I am Timmember
7 posts
Location: Joliet, IL - USA

My latest move, I name: Nail-Myself-In-The-Groin

I figure the glowstick ends up hitting me there enough, that I ought to call it a "move." Ouch!

I guess I just need to pay attention and practice more.

Peace, yall.

This is my signature

The Welcome Mattmember
193 posts
Location: Manchester NH USA

Haha! its amazing how many threads have started with something like "I just learned a new move! and I call it the crotch shot!" haha

I dreamt that I ate a 10 pound marshmellow and then when I woke up, my pillow was gone!

97 posts
Location: Naples, Florida

you know you could make it productive

something like the double phallus wrap or something.

then again... that may be painful

Let us Light up the Night

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

eesh, you could castrate yourself if they caught when you were pulling out of the wrap...

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

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