666 posts
Location: Netherlands

Right will some one clear something up for me. A 3bt weave is just a normal weave right. So is a four beat weave that one where you have to spastically twist one arm around the other so its just like a weave with two beats on each side. We've dubbed it the spastic weave. Well swifdly onwards If you can do a behind the back weave, what do you call one of those behind the back . A behind-the-back 4 bt weave, it feels more like doulbe reverse trip to hell!!!! Anyway clarity on the beat thing would be apprieciated. And is the behind the back weave extra thingy a common trick. It does give nice behind the back turning possibilites. tnx already.

".... and god created lighter fluid."

Come forth and thou shalt win enternal happiness. but he came fifth so he won an electric toatser.

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

4 beat weave has....
wait for it....
4 beats on either side.

Dissolved Girlmember
70 posts
Location: Italy

a "normal" weave might be a 2 beat weave...

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

Originally posted by lightwise:
spastically twist one arm around the other
hey there. that wrist twist you refer to here has the effect of adding an extra circle (beat) to your weaves.
if you do a three beat weave (three beats on either side of your body or three beats with each poi before repeating) and then start doing the wrist twist on one side, you'll end up with a four beat weave (same hand leads throughout the whole move).
do it on both sides and you get a five beat weave.

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

666 posts
Location: Netherlands

Yes,yes it has a certain logic intermingled with the slightest undertones of sarcasm. But now a revolutionary question:

what is a beat: is that like how many times you smack yourself,do you get bonus points for pain as in a smack in the kneecap as apossed to in the leg. If you crack yourself really hard in the nose does that count as a double beat. not even if you feel it crack twice.

I've been at it for a year and a half now but i have never unterstood that whole beat thing. is one beat when one poi wups past you on one side. but then a normal weave should be called a 6bt weave. or is it when both poi past you on one side in which case a weave would'nt be a 3bt weave cause you'd have like one and a half on each side which would suggest a three beat but you would'nt have your third beat cause you'd have an extra "one" or "half beat thing" but it would'nt be a full one cause they pass you on different sides. Man does anyone else have this confusion. well thats kinda it. If you do a wevae and turn 360 and then keep on turning can you do like a 4001bt weave. Help!!

Come forth and thou shalt win enternal happiness. but he came fifth so he won an electric toatser.

79 posts
Location: Warwick, Rhode Island

Go read the articles on Home of Poi somewhere up there. There's a "What's a beat?" article.

3-beat weave is named so because each poi does 3 beats. That is why it is not 6 beats.

~And when the day arrives I'll become the sky, and I'll become the sea, and the sea will come to kiss me for I am going home. Nothing can stop me now.~

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Hi Coleman how’s trix? Thought u were in Canada. I’m not trying to be a smart arse here, because counting the beats confuses the shit out of me. So when you said “if you do a three beat weave (three beats on either side of your body or three beats with each poi before repeating).”

Do you mean three circles on either side of your body, and three beats with each poi before repeating?

lightwise, apparently we count beats, not circles. So a 3-beat weave is six circles. See the glossary.
The “half beat thing" is counted, apparently. Try to let the poi, that is under, finish its circle before taking it across.

Not sure if this helps or knot

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

hey man just got back from whistler on tuesday - really wish i had stayed

you are completely right there - the three circles thing was well ambiguous.
i've taken more to thinking less about beats and more just about adding extra circles now. ie a two beat weave is cross follow, three beat is cf with extra circle, four beat cf with two extra and so on.

tangled beats confuse me even more so i'm gonna stop attempting to count beats altogether i think!

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

MrConfusedBRONZE Member
529 posts
Location: I wish I knew, United Kingdom

I always thought of the number of beats as the number of complete circles each poi makes before the pattern is repeated.


If you're not confused, you're not thinking about things hard enough.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

J, I think that's a mathematical quirk.

# of spins on each side by both poi = # of spins on both sides by one poi

I had always thought of it as the former.

{Whispers mystically:}


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

167 posts
Location: Bergen , Norway

Originally posted by lightwise:
Yes,yes it has a certain logic intermingled with the slightest undertones of sarcasm. But now a revolutionary question:

what is a beat: is that like how many times you smack yourself,do you get bonus points for pain as in a smack in the kneecap as apossed to in the leg. If you crack yourself really hard in the nose does that count as a double beat. not even if you feel it crack twice.

. Help!!

I'll give you a bonus point...............yupp!

I like Fire.. :)

167 posts
Location: Bergen , Norway

Originally posted by NYC:


there is ...I'm sure I use it every day .....
someone tell me I'm right please...

I like Fire.. :)

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Originally posted by NYC:
{Whispers mystically:}


Ha! You are wrong! It's when you just stand there and spin your poi in circles! You can even do it same time or split time!

"Moo," said the happy cow.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

That's not a weave! A weave, by definition, goes from one side to the other.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

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