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pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

ello to all sheffield poi and fire spinners out there, as i can see there are quite a few that use the bulletin board here! recent talks with several poi'ers that i know, we would like to meet up on sunday 30th december @ endcliffe park (ecclesall road)for an afternoon/evening of poi and fire frolics in the park to celebrate the festive seasons and see out the year before the mad new year parties where ever you may be going! basically just to have fun, meet other ppl that are unfortunate not to frequent headcharge or planet zogg and so we can all learn some new moves what do you all think? can you make it? post you replies here and i will put up more details..
thank funk for poi!

[ 05. December 2002, 09:37: Message edited by: PK ]

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hey Firemorphster,
Sorry, I was a bit slow on the uptake about you being Malboro.

I thought you'd left these boards.
See you at PIP5 with some poi, but please bring your balls as I wanna see your chain leash things again if thats ok?

PIP London sounds far too tempting to pass, I will make every effort to be there. Carrey, as for arranging things - don't really think that we need anything apart from maybe some parrafin as thats heavy to travel with and some public toilets neerby?

Cass If you get down for poi in the park London stylee, it would be great to meet you but what about your other half? Do we get to meet both of ya?

Smilies to all.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

You build it and they will come....


CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Tempest, my otehr half is at the other end of the ocean so no other half

Marl... eeer ... Fire Morphster, will you make it to London in may ????????? that'd be so cool

Shine on

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

CarreySILVER Member
180 posts
Location: London, England.

Field of film!

Yeah, I've talked to a pub that's on the common and they are happy for us to use their loos if we are buying drinks there. There is also a WC not more than 500 metres the toilets are sorted.

I think a few of us will bring the don't worry there either. We have someone talking to the official types to make sure fire would be okay.

It will be so cool!!


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

You ask the authorities? Unusual concept.....


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Have you seen the stuff they've organised for their version, pk? It's kinda scary . Takes away the spontaineous fun of ours I think. But nay mind....


136 posts
Location: Sheffield

now i have managed to get registered thought it would be rude not to it's that wonderful time of the month again!! hope the weather will be nice for saturday, hopefully see you all in the park!


522 posts
Location: Sheffield

If you mean crepes ala marsbar, toilets, refreshments, lots of parrafin and a bunch of spinners - then yes Cantus, it does make us look a tad unorganised
Or should that be PK?

Can anyone with wheels bring me a bottle of parrafin? If you do, i'll find you a secret suprise - or maybe just says thanks and pay you for it.

Kou Kou

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Sorry to hear that NYC won't be comin' for a spin.
Mabe nextime.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

We'll have to see how I'm spinning on the day before anyone points a camera at me.

Nice to see that a certain a young and dizzy bird has finally joined us on the site. I do hope you have been honing your poi skills since I last spoke to you, young lady.......


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I wasn't dissing you for being unorganised - that was tempest. (go on, kick his shins). I was dissing them southerners for going over the top. I.....Hold on, I don't get any emails with details. I got an invite to PIP2. Nothing since. Almost as if you dont actually want me there......


*Goes off to kick things*


136 posts
Location: Sheffield

as the day dawns closer there is only one way to feel and that is more excited...yeah im here at last cantus and keep trying to spin but i have to go shopping today to find things to make my own set of poi! i will hopefully have them made by tommorow...assumeing i feel creative this evening!

see you then xxx

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I've got a kick ass set of chains I made myself. Is Whitters coming too? I want to see how quick he can wound himself with them....

Oh, and I miss him.


136 posts
Location: Sheffield

ok i have them made...they spin and thats it! anyhow i think whitters is going tomorow they're all goin too zogg tonight so i hope there not feeling to ropey.

see you there x

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

i know man, over the top!!! haha
but they cant do it with out me mate..
southern fairys gotta nab my name too haha..
tempest is gonna have a bad night staying at mine this weekend i tell ya my mainecoons are gonna keep him up all night clawing his eyeballs out as he tries to sleep hahahahahaha sweet revenge
¬¬welcome dizzybird if i dont know you allready.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

You've seen her PK, if you haven't met her. Kato hugs her a lot and takes great pleasure in sniffing her. He's an odd fella when you really think about him isn't he.....

You avoiding Zogg then Rach? I haven't been out in Sheffield for over a month. It's kinda scary. And I won't be out (really) for a while yet.
I want to see your new poi now.

I need to borrow some light(ish) chains off someone tomorrow. I'll lend you my heavy chains....they double up as meteors.....


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Can you do me a favour Rachel? Enter your details in the Roll Call....Click here for a link to it.

Thanx very much.

I'll go back to being irresponsible now

[ 20 April 2002, 14:51: Message edited by: C@ntus ]


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

cheers guys...
cut short
lil battered...

136 posts
Location: Sheffield

thanks for another great day!

see you at the next one, cantus i've performed the task you asked me to do x

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I saw that honey. Short but sweet I notice.


SpiralOolering Man
729 posts
Location: Farnborough, Hampshire

Up for london. I'll try and get my spinning freinds from down south - Remember PK, I am one of those southern fairies too!- to come along too if its cool, they're only about an hour out of london. Did u guys know whitters (sy) promised our presence at that fundraiser in june for new toilets in the park? I thought that was quite cool

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Thanks again to everybody - especially PK and the cat factory.

Watched a hour and a half of footage of all sorts from Kato's ninja rollerblading staff to a field full of glo toys on the train home. I came home really inspired and i've been on a mad learning curve with the poi.

Will - The number on your wall is mine - use it!

Actually saw cantus doing some poi, nice one dude the practice payed off, now Dawny is the only staffer I know who dosent poi. Should only take a couple more weeks before she's poiing and my masterplan, ahem,...

- anyone know how to put jpg's on this page? Cos I got some nice stills from my footage if you wanna see em.

Kou Kou,

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

email her to me i will make her see sense man.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

erm where did tempest go to? any one know!

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Maybe the cats got him. Check in the Kitty litter. They may have buried him...


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

yeah i asked miss sarah what she had been feeding the coons on, they have been doing some rather large excretments over the past week and a half. might be tempest's big ego poping out.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

His hair could give them some serious hairballs I hope they're ok...


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

they got 2 inch long furr their selves mate so a lil of tempests beef stew of a hair'do wont harm em any.
oh he called me last night so he is alive some where, think he is busy flat hunting and getting some funding from the princes trust for his lil fire performing crew. if you wanna get some work with him, send him a mail tell him you wanna get involved. I probably will when i aint got nowt on and he needs others.
Yay me and Kato got our first gig this weekend at the federation in leeds with one-love and if we are feeling up for it then we gotta work insomniacs in birmingham too, carzy weekend i feel comin on
i'm off to ma gurlie tucked up in bed.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I maintain that I'm not good enough to spin in public with staff or poi.


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

next poi in the park
18th may as you all know by the clapham common thread.
next poi in the park up north.
saturday 25th may
usual haunt of endcliffe park
kicks off at 5pm a later time as its now takes longer to get dark.
roumour of a nothern techno aliance free party some where that night too!!!!!

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