn't seen much of the H in PLUR, nice addition, I'm assuming it's for happiness. I've seen people add another R at the end to, but for the moment their reasoning escapes me.------------------Ambiguous

Fuzzy Dice.......................................

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Peace Love Unity Respect (Responsibility Enlightenment)------------------I feel more like I do now then I did when I got here.PLUR(RE) ---J---

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

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