28 posts
Location: Johannesburg

Hey all,

Im looking for any new improvements on exsisting moves, to add to my collection. Got Any that may help.


DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

"Improvements" would be already existent moves, just ones you don't know, right? In that case, no such "improvements" exist.

Honestly, the only way to "improve" a move is to develop it to where you can flow from it into virtually any other move. If, however, it's new moves you are looking for, I suggest first looking through this "Poi Moves" board and check to see if anything interests you in the descriptions. If you need visual aids, I suggest buying the Circles of Light videos (2 and 3 would be the most technically-oriented I think) and scoping out the spinners in there. There's also a fine selection of videos to be downloaded from the main HoP site, and several within these very threads (posted by mainly myself, santana and PK).

Could always work on developing your dancing skills too, the entire package is what matters, not just poi techniques.

Or if you insist on an answer... take a move, add a beat or two to it, throw it behind your back, try it in split time or same time, throw one under a leg, transition from something into a move you're not accustomed to, or try turning with it.

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

i second the above post, what you want you will find in these threads. there rest you have to put in. then you will be as good as master dio

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I disagree.

I hate this whole "you've got to find it your self" fortune cookie mumbo jumbo. There's lots that can be taught in a fraction of the time that you can find it yourself.

What kinds of moves were you looking for variations upon? I find that butteflies have endless possiblities especially if you can thread the needle. There are countless flairs on weaves as well.

Though "watching other's video" is a good place to start looking for variaints.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

i have to agree with nyc.
fair enough - everyone should play and discover stuff for themselves - that way you start thinking properly about how poi work and fit together. but if someone asks a specific question (eg. what is a waistwrap or does anyone know any good variations from a 3bt weave) we should be plying them with ideas.

i thought that was what this forum was about - sharing knowledge of poi moves. if every time someone asks for help we just say 'play around some more and you'll discover it yourself' or even just 'do a search' then we may as well just make this a reference section.

i personally like like the fact that questions that have been asked before come up again - through that, we find different ways to explain things and people here are all @ different levels so its nice to know there are others out there wondering the same things as you.
the best example for me was the 'what is a waistwrap' thread which progressed my spinning tenfold. ( :hug:s to all who contributed to that one!).

the only suggestion i would make on this particular thread is be a little more specific - we can't suggest 'improvements' or variations for the moves that you know unless you tell us what you can do already (or what you've been working on recently).

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

werd, well said..Have to agree with coleman n NYC. Pretty much every poi move can be classified as a butterfly move or a weave move. Variations? Endless..

But first, learn them forwards and backwards, split time, etc. It might help if you gave a bit of background on where you're at right now. I know I was stuck on a bit of a plateau for a while, til I formed my troupe n got more serious about learning.

And to add without knowing where you're at, try giant windmill, giant butterfly, then try variations, such as giant windmill into a turn left, straighten both arms out, keep turning back into a regular windmill. Take the giant butterfly, forwards and backwards, try split time, instead of swinging down back in front, swing them behind you, then start split time. Learning your arcs on your weaves helps out alot too, you can drop one behind for a beat(high or low), or alternate btb high and low into the reverse btb weave. And transitions make all the difference, learn your turns, high, low, carry, tuck, then try split time. I think the most important thing is find your style/s, what flows from within you, which is really what I think Dio n PK are tryin to say. That you can't learn from a bboard, but I think we're all here to collab on the rest(n mebbe lay our dicks on the table every once inn a while )If you don't know it yet, rhythym is crucial to what we do, either keeping up with an existing one(as when spinning with partners, or spinning to music), or making your own. And varying the rhythym smoothly is something that sets apart a decent spinner from an excellent dancer, leest to me..

peace, n good luck

First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

Vague question gets vague answer, specific question gets specific answer

Seriously, what move are you looking to upgrade? Or a new one to learn? Like they said, checking out the vids is a great way to see where you stand and what you'd like to work on.

As for laying it out on the table... I concede defeat to PK, no contest. I mean, look at what the guy did to his earlobes!

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

twirlywhirlyfiregirlie (nancy)member
78 posts
Location: Matlock,derbyshire uk

get off my pk's ears or i'l poke you in the eye.

Who are you? Who slips into my robot body and whispers to my ghost?

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

you've done it now dio. hahaa

i agree though the question was pretty vague... a list of moves you can do and the sorts of newer moves and variations you want to learn and we all can help with input and get you answers AND / OR point you to an apropriated thread and possible video to go with.

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA



First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I agree with NYC.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

NYC what are you doing in the poi moves section anyway? get back to making drews sarin
tell you what, if you make enough of it, it could pay for our trip. oh and nancy is part of the package too

so anyway back on topic, i'm off to play with that splittime 5 beat isolated hyperloop thread the needle weave. [
[ 01. March 2003, 12:46: Message edited by: Blame 1112 ]

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Well after my faux pas I guess I owe Nancy a plane ticket as well.

"i'm off to play with that splittime 5 beat isolated hyperloop thread the needle weave"! Why do you guys even talk to me?! I can't even do a reverse 5 beat! Or a behind the back ANYTHING.

Oh yeah, because you think I can make drugs...

Damn hippies.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

AalatheaGOLD Member
80 posts
Location: Massachusetts, US, USA

i'd like to take this oportunity to second coleman on the its ok to bring things up again sentiment. this probably not the place for me ot post this and you all are probly going to get mad and say it shoulda gone somewhere else.
but i've been kinda annoyed about this for a while cause i feel like no one can post anything if it isn't about something that's never been done before or else needing personal advice.
i know all the tons of times you veritable gods of the board jsut direct someone to the search function is probly justified, but i think the discussion board becoming a reference thing is a valid concern. for those of us who aren't doing reverse purple dishwasher tomahawks with a quarter twist behind our neighbor's back uphill both ways its rather, something.
personaly, i love trying all this stuff that i have no prayer of being able to do in the near future, but i think revisiting the older stuff can be useful sometimes. other ways to think about it and such. i mean, if people only were allowed to dscuss things once anywhere i don't think most people'd be able to say all that much.
i don't know, just an idea.
sorry if that was incoherent, exams have destroyed my brain.

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

Consider that I didn't just say "use the search function" and leave it at that... I still answered the original question, I just mentioned that that alternative was also there.

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

28 posts
Location: Johannesburg

Heres a list of moves that i can do,
- 2, 3, 4, 5 beat weaves
- Butterfly, (gaint& backwards)
- Chasing the sun
- Thread the needle (forwards, wanna learn backwards)
- Tucks and turns in all directions

I wanna 'improve' and learn the chasing the sun maybe get a 3rd beat in, also how to thread the needle backwards. Does anyone hav added turns in their spins?? I aggree that there is not much i can learn from a bboard, but i do play around and try new things all the time but its like i got spinners block and need inspirations.

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

From where you're at, I would suggest learning how to turn that Chasing the Sun into a Windmill, and then transitioning from a weave up into the windmill, back down, etc.

A very pretty and basic move is a low chasing the sun. Similar to a low turn, except you take the poi behind your back - best way to learn it is to spin forward circles, turn 90 degrees but keep the circles exactly where they were (one will be in front and one will be behind) and then complete the turn (for a total of 180 degrees into a reverse spin).

Might also work on taking a butterfly and breaking it up into a split spin (involves turning 90 degrees) and putting it back into a butterfly from there (sort of like the mexican wave). A lot of the better-looking turns come from either split-time windmills or from low/high waves, so I would really practice those types of moves.

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

28 posts
Location: Johannesburg

Ive been messing around with chasing the sun up into a wind mill - thanx it really helped but the weave into a windmill, i couldnt do it. Ok, but another thing is how do u do the weave behind your back... I got the basics rite but i dont know how get around to the other side of my body. Help! If anyone could help me with a way to do it. Thanx

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Do you mean how to go from weave in front of you to BTB weave?

"Moo," said the happy cow.

28 posts
Location: Johannesburg

Thats exactly what i was trying to ask, so how do u do that???

167 posts
Location: Bergen , Norway

you'll find some stuff about it here....(HOP lessons )

and also here....

if you do a 3 beat weave in front of you you can take one hand behind your back just when you're about to change side.. and then do the BTB weave....

BTB stuff is hard to learn ...cause you have to feel your way it's good to 'analyse'
every hit and tangle and make improvements based on that....

I like Fire.. :)

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Right from reverse 3-beat to reverse BTB 3-beat... Do the normal 3-beat, the crossover comes as your right hand is about to cross under your left - instead swing it behind your back and up on your left side under your left arm which has also come back. You should now be in the BTB weave

Good practise for this is doing the BTB weave where you cross from one side to the other in as big a circle as possible i.e. when your right hand is crossing to the left side really extend your arm and make a huge circle, and vice versa with your left arm. This'll improve your accuracy in making the cross BTB and also serve you in good stead for breaking the weave apart to spin extra circles BTB

[ 04. March 2003, 05:59: Message edited by: spiralx ]

"Moo," said the happy cow.

28 posts
Location: Johannesburg

So u hav to b doing a reverse 3-beat and then from there go BTB weave, excellent...
I tried doing the biggest circle i can when swopping sides but it keeps hitting my leg, how do i get that right.

Can u go into the BTB weave from a forward 3-beat weave?? Another im having trouble with gettin the reverse thread needle right. How???

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

from a forwards weave to BTB forwards weave only works.
to avoid hitting your leg, try twisting away from the side your poi are at behind your back. [if poi are left, twist to the right].
forwards behind the back involves more twisting when you swap sides, reverse seems to be pretty fluent.

reverse TTN, feeling a little exagerated and swaying all over the place?, try threading each hand individually until each side becomes comfortable and you can do both hands consecutivly. if you goto the pk and mineiro video thread there is a reverse 4 beat TTN video that is very clear, though it is a double[4beat] and not the normal 2 beat TTN that you want to learn.

28 posts
Location: Johannesburg

I took ure advise about twisting away from the side that the poi is on. All of sudden, my hands got tangled and the poi bag swang round and hit me smack on my right eye (black eye for 3 days!!!)
But the advise did help...thanx

Is this a new move..........
Doing 3-beat reverse weave, but instead of swoping sides as the hands comes underneath i throw it behind my back. I do this on both sides. i havent seen anything on this move so i was wondering if it was new

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