IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

I cannot get my head around the backward/reverse weave.

I try and fail, the video just doesn't help.

please anyone, I'm begging you help me, I haven't learnt a new move for like 2 days.

Many, many, many thanks to whomever can help me.

And thread the needle escapes me as well, but I think I just need to practice that until it does work.

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

right lets see if this helps??

start with poi on your left side holding the left arm infront of the right about a foot say.

Now swing them out in front of you and up into a backwards swing on your left, keeping your hands the same distance appart.

as they reach the down swing cross your leftarm under your right so the left poi crosses to the right first followed by the right.

then do 2 spinns with your left and 1 with the right bringing the right hand ontop of the left.

so the right poi crosses your body first.

try that it might help if not let me know I'll try another way of explaining it.

Have fun with it

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

102 posts
Location: Austria

the backwards weave...the bane to my existance *giggle*
thanx for bringing it up and thanx for the explanation will try it thata way......

Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

my undying gratitude is yours Spike33.

I've only tried a couple of times, but it makes more sense than it did, I'm gonna spend tonight practicing, will post when I've got it.

(asuming I do get it )

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

8 posts
Location: Lodi, California

if i do this trick is i start out by doing a backwards rotation with both pois or glowsticks whatever. then i spin them off beat(right one up while left one down. left one up while right on down) then when the poi of ur choice is at the bottom, simply transfer that poi to the other side then picture myself doing a sideways figure 8 while following the chosen poi with the other oposing poi ....if my tip is bull crap....have patientz..this trick took me ages to learn and now i can do them as natural and straight as walking............good luck

Fellow poi'er,

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

According to my "introduction to club swinging" book there is actually a backward weave and a reverse weave. I just do the normal one.

To get rev weave. Start fwd weave, and just take the poi around to the left a bit more that usual, and that seems to do the trick. I found it was not long before I started going from few to rev weave.

Another way to change direction is to uncross your hand in front, and recross with a change of direction on the other side.

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

8 posts
Location: Lodi, California

Y dont u just do what the site tells u and start practicing with one poi and do the motions

Or listen to either of our tips (preferably mine because rave is my middle name o.0) but yea u should just keep practicing that trick cause its personaly one of my fav's

my mother was a hamster and my father smells of elder barries

lollipurple penguin- soon to be
478 posts
Location: playing with the pixies at the arsse end of the mi...

this move really got me at first, coz although i knew how my hands were meant to go (you know under over out etc) i couldnt tell them that. youve just got to practise it one hand at a time and slowly build up into the move. you know how the poi are meant to look when your doing it so you have to kinda get the hand movements to coinside with that.
not sure if that helped but as long as you know theyre are others who found this a very frustrating thing to do. ill tell you though, once yopu have it youll kick yourself other how much effort it seemed to learn (dont really kick yourself arrugh)

anyway hugs and fluff
lolli x

My spelling wobbles. its very good spelling but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong place

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

Try having a go with clubs (or sticks, they'd work just as well), you can slow the move down as much as you like and work out what your hands are supposed to be doing.

Then switch back to the poi and just be carefull not to smack yourself straight in the face

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

One of the big things that trips everyone up is that people think that doing a forward weave backwards will give you a backwards weave.

In reality, they're totally different moves, even though they are so apparently similar.

I learned the same way I learned a forward weave. I started by swinging the poi together in a two-beat pattern. Eventually, I got them to come apart by 180 degrees without smacking myself in the face. The backwards 3-beat just...I dunno...happened. I thought about it for a second and then I did it.

Be patient, when you are getting frustrated, stop spinning and try later, and try to meditate on it before you do it.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

Cheer for the different advice everyone your all such nice people, but then you know that

a variety of perspectives always helps when I'm stuck with something.

was a bit busy, so only had a bit of a practice over the weekend, I'm slowly getting somewhere with something. this is because,.......

I've been building windsock/tubular/phat-tail poi **(original design by Axis - thread is in technical discussions.)**.

And they are sweet.

Also took apart my original poi and built my detachable tennis ball poi mk1. use same strings/handles for tennis ball and windsock.

[ 24 June 2002, 23:59: Message edited by: sub ]

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

102 posts
Location: Austria

spike u are a genious!!!
it worked
i smacked myslf in the kisser a few times bonked my eye it looks liek shit but it IS the backwards weave

Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

ah hah! I (think I) worked out my problem with the backwards weave. not actually EVER having done a Fo8 backwards!

hmm, could someone please pass me the tall pointy hat and point me to the nearest corner please

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

*pass's sub the pointy hat*
ah well now you know what your doin wrong you can do it right.

Morgane :glad I actualy helped congratulations
runs around looking for someone to hug

Keep spinnin'

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

102 posts
Location: Austria

*hugs spike*

always happy to oblige;)

one things i learned the last few days is NOT use fire pois when practising going from reverse to forward an dback
poi does it hurt

oh is btb butterfly training a good way towards getting flexible enough to attempt learning btb weave (i'm not quite sure whether to dare trying to learn behind the head weave....for some odd reason i don't mind myself being hit at any area of the body but the face.....ouch....)


Out to Wrong Rights and Depress the Opressed.

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

hey Morgane,
I don't know about the BTB butterfly
I can't do it yet But I can do the BTB weave, it's not as hard you think, it's just getting used to moving your body out of the way of the poi.

and fire poi are great to learn with for me anyway,they hurt like hell but I learned things quicker because of the pain. But thats just me


ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

*shuffles up to Morgane & Spike, giving a somewhat despairing hug*

cheers guys, all of you, you've helped me understand a very basic flaw in my technique, I've gotten a 2 beat reverse weave thing'um wotsit working, but still haven't gotten the 3-beat working, however

*manic grin spreads across face in a similar manner to this " ", whilst a rather dangerous twinkle is clearly noticable in his eyes (well would be if you could see them under his hat)*

I played with fire the other night and it was fun, oh yes very fun, and good, and I have to wait until saturday to play again (approx 50 hrs from writing this).

[edit - added and 'h' to one word to turn it into the one I had originaly intended it to be, grr must improve proof reading skills, or be less lazy. one of the two]

[ 28 June 2002, 02:01: Message edited by: sub ]

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

got the little so and so, mwa hahahahahaha.

oh I'm happy now, yip-di-doo, yay!, woohoo, so on and so forth.

my thanks, once more, to Spike, Morgane, BezerkerBoi, Stone, lolli, TheBovrilMonkey, MikeGinny and Myself (for not only being stupid but for also realising why).

I'm gonna go and pretend to punch people now so I can suss Thread the Neadle out.

Cheers all.

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

127 posts
Location: Yorktown, VA, USA

I remember being in the same exact spot you're in... that was a long time ago

the reverse weave isn't all that hard to pick up... it just feels 'weird' to begin with

it still feels weird, but at least it's a comfortable weird now

The reason communism doesn't work is because people like to own stuff

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

ok people i've read this and tried this...except the sticks, done that with other moves-so didn't help me...i learned the 3 bt weave as my first move, but i can't get to go backwards
looked at both the links
Lots of good advice from many people
[Old link]

Many of good advice from lots people
[Old link]

i was trying threading the needle but got frustrated and decided to try this and now i have two moves in the works and i want to strangle myself over both

help me please help

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

Any luck with the reverse weave yet?

The most common problem I see with people learning this move is that they try to move their hands as if they were trying to do the forwards weave. Moving over,under back.....instead of moving under, over, back. Frustrating, I know.

Try turning from your fwd to rev weave, see if that helps....Or try concentrating on learning it in just one side first. You'll get it, have faith, you already know the forwards weave works, but I'll bet you had your doubts when learning that one too.

Don't sweat the TTN,,,, it's an important move, it just has a funny feel to it when compared to the butterfly, try simply alternating which hand is on top in your butterfly first...then start working in the closer to your body/further from your body component, and gradually exaggerate it from there.

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

got it
just broke down each step for the foward weave and then figured out how it should go with the reverse
started off as an ugly reverse eight now it's an ugly 3bt
i read all that stuff just none of it made sense when i tried to put it in practice

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

Good, Obviously you didn't strangle yourself but I know how frustrating trying to learn poi from reading text can be. The move'll get less ugly with time and practice

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

everyone had their own techniques and it was all very confusing...nearly strangled but i now may have neck wraps in my repetiore
now i just need to stop the swish with my hands from the same side back of my head to the opposite side front of my head....not sure wear that is coming from but it is residual from my reverse weave learning experience

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

If you're saying what I think you're saying, then it's normal, what you have there is the beginnings of a turn. When doing the reverse weave, the poi have a bit of a tendency to go up, and your hands naturally want to follow them. You'll sort that out in no time.

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

awww there goes my uniqueness...damn

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

jeffhighGOLD Member
89 posts
Location: Caves Beach, NSW, Australia

Yahoo, finally got it today, still a little messy but it is right,
Been putting off focussing on this for a few months, then put in the time and got ithappening

Blackheart_AnneSILVER Member
1 post
Location: Houston, TX, USA

About the reverse 5-beat weave--

Alright, so I can do 3bt weave like no tomorrow, go into reverse from there, I even think I have the 5bt down.... but I can't do reverse 5bt and the video in the lessons is no good (too blurry). Does anyone know a link to a good video of this move?

Luctor et emergo.

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
3,354 posts
Location: New York, USA

i'll do one in a few mins

[edit] okay its up in my gallery now.
EDITED_BY: fireNice (1141186325)

kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

bradhornBRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: West Orange NJ USA

for the weave, just licke it has been mentioned, push the poi moving to the other side UNDER your arm, Left hand under right moving to the Right and Visa Versa

For the threading the needle, once again keep the poi pushing forward in time with the other poi, just keep and even plane with a forward motion


MireneyeSILVER Member
276 posts
Location: Sweden

I'm new to spinning reverse aswell. But I found out that getting into the reverse is the hardest. So I started searching for ways that would "automatically" throw me into the pace and the move. And then I stumbled upon the 180 Weave, which was exactly what I needed. WHen you do the weave, spin 180 degrees with yoru body and your hands will be doing a reverse weave. Takes some practice, mine is faaaar from clean yet. Sping another 180 and your back to normal.

Have fun!


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