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DomBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,009 posts Location: Bristol, UK
Posted: Hallo! Little note for those of you in London and who go to Planet Angel. Myself and a lovely lass called Haze will be running the new and enlarged Poi area at Planet Angel this Friday (14th June). For us this involves messing about, spinning and teaching mesy people how to spin. No performances, no fire, just fun. So come along and say hello, and maybe learn something.
Unfortunately this means I miss Dark Soho at the Stratford Rex, but that's far too far away anyway and I'm trying to save money. Oh well.
Posted: Wow, I havn't been to Planet Angel since it started ages ago! How much is it, d'ya know? and where?
Az abouve, So below...
DomBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,009 posts Location: Bristol, UK
Posted: I remember those days too. Now it's in a bigger club, but it's kept most of the nice, playful atmosphere. (the lego helps!) And the people that run it are lovely. It's at The Arches, 53 Southwark Street, London Bridge. 10pm 'till 6am. £12
DomBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,009 posts Location: Bristol, UK
Posted: Yep Long live fluffy squat parties and house parties!
lollipurple penguin- soon to be 478 posts Location: playing with the pixies at the arsse end of the mi...
Posted: hey sweetypees
i wont be going to this months P.A but i know a load of people who will b. whirlyglenn (recently new HOP member) should be there. i hope you guys have fun, wish i could go *mummblemummble-bloodyexams-grr-mummble*
(completely random and senseless message i know. . . .enjoy)
My spelling wobbles. its very good spelling but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong place
GlåssDIAMOND Member The Ministry of Manipulation 2,523 posts Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
Posted: and you know why planet angel rocks y'all have a good time, I can make it to the next time, Dom, haze, don't suppose you need an assistant for the next time? I'm only little, and I've got red balloons
aiming to see you late thurs night for my kesel sanity fix.
lots of gloves Glass
DomBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,009 posts Location: Bristol, UK
Posted: Haze and I have you for an assistant! Maybe we need to persuade Angel that she needs more balloons at the event!
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