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SoCalFire (including OrangeFire) Southern California Fire Arts Network
gatherin & servin all of SoCal's pryos from Malibu to Tijuana, especially Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, & Imperial counties, with friends in Santa Barbara, Ventura & nearby Counties, Nevada, Arizona, & Baja California, Mexico, visitors & friends all over our molten earth, to make a really GOOD big ball o' fire!
we offer free member pages to all pyros around the world! show your stuff, get gigs, post your pics, and be part of our global pyro family - just fill out a Member Profile on our main website, in the Members section
we live here at Home of Poi & also at our website & forum: SoCalFire main website @ SoCal 411 e-mail list & admin: Home of Poi SoCalFire hosts: FireMike, calvran (e-mails at, not PM's, please, occasionally cruise Home of Poi between events), dulce flames, pozee outside Home of Poi SoCalFire hosts: Dragon (Art Director), Squirtle (Membership Director), who's frequently on AIM phones: home landline FireMike 949.643.1625, fax 949.831.5685, cellphones calvran 949.412.5080, pozee 760.224.5000
~ MAJOR props to Malcolm and our elders in the motherland of fire, incubating regional & local groups all over our volcanic satellite of the sun, taniwha power through arteries of fire roaring into us all!
here in SoCal our immediate roots include Dreamer (Home of Poi The Man Behind the Curtain) & Pixie's San Diego circle, Home of Poi's pozee's many crews out of Oceanside, Home of Poi's calvran and FireMike in Orange County, FireplayLA and Burning Man camps in Los Angeles, Fire Raving Masseuses spinning fire hula hoops in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, Hearthfire our sister regional federation, and the first this year to call a SoCal gathering,
Home of Poi's Kinudin!
[ 23. November 2002, 20:27: Message edited by: FíreMîke ]
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US
Posted: You really like that picture don'cha FireMike?
FireMikeZLaguna dude 1,438 posts Location: Laguna, California, US
Posted: ^ new mo better logo posted Saturday Oct 12, 2002 HoP time, Kinudin, hope ya like it better! (da picture Kinudin was talkin about is now under museum glass in our archives, it was our old logo, version 1.2).
this new SoCalFire ID pic's goin up on our pages over the next few days, along with. . .
Latest SoCalFire Network News
Upgraded website version 3.0.1 being posted this very week, more member pages, and whole new sections, from SoCal wildfire news to a global Contracts Resource Center being built over the next few months! lots more links to key Home of Poi sections, too.
got any suggestions for anything, this is your territory, shoot, we'll all be all ears!
btw, San Diegans, LA, Riverside & San Bernardino pyros:
down south, dulce & pozee are SoCalFire hosts anchoring us out of Oceanside. we're lookin for hosts (core admins) farther South in San Diego, and starting to talk with folks in West LA.
if you wanna anchor us officially, ya know, join us in the ^ first post list of hosts as a key contact for everyone new to SoCalFire peeps & resources, to spinnin in our region, to Home of Poi from near San Diego, just let us know here or e-mail us at
if you're nice, Kinudin may swing round and give your ass a big handful of candy. . .good stuff! as calvran says, he's SoCal's offical candyman, & his stuff is totally primo delicioso, so be nice, now!
~ Mike
[ 18 October 2002, 17:32: Message edited by: FíreMîke ]
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US
FireMikeZLaguna dude 1,438 posts Location: Laguna, California, US
Posted: 2 SoCal public event pyro performances on the night of Saturday Sept 21, 2002:
Home of Poi SoCalFire host pozee & partner wink perform @ Woody's at the Beach Restaurant and Bar
1305 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, 11 PM, free admission
DJ Bryan Baptiste (LA) starts da beats at 10 PM, goes til?
during the Full Moon Party of Woody's Endless Summer Weekend (part of a charity benefit for ASF Orange County & its pantry)
Girly Freak Show @ California Institute of Abnormal Arts (CIA)
11334 Burbank Boulevard, North Hollywood, 10:30 PM, $10 cover
miniskirted Slymenstra Hyman & Jim Rose/Zamora the Torture King circus veteran Girly Man swing a fire sword around an avante garde set & like to lick red hot coals.
go to our Next Events page for performer & venue pics, directions, details!
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family
[ 18 October 2002, 17:34: Message edited by: FíreMîke ]
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US
pozeeBRONZE Member old hand 887 posts Location: san diego, USA
Posted: ORANGE FIRE!!!!
wow, how great it is to be a part of this group. all this talent and energy. much love to you all!!!
me and wink had a great time at woodys the other night. had a couple of great burns and plenty of oohs and aaahs. you know that is one thing i love about doing what i do, no matter how many times i see those blank faces with big smiles staring back at me, i cant help but fall in love with fire all over again.
lets keep this great clan going and growing. there is lots of imagination in those minds, so lets jsut harness it all and bring it together for one great big conglomeration of proffesionalism.
next stop halftime sho at saddleback college in san clemente i believe. i dont have the times just yet but i will let you all know soon. i am sure it will be posted up pretty soon as well.
see you all reallly soon. and hopefully some new faces too...
anyone got a light?
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Home of Poi member The Great Lix of Fire Fabulon (Detroit, MI) & The Crispy Family Carnival Spectacular (Denver, CO)
will be visiting City of Orange, Orange County, California, last week of Sept, 2002
she's a wild one! SoCalFire performance contracts advisory board member, Extreme & Colorado Fire Tribe star professional pyro The Great Lixabulous will be in town next week! Senior member of two troupes in two states, she travels like the a gypsy, handles artistic development, performs wickedly & manages troupe biz. she's a superachieving, supersly, funny firegurl! Great Lix also has OrangeFire's total thanx for being on our gigs advisory board. what she does is truly truly wild, crazy, makes ya stomach go. . . whoa, but ya can't take ya eyes off!
See her pic currently on our Home page, and also a wicked treat:
WARNING: not for the faint of heart! that said, if ya can stand it, be SURE to check our Next Events section for pix of her eating broken glass & dancing a waltz on it, throwing darts into Crispy's naked back, & spinning fire poi with a lotta 'tude!
wanna hook up with The Great Lix while she's in town? burn a few toys with her? post here at the Home of Poi SoCal thread, e-mail us at quick, or phone FireMike at 949.643.1625 right away, we're gettin details of her schedule!
memorial flame: William Rosenberg, 86
Krispy Kremes are SoCalFire's preferred afterburn fix, but in honor of our New England-rooted members, Kyrian, Nyx, FireMike, & friends Kali & NYC, check our Featured section for the obit on Bill, founder of Dunkin' Donuts, THE East Coast donutmeister, who flamed out of this world this week after creating da factory that pumps quick carbs and shootin' sugars in hundreds of fire spinners' muscles & nerves across America!
[ 18 October 2002, 18:00: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: SoCalFire performance at Saddleback College Mission Viejo (actually), Orange County, Saturday night, Oct 12, 2002
ah, Mission Viejo, "world-famous home of the Mission Viejo Nadadores" at the US Olympic swim team practice pool!
during Saddleback College's Mardi Gras themed Homecoming, we got invited, as a gig, to perform at their Homecoming Game halftime show! what a huge rush, we've made it into da institutional map around here, Saddleback serves over a dozen cities from the foot of Saddleback Moutain's twin peaks, with saddle-butt depression between them, through heavily populated suburban/ commercial Saddleback Valley, down to the Pacific coast! so what did we give em?
Home of Poi SoCalFire host pozee & partner wink will be performing as team during Saddleback's Homecoming half-time show!
yo! yo! yo! keep an eye out here, we'll post details as we get em!
[ 18 October 2002, 18:01: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: WarFire: SoCal warriors now in Kuwait
it is now official public knowledge that 1,000 Marines from our Camp Pendleton Hood in Oceanside have arrived in Kuwait. most were in training school during the Desert Storm campaign against Iraq led by General Norman Schwartzkopf. our Marines are, as many say, committed to being during American crises, "at the pointy end of the spear" -- instantly ready to deliver & sustain warfire. sez Sgt. Brian Collins, 27, "We're trained to move fast and shoot fast."
our SoCal warriors wait to go into battle in any direction, including Iraq, from which the Supreme Commander & military leaders order them to go.
should they meet opponents in war, on behalf of all of us at SoCalFire, inclusive of all personal stances among us, we wish them accurate fire whenever they launch a weapon, innocence from harming civilians, and protection from damage of all kinds. & a safe trip home, with invitation to come join us in a peaceful fire spin any time, kickin up da joy of livin together on this dope stretch of coast.
here's a special shout out to much-loved Home of Poi SoCalFire member Raymund Phule, on duty in Japan, who's been wondering how to say "fire poi" in Japanese. Ray, we love ya, dude! ya like sushi & sashimi (raw seafood), soba (buckwheat noodles), tempura(superlight batter-fried anything), shabu shabu (assorted hotpot in soup), tonkatsu (breaded porkchops), or McDonalds Japan? have a good time, & see some madd fire stuff in the temples & all, & tell us all about it, dude! we think about ya all the time.
[ 18 October 2002, 18:03: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
Posted: Mucho thank you! for the shout out. Yep still trying to find some ^$%*&$ fuel. Once I do that I will get some pics for ya of me spinning in Japan.
Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"
FireMikeZLaguna dude 1,438 posts Location: Laguna, California, US
Posted: The Great Lix, founder of Fire Fabulon(Detroit, MI) & The Crispy Family Circus(Denver, CO) is in SoCal!
SHE EATS GLASS & she'll be here on & off for a coupla weeks, mainly in central Orange County & downtown LA. & yo, she's dying for da beach, a spin on da beach, & livin on da beach! so i told her if she comes out here with time to play, or lives out here, we could take her to a different kind of beach every night!
got to meet her over some sangria & snacks tonight with Grim, & had a great time! Lix's so smart, a lil sassy, cute, tough, direct, & loves the theatrical circus side of fire & side shows!
we wish her "break a leg" on her interviews for a senior library science day job in the City of Orange, and hope she'll follow an urge to move out here regardless, & join our pyro family out here. i personally have no doubt, if she wants that job, it's hers to do with as she pleases.
got a lil profile of her on our site, if you find it's off the home page & next events, we've moved it to features where we'll do a spotlight on her & her intensive career building fire troupes across the country!
~ Mike
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: The Scorpion King's lavish, flame-filled promo event includes fire-breathers Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Monday night, Sept 30
Monday night, Craig Kornblau, vice president of Universal Studios' home video, vowed "We're going to have people rushing to the retailers," naming chain after retail chain. coz for the Tuesday release of The Scorpion King DVD, he & his marketing team were at the corner of Sunset Boulevard across from the flagship Virgin Megastore, where they put together a mammoth public event with a huge cast.
[psst! want a free $5 off coupon for the DVD? click on our link in the title of this item for the official Scorpion King webpage and find the offer in the top right of its home page!]
First a Scorpion King scene was re-enacted with screaming explosions of flame. on a raised stage worthy of this month's Official Home of Poi Male Auction Catwalk Runway show, beefstud warriors sword-dueled as belly-dancing chix slithered around. fire-breathing chicks knelt in their gypsy wraps, put fire-eating batons between open lips, & blew 4 foot dragon breaths straight up to the stars. movie co-star ms. Kelly Hu flew in from the Canadian set of her next gig, X-Men, just for tonight's street gig. the pyrotechnicians heightened the tech-flames as the Scorpion King himself rapelled down from the heavens above to the mortal audience below, landing by 3 camels.
Next thing was to get the whole crew across Sunset Boulevard to the Virgin Megastore.
so what was that really like, getting that to happen with a large bunch of pyros, belly dancers & bodybuilt, oiled, warm-weather primitive swordsmen? just like ya thought: chaos.
does this sound familiar from when you organized fire artists who don't belong to one practiced troupe? a director barkered out, "could I please have all the harem girls and all the warriors join the camels?"
the camels snickered menacing teeth and circuited the parking lot instead of waiting for humans to join them, or cross Sunset. the warriors mobbed Kelly Hu who "furrowed her brow." da loose-hipped loose-vibe belly dancer chix were too busy flirting for all da photographers invited to cover the gig to listen to some friggin director asking them to move out of the lens to da mean desert beasts.
well, when directors & the rest of the event producing staff did get the amateur-semi-pro-actin' pyro actor mob over the street, stoppin traffic, instead of a camel delivering "the first DVD" to the Virgin Megastore, the caravan's human train left the camels outside when they swarmed in around confused Virgin shoppers in the aisles.
40% of a DVD's sales happen in the first week of its release, which is why Universal Studios put so much into one live promo event, which did succeed in getting some press. The Scorpion King's total domestic gross was $90.3 million, and while Nov 1 is the traditional time to release major home-purchase media to compete for holiday sales, early release like Oct 1 for family fare chases Disney/Pixar's Monsters, Inc. which sold 11 million DVDs, VHS, and other media in mid-Sept in the US and Canada alone.
well, even through the chaos of performers unco-ordinated with their overall program, music shoppers got a kick out of the belly dance chix doing what they always do. . .spontaneous shows. and even if he may've mistook a firechick for a dude, and maybe called fire-eating "breathing," a male Virgin sales clerk gushed to his colleague, "it's awesome! did you see the guy eating fire outside?"
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: Firedancing in the Ventura County Reporter
Maximus, Ventura, CA, USA Member # 1069 posted 04 October 2002 18:32 [intel expanded courtesy SoCalFire] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a story in in the local arts and entertainment weekly newspaper on me and firedancing. It's in the Ventura County Reporter online which is at (Oct 3, 2002).
The reporter actually understood my remarks about the psycho-anthropological origins about fire dancing. It's the best article I've ever seen on firedancing. Should you be unable to read the story, the photos are [also] at
~ Maximus
When first published on Oct 3, 2002, it was on the front page online, the story right under the cover story, with this blurb:
art & culture Fire dancing is as old as the cave dwellers that started it. Local dancer Phil Heiple says that although its refinements have made it safer, it’s still a primordial experience that offers a connection between man and his evolution.
which clicks to the main article.
Maximus was quoted on a great turn of phrase:
quote:“We have developed our own code of safety and our own code of etiquette,” explained Heiple (Maximus, as you'll read in the article).
terrific props to Maximus on an attentive-sounding reporter focusing very closely on him!
[ 18 October 2002, 17:43: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: Anyone for a Southern California Burn Saturday, Aug 19, 2002? Proposed venue: San Diego
calvran, SoCalFire host, Capistrano Beach, CA, USA Member # 2023 posted 08 October 2002 17:16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anybody want to get together next weekend (Not this weekend, bleh) and burn things? I was thinking somewhereabouts in San Diego, but, I dunno. So, anybody in? Oh, and I'm thinking of Saturday night (The 19th)
~ calvran
[ 18 October 2002, 17:44: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: Earthdance 2002 ~ San Diego San Diego, CA, USA, Saturday Oct 12, 2002
Oceanside's Valerie and the Vibe Tribe are hosts for Earthdance San Diego this year. We'll post you details in a day or so, and in the meantime, you can easily check for Earthdance detais throughout SoCal on many calendars and online.
It is being held at a suburban park, and there are no specific plans for lighting up firetoys. Valerie's crew remind us that since they anchor our pyro community's comfortable relationship with the San Diego fire marshal very well, community respect is of utmost importance. come to Earth Dance in San Diego, but don't expect you can light up for sure, it will go with the vibe of the moment, with however participants and officials feel at the time, and no specific fire performance or practice there is planned. . . as of now. . . gotta flex wit da wind on dis one!
[ 09 October 2002, 18:10: Message edited by: OrangeFire ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: From: MR Performers Agency (<--click for website) Beverly Hills, CA, USA phone 310.659.3384,
Subject: YOUR Fire Performance
Dear Performer,
MR Performers Agency is a talent booking agency looking for quality performers like you for our website!
We found you on a web listing of performers and would like to invite you to add your profile to our website:
You can sign up online for free by going to our site and clicking "add profile"
As you will see, we have a wide variety of performers from all over the world. We book professional individuals, acts, and shows for all types of performances including: circuses, trade shows, corporate events, theme parks, TV commercials, and others.
If you decide to sign up on our website, please send us tapes and pictures of your performances soon so we can prepare your profile for presentation to our clients.
We look forward to working with you in the near future.
~ Vladimir Khrustalev & Steve Matuszeski
Mail tapes (VHS, PAL, SECAM, mini DV, any format!) and pictures to:
shows a lot of performers in Russia, and from around the world including several from England, and some from China, Japan, and USA.
not surprising that at the top of their pages you can click to view the site in Russian instead of its default, which is in English.
but they don't really have a category for fire arts right now, so if you post yourself into their directory, ya gotta choose between "Juggling" and "Specialty Acts." right now, neither one seems to have fire in them, which is probably why they're looking for some pyro talent, peeps!
if their daily counter's straight up, today they added 7 performers plus 2 acts (distinction unclear). Here's what they report for "Site Popularity":
Artist profiles 32 Act profiles 28 Show profiles 25 Total profiles 85 Total visitors 774
in their online "hot jobs" section, they currently only list 2 gigs:
"jcircus jobs" Dominican Republic. Salary negotiated Contact MR Performers Agency Description: The opening of two new resorts with circus programs in the Breezes Punta Cana and Breezes Puerto Plata will open in December 2002
"corporate shows" Los Angeles, Las Vegas Salary pay top $$$$$$ Contact Vitaly Kozlov Description: We need all genres of circus and variety performers living in US and Canada for performances at convention centers, private parties and corporate events
that's it.
under "about us," MR Performers Agency emphasizes, "We have created a unique website with both pictures and video clips exhibiting the skills of every artist in our database. If you are currently looking for acts/performers and would like to view our video footage, please contact our office at (310) 659-3384 and we will assign you a client log-in ID."
adamrice and Charles (INFERNO) kindly brought this to our attention, and this agency is right of Beverly Hills! some SoCalFire members have received e-mails, too, probably from HoP listings.
They seem to be rolling out promo mail to fire performers right now, at least by e-mail, and Charles is enquiring back that way, with no response as of yet.
Anyone -- in or out of SoCal -- know more about them, let us know! If not, we'll look into it next week by local phone and let our friends at HoP know what up with this agency in person.
[ 18 October 2002, 17:46: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
FireMikeZLaguna dude 1,438 posts Location: Laguna, California, US
Posted: hey everyone,
can you say "CSE HTML Validation program 5.50?"? or nested tables? how about "debugging. . . !"
ah, for the love of the thrill of fire, for the love of you, my good SoCal people.
good time to give props to calvran , who calls us together for so many gatherings, and to pozee & wink , who always give me a huge grin with their witty, positive spirits, and plenty of moxy.
THANK YOU for being the great people you are, full of welcome, friendship, fun
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: Earthdance parties in SoCal & day drives from here!
Earthdance is a registered 501 3 (c) California non-profit organization based in San Francisco, NorCal, USA
EARTHDANCE 2002 - the global music festival for peace 50 nations, 100 cities, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, 11am - 6pm
Earthdance HQ in San Francisco sez, "JOIN US IN OUR PRAYER FOR PEACE * the 6th annual Earthdance, the world's largest synchronized music festival for peace. The pinnacle of the event will be a synchronized global link-up when the "Prayer for Peace" (4 PM San Francisco/ US Pacific Standard Time) is played at every event across the world at exactly the same time uniting all participants in a profound moment of peace and unity. A stellar line-up of artists have dedicated their support to this important global event ranging from Rock, R&B to Electronica. . . ."
No official parties for Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino counties, but SoCal, choose from 6 parties, starting with Castaic Lake, a fling northeast of downtown LA, FREE with $6 parking, and University Heights, San Diego entirely FREE!
Earthdance 2002 Los Angeles (more or less) Castaic Lake, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, 10am - 6pm, FREE but $6 parking for County of Los Angeles Donations to the organizers requested but not required Castaic Lake State Recreation Area 32132 Ridge Route Road Castaic, CA 91310 Earthdance LA hotline? 310 535-0932,
Line-up: dj's Jason Bentley, Twenty Twelve (live), Freddy Be & Mick Cole, Body Rock DJ's, Oscure, John Gregory, more special guests t/b/a
Very special thanx to this years HeartCore LA Support Systems: S.O.U.L. VIBRATION, WHUMP, F.A.M.I.L.Y., No-I-Tu-Love, The Dub Soldiers Of Funk, BodyRock, SOLID, Lotus, GOTT, Moontribe, EAM, Pixel Salad, EMDEF, GRRRRN VIBES.. plus many more.
Park phone 661-257-4050, district 818-880-0350 (Los Angeles County) Hours sunrise to sunset, first-come first-served camping
[previously posted map removed for faster loading]
From downtown Los Angeles, it's 41 miles northeast. From Ventura, it's 51 miles to Castaic Lake via Highway 126 and Interstate 5. From the 405/101 Valley interchange, it's 23 miles.
[previously posted map removed for faster loading]
From I-5, exit Hughes Lake Road OR
I-5 North from Los Angeles metro area, pass Magic Mountain Right at Parker Road Exit, 2 exits after Magic Mountain Right at Northlake sign after passing 2 stoplights Follow signs.
(2) Earthdance 2002 ~ University Heights, San Diego Old Trolley Barn Park, University Heights, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, 11 AM - 7 PM, all ages, FREE 2000 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA, USA 92116-1211
General host: GET-M Global Education Through Music, Eddie Valtierra
[previously posted map removed for faster loading]
Oceanside's Valerie and the Vibe Tribe are hosts for Earthdance San Diego this year, including Veronica, the Fire Goddess!
SoCalFire friends, it's being held at a suburban park, and there are no specific plans for lighting up firetoys. Valerie's crew remind us that since they anchor our pyro community's comfortable relationship with the San Diego fire marshal very well, community respect is of utmost importance. come to Earth Dance in San Diego, but don't expect you can light up for sure, it will go with the vibe of the moment, with however participants and officials feel at the time, and no specific fire performance or practice there is planned. . . as of now. . . gotta flex wit da wind on dis one! Great line-up, highly tekno:
there'll be interactive art exhibits for children and adults.
Line Up: Jason Blakemore, Thomas Michael, Valerie and the Vibe Tribe, Bluetech, Kip, Zeke Meyer, Seth Collins, Dakinideva, Performance Arts, Supersonic Samba School
(3)WE HAVE REQUESTED INFO, NO RESPONSE YET on Earthdance 2002 ~ Del Mar, San Diego venue, time, & cost unpublished, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, ask Marcus Lara General Host: We Are One
We Are One is a tekno publishing collaborative, especially featuring house djs such as Keoki (Moonshine Music 1 million unit seller), Miles Maeda (Material & Atmospheric Audio Chair, Chicago; yoga instructor & World Evolution Travelling Love Show, San Diego), & Mouse (LA). Get spiritual about music on their home page, and learn The Eleven Keys to Ecstatic Be-ing.
UPDATE AFTER EARTHDANCE: we suspect this group registered as an Earthdance host months ago, never prepared an actual party, and didn't bother to remove themselves from Earthdance HQ's listings. pshaw!!!
(4) WE GOT CONFIDENTIAL INFO on Earthdance 2002 ~ Santa Barbara underground venue!: 323 East Cabrillo Boulevard, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, 3 PM (updated time, was 1 PM), FREE directly across from the Las Palmas Recreation Area, between Garden and Cesar Chavez Santa Barbara, CA 93101
SPECIAL THANKS TO Jessica + Rylan Peery of who sent out the confidential venue e-mail to us!
Latest update from Council of Peace: "This is a drum-centric event intended to call in the energies of peace / love in a STRONG way."
All donations contributed to building a Council House at the Ojai Foundation. General host: Peace Council,, Jessica + Rylan Peery
Bring a drum and your dancing spirit. Please arrive by 1 pm as the peace ceremony / global link up happens sharply at 4:OOpm and we want to set the intention right: PEACE.
Line-up: DJ's DS Simbah, Nala, and Rah1 confirmed with drumming / dancing support by the ngoma dance community. Visuals by Love Mushroom. Beautiful location. Special guest musicians / surprise DJs to be announced via email on Friday. Your peaceful / joyful spirit is needed as our country marches towards war. Thanks to all those who are willing to dance / drum for peace. Every voice / intention / prayer counts. Peace Council is grateful for the folks offering up their musical gifts in support of this cause. Namaste.
(5) Earthdance 2002 ~ San Francisco Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park, Kennedy Drive San Francisco, CA 94110, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, 11 AM - 6 PM, $25 ticketed Earthdance San Francisco Headquarters, online tickets sold out, phone 800-595-4TIX (4849), or box office & street outlets only: Distractions (SF) 415-252-8751 / Spundae Reckords (SF) 415-575-1580 Skills (Berkeley) 510-704-9876 / Ultra Sounz (San Bruno) 650-871-4170 Curiosa (Santa Cruz) 831-423-3208 / Culture Shock (Fairfax) 415-456-8138 Last Record Store (Santa Rosa) 707-525-1963 / Incredible (Sebastopol) 707-824-8099
MAIN STAGES 1 & 2 Master of Ceremonies Julia "Butterfly" Hill Rock Legend Mick Fleetwood's Big Mojo featuring Todd Wood, Ron Thompson & Lauren Evans, with special guest Sheila E. Carlos Santana and Todd Wood provide a special global unity song they've co-written for Mick Fleetwood and musical guests to debut Grammy Award Winner Narada Michael Walden Band (producer of Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston and Sting) with special guest Myra Tzolkin featuring the members of Sound Tribe Sector 9 Big Brutha Soul featuring Chopmaster J, the co-founder of Digital Underground Medicine Drum Deepsky (DJ set)("best electronic dance band"- LA Weekly Music Awards)
ELECTRONICA STAGE Foxgluv, Playground Gianni, SOULSALAAM chiKa, and Zack Darling plus... Kidlandia, Mystic Family Circus, EarthTroupe, World Peace Clowns, and more
(6) Earthdance 2002, an Arizona Massive ~ Tucson The Global Dance for Planetary Peace in Aid of Tibet Indoor Outdoor Downtown Tucson, 18+ must have ID $20 presale, $25 after All proceeds after cost will be donated to the Tibet House of Trust. Presale in Tucson: Sounds Fresh 520-617-8913, Phoenix: Swell 480-945-3898 General hosts: Surreal Entertainment & The Raverhouse, Joey Scarfone
Earthdance's SF HQ doesn't know the details of this party to post on their website, but FireMike knew where to get em for us, props to Mr. Deserttrance of Nth & to Core Graphics for Arizona's rave site, Deserttrance! If you can get out of town, FireMike personally recommends this one. In SoCal, a Massive is usually 5,000+ peeps. From many discussions with Arizona promoters about Massives there, which are counted from about 2-3,000 heads up, this may be the biggest Arizona party of the year, and the vibe in Arizona is mainly "purer" and friendlier than in SoCal today, in any part of our region.
Surreal Entertainment sez, "This will be our third year bringing Arizona this amazing festival of life. This event will open your mind and take your breath away. Thanks for your continual support. Enjoy the universe. Our mission is to unite the positive force of the emerging global electronic music movement. . .to provide the focal point for sustaining a dedicated global community. As a community, we actively support world peace by raising awareness for selected causes.
Two Super Stages that will make history and restore all hope Props, Props and more Props Massive Chill area Free, food, candy, fruit, toys, balloons, tea, CDS, tapes and T-shirts
Please do not bring: weapons, drugs, alcohol, vicks, or open or glass containers You can bring: bookbags, cameras, video cameras, candy and good vibes
This event will reinstill all P.L.U.R. values in the scene and bring back the vibe that the Arizona Dance Community was once legendary for. You bring the vibe and we'll bring the event that will restore your faith in the scene you love so much.
Tibet House of Trust: ". . . so far already four orphanages have been built where 65 orphans are living. All of this has been possible due to your help. So we want to thank you very much on behalf of our orphans." Palden Tawo, Director, Tadra Project. "We are the same human being all sharing the same planet." His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
These are the DJs that have been with the scene since day one and deserve mad RESPECT. Extra big props to all the talent for donating their time, energy and dedication to the scene:
DDR ( Stay Up Forever) United Kingdomom LIVE SET, originator of the Hard Techno sound, maker of Carl Cox's records. Radar (Bombshelter - fresh from the DMC Championships in NY) L.A. and Emile (bombshelter) Phoenix LIVE ACT DJ ENRIE (Moonshine, At Large) L.A., disco to funky house KOO KANE (AM Recordings, Live Underground) L.A. (ED2000, Liquid Lotus Festival), old skool hard trance & techno EDDIE 7 (RAW RECORDINGS, SUBERT) Toronto, United Kingdom FIRST AZ APPEARANCE, pounding grooves Alex Reez (Sounds Fresh) Tucson and Plotz (Sounds Fresh) Phoenix DJ VanDeBelle (Surreal) Tucson, France and Nth (100%Natural Groove/DTS) Phoenix, trance Seth Myles (Harvest Season) Tucson and Implicit (Natural) Tucson, melodic, hard, progressive trance Emile (Bombshelter) Phoenix and Castor (Swell, Alloy Recordings) Phoenix Emile will try the unbelieveable play on two stages at one time, 15 minutes pet stage and different styles. He can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? Jay Skuklnik (Sounds Fresh) Tucson and Chawkie (Sounds Fresh) Tucson, jungle, ragga, darkstep Joseph Mykal (Surreal) Tucson and DJ Rhinox (Surreal) Tucson, (DV8 residents), NRG DJ Kenny (Surreal/Sounds Fresh) and Jennifer Kaye (Collective Groove) Tucson, sunrise! versastyle from house to breaks Grapla (Surreal - back fromn San Jose) Tucson and Tofu (Surreal - back from Las Vegas) Tucson, 10 scratchings titles and awards Phat Pat (Surreal) Tucson and Stephen Oaks (PlUR2K) Phoenix, trance Jessmar (Surreal) Tucson and Squints (Surreal) Tucson, sunrise! cybertrance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SAN FRANCISCO (October 1, 2002) - Earthdance, the world's largest music and dance festival for world peace, is set to unite 100 cities in 50 countries on Saturday, October 12, 2002. In its 6th year, the defining moment for Earthdance 2002 will be a united 'Prayer for Peace'-when hundreds of thousands of citizens around the world synchronize for the same prayer, in their native language, at 4:00 p.m. PST.
Earthdance, a non-profit organization, has raised over $450,000 for local charities that advance the increasingly critical goals of world peace, the welfare of youth and protection of the environment.
This year Earthdance has aligned with the United Nations internationally and the Mayor's Youth Fund in San Francisco- in order to advance the key initiatives of peace and the welfare of youth.
Earthdance visionary and founder, Chris Deckker, describes the worldwide synchronization, "The Prayer for Peace is a powerful message of peace and global unity that shows the world that there really are no boundaries among us. This hopeful message is critical to embrace, in light of our current escalating global conflicts."
Event producers around the world have joined Earthdance to bring a variety of music and dance events to 100 cities around the globe. Countries include the UK, Japan and China, as well as Bolivia, Columbia, Czech Rebuplic, India, Kazakhstan and Nigeria. Festival-goers will enjoy celebrations at venues both diverse and unique, ranging from a 300-foot deep crater in Johannesburg, to a nature reserve in Tswaing, Africa, to a sacred aboriginal cultural center in western Australia.
"Through the use of new media and these worldwide peace celebrations, Earthdance represents the model of how grass roots communities can become internationally recognized," said Earthdance Executive Producer Mike Evans. "Their powerful voice can affect global political situations today and the general social condition of humanity as a whole." As host city, San Francisco will provide the primary content for a live global webcast, available at
Earthdance's key platforms for peace are the environment, the welfare of children, indigenous people and urban youth. These efforts are made stronger by Earthdance's global affiliation with the United Nations program 'International Year of Mountains'. The San Francisco event will support local non-profit organizations that include the Mayor's Youth Fund, Rainforest Action Network and Milagro Foundation.
For more information go to or call 415-453-0658.
# # #
[ 18 October 2002, 17:52: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: Black Rock Decompression club party Downtown Los Angeles, CA, USA, Saturday, Oct 12, 2002 21+, full bar. $10 b4 10PM or w/Burning Man playawear (costume), $20 after or w/out (city clothes) @ Mobius 209 South Garey Street a blue 2-storey building with lots of windows Downtown LA Arts District, next to Little Tokyo Los Angeles, CA 90012-4322, Christian 323.974.2664, Robert 323.974.2662,
SoCalFire pyros 21+, wanna party arty trancy with Burning Man peeps who are still hungover from da big deal in Nevada a few weeks ago? here's a party where you can stoke their coals, go mad finding a safe place in the alleyways of downtown, Little Tokyo, Chinatown, Grand railway station, or da patrol-cruised Angeles park above it to satisfy your itchy lighter fingers for afterhours, and maybe set up a burn or two with them after dawn makes y'all hungry.
Line-up: Live Music & Video by Braingarden, Golden Buddha, Mark Trance (Live), Petey, Christian, Doug J 11 (Live), egg, chris lee, minty fresh, talisman, loki, rayna & anah of the hoop, butoh octopus ritual, wise & immortal serpent, soul power. Chill room by Cinnamon Twist. 9PM-5AM. Located
[previously posted map removed for faster loading]
From the 101 Freeway Exit Alameda Exit Right at the stop Left (South) on Alameda Left on 2nd Street Park at Garey Street
From the 10 Freeway Exit Alameda, turn Left (North). Right at 2nd Street Park at Garey Street
[ 18 October 2002, 17:53: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: Just In: ^ Castaic Lake ^ party for Los Angeles area pyro partiers just added to Earthdance party list above, for your peacevibing dancetribing firejiving pleasure tomorrow aftanoon!
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: HoP SoCalFire host team pozee & wink spin Saddleback College Homecoming 2002 Saddleback College, Saturday Oct 12, 2002, pregame late luncheon barbecue 3:30 PM (everyone invited) game starts 5 PM, Halftime "Mardi Gras Madness" Show around 6:10 PM, $5 general admission at stadium 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92692-3635 USA Saddleback College Information: 949.582.4500, 949.582.4616
The Saddleback College Gauchos, founded in 1968, tangle with the El Camino Warriors during Saddleback College's 2002 Homecoming football game, celebrating their 35th year with an average 7.5 wins per season on a 10-game schedule! 19 conference championships, 3 state championships, 3 National Championships, and 15 bowl game appearances. Coach Mark McElroy, 1979 Gaucho alumnus, leads the charge.
But pyro friends, here's the real show deal:
pozee & wink will spin staffs for 5 minutes during the half-time show, "Mardi Gras Madness," which includes the crowning of the 2002 Homecoming king and queen. The stadium is expected to have 600-800 cheering fans for this Homecoming game.
What a rush! SoCalFire's made it into da institutional map around here! The Homecoming Committee Chair in the Associated Student Government invited us to send our fire artists, as a paid gig! Saddleback College serves over a dozen cities from the foot of Saddleback Moutain's twin peaks, with saddle-butt depression between them, through heavily populated suburban/ commercial Saddleback Valley, down to the Pacific coast!
[ 18 October 2002, 17:55: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFire411member 13 posts Location: Southern California, USA, e-mail SoCalFire411@yaho...
Posted: ^ ^ Just in: CONFIDENTIAL Earthdance Santa Barbara underground venue 411 just added above
under Earth Dance Santa Barbara's listing in the Earthdance 2002 events schedule in SoCal for
TODAY, Saturday Oct 12, 2002
[ 18 October 2002, 17:42: Message edited by: SoCalFire411 ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
Maximusmember 250 posts Location: Upland, CA., USA
Posted: Thanks, FireMike. We were already on the case. We carpooled up from Ventura for the Earthdance ceremony in Santa Barbara. There was at least ONE THOUSAND people there for the anti-war demonstration and march followed by the Earthdance at the beach. Didja hear about it in the news? I'll bet not... We hula hooped and spun white poi all day for peace. What a great experience.
FireMikeZLaguna dude 1,438 posts Location: Laguna, California, US
quote:Originally posted by Maximus: There was at least ONE THOUSAND people [in Santa Barbara] for the anti-war demonstration and march followed by the Earthdance at the beach. Didja hear about it in the news? I'll bet not... We hula hooped and spun white poi all day for peace. What a great experience.
good news from ya, Maximus! (hey, check ya PMs too wouldja?)
i just checked online pretty completely, naw, sorry, no one in all the SoCal major papers reported on Santa Barbara rally, nor Earthdance, shizza! & even in Santa Barbara, only local 1 i dunno is if Santa Barbara News-Press did, it charges online even for today's articles, so i skipped it.
which is why i'm totally glad to hear of it from you! only old mention was about Santa Barbara congresswoman votin against Iraq war approval, & that a protest was still being planned.
so did many of the marchers go to the beach with you for Earthdance?
spun white poi, whooo! ya mean unlit flag-poi, righT? how many peeps at Earthdance Santa Barbara, & how many spinners?
i went with Myst & FireProof to University Heights San Diego Earthdance, towards the end, where most were spinnin orange flag poi!
was good good vibes tho modest size, maybe 200 peeps spread in a smallish but very nice swatch of grassy park in a mid-funky hood, had mebbe 300 peeps max, prolly, good vibe, good DJs. pozee & Kinudin were there, heard Kinudin just left before we got there, HoP/OF's LLcoolPat was spinnin orange poi, & Veronica the Fire Goddess walked some stilt, i think. ya gotta come down sometime, meet all the spinners we got around here, and more are connecting to our network at the time, maybe a dozen from yesterday at Earthdance. also da core SDRavers crowd came out. few of us had good dance with a good-lookin gray-white specked dog too, (sorry dogbro, can't quite remember your human name).
Kinudin, hey, just missed ya dude, how was the party during the middle time?
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US
Maximusmember 250 posts Location: Upland, CA., USA
Posted: FireMike, you got the basics right: Santa Barbara, USA, the mayor came out as anti-war, i.e. anti-invasion of Iraq. She got heavily criticized--and the people of Santa Barbara have been turning out in support of her every Saturday. While the demonstration drew about a thousand, the Earthdance celebration drew about two hundred. We made our own streamer poi out of white silk. Details, later. I have an advanced fire injuries class to to take...
SoCalFiremember 38 posts Location: Southern California, USA
Posted: Memorial Flame Steven "Webbie" Webster of Newport Beach age 41, killed in the Bali nightclub blast Memorial Service, Saturday Oct 19, 2002, 10 AM 52nd Street and Seashore Drive in Newport Beach
yo pyros, WarFire & a bomb which kindled a bad fire through a Bali hood, cut short the 41st birthday candle of one of our SoCal neighbors among the 200 dead. "Webbie," a Balboa surfer, loved our Orange coast beach as we do. everyone's invited to a little open-air memorial for him, by his friends & family. if ya go, bring some fire for us all, maybe a candle.
reprinted from The Los Angeles Times THE REGION section, October 16, 2002:
Surfer With 'Positive Vibe' Is Mourned The body of car-bomb victim Steven Webster is still in Bali; his injured friend is back in Orange County. By Jennifer Mena, Times Staff Writer
A day after his death was confirmed half a world away, Steven "Webbie" Webster was mourned Tuesday by friends who called him a happy-go-lucky surfer, fisherman and golfer who shared his positive spirit.
Webster was killed last weekend in a car-bomb attack in Bali; he had gone to the Indonesian island on a surfing trip with friends to celebrate his 41st birthday.
One companion, William Steven "Crabbie" Cabler, arrived home weak and sick early Tuesday. Friends and family took him to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, where he was admitted with a broken shoulder, third-degree burns and an injured eardrum.
The two men were at the Sari Club in Bali on Saturday night when a car bomb detonated, killing nearly 200 people. A bar across the street, the Paddy Club, was also hit. Both are frequented by surfers from around the world.
Cabler, 42, of Newport Beach, and Huntington Beach residents Webster, 41, and friend John Parodi Jr., 42, went to Bali to surf. Parodi, who was not in the bar at the time of the explosion, spent days looking for Webster in hospitals and morgues. He identified Webster's body late Monday night. Family members are sending dental records to Bali to reconfirm his identity before the body can be returned home.
Word quickly spread Tuesday through the Balboa Peninsula neighborhood where Webster had an office. His family kept a vigil at his Huntington Beach home, where a sign outside read "High Surf for Steve Webster."
Friend Todd Garrison was among those who helped set up a makeshift memorial to Webster outside his office; it includes photographs of Webster, a tall, tan Californian with wheat-colored hair. He is shown the way neighbors said they will remember him: surfing the waves in Newport and holding up big prize fish. There are surfboards pressed against the office window and T-shirts on hangers that read "Terrorists Don't Surf."
Webster and his wife, Mona, along with son Dylan and stepdaughter Samantha, were fixtures on the shore. Webster, co-owner of the engineering firm S&S Commercial Environmental Inc., spent his lunchtimes surfing, friends said.
"We would surf at least four times a week. We are a tightknit community here, and we will miss him terribly," Garrison said. "All he did was give out a positive vibe, including advice that really helped people."
Nick Johnson, 17, looked up to Webster, who had taught him surf etiquette when he began surfing at age 8. He saw Webster the day before he left for Bali with the new Town & Country surfboard he had bought for the trip.
But other friends said they had been worried about the possibility of terrorist violence in Indonesia.
"It was not a good time to be leaving," said Mike Sarcoz, Cabler's roommate. "We all knew it. [Cabler] knew it.''
Cabler said he and Webster were in the back of the crowded bar, celebrating Webster's birthday, about 11 p.m. when they heard a blast at the Paddy Club.
"Before I could say anything, our building blew up.... I saw the roof collapse on him. I looked and saw young girls burning. I saw people burning," Cabler said.
He said he realized that he was trapped in the bar, so "I pounded my shoulder eight to 10 times" against a metal wall and "popped my way out."
"I ran down the street. I thought I was going to be picked off," he continued.
Two people in a passing car picked him up and took him to a clinic, but it was full, so they got him a hotel room.
"Every time I close my eyes I see the burning people," he said.
Although family members do not expect Webster's remains to be returned until next week, they are planning a tribute to him at 10 a.m. Saturday at 52nd Street and Seashore Drive in Newport Beach, said family friend Trent Walker.
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
SoCalFiremember 38 posts Location: Southern California, USA
Posted: VISITOR TO SOCAL: HoP's iluminaryfaerie (Gaja)
in 2-1/2 weeks, SoCalFire welcomes this pert little darling to SoCal, along with her music promoter friend Octavian, both from "Guelph, Ontario, Camerica." so
it is our pleasure to introduce our Home of Poi family to the mignon body and irresistible attitude of
we found that to illuminate such a Gaian fairy, her spirit led us to a surprisingly elusive gold flourish of the Magik font.
Gaja (Gaia in Polish) is 17, creative & kinda trippy. she's into dreads, sunshine, warm people, piercings (side lip, nose, 5guage ears), independence, vegan life, her scooter, dancing, more dancing, psytrance, triphop, DnB, dark rock, bjork, then says "fuck genres! i love it all."
Octavian's coming to jam with party promoters in the area. and together, they're hitchhiking!
what part of SoCal, etc., tba as we hear from them.
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!! 4,224 posts Location: Back in Paris... for now !
Posted: Sweeeeeet Hope you all have great fun, sun and inpiration Shine on cassandra
"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..." "So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..." "NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"
Posted: hey, nice to find this. just over one month till i wander into the scene. also- have had two friends who want to visit the gang whilst i am down there enquiring about places to stay in L.A. or San D. (One specifically requested San D. but also has juggling contacts,) anyone have any spots open lemme know, dates uncertain.
my last day of finals is Dec 2, but as i am trying to hitch a ride rather than bus it may be a bit.
peace & love, kyri
Keep your dream alive Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
SoCalFiremember 38 posts Location: Southern California, USA
Posted: post-party comments by Myst & Techno_Kiddo are here ! good to see our SoCal peeps takin good care of each other, we're a region full of good love.
it's the weekend before Halloween, and in SoCal that means if you're in da mood for a major tekno party, there's only one place to be, even though ya prolly won't be able to bring firetoys past security, or light up while you're there. still, it's da big place for all of SoCal rave lovers including pyros, to meet up, maybe 5,000 to 8,000 strong, and several SoCalFire members are likely to be there, like religiously, dude . . .
Monster Massive Los Angeles Olympic Coliseum & Sports Arena, Saturday Oct 26, 2002 6PM - 4AM, all ages $30-45, VIP $75 by GO Ventures, but go right to ( ^ you can click above)
The 5th Annual HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR returns to Southern California. GO VENTURES transforms the newly re-modeled and fully reinforced Los Angeles Sports Arena into a Halloween festival location of epic proportions. Do you dare enter the doomed chambers that await you at Monster Massive?
Featuring....Judge Jules (Bbc Radio One /Uk), Derrick May & Kevin Saunderson (House Pioneers/2x4), Felix Da Housecat(Chicago), Anne Savage(Tidy Trax/Uk), Matt Hardwick(Gatecrasher/,Uk), Dj Funk (Hard House Legend), Richard "Humpty" Vission (Power Tools), Mars (F-8,Sf), Dj Irene (Miss Diva Herself), Dj Reza (Go Ventures), Dj Ss & Mc Skibadee (Formation/Uk), Ak 1200 (Planet Of The Drumz/Florida), Freaky Flow & Mc Flipside (Moonshine/Toronto), Medusa & Feline Science (Live), Dj Heather & Mark Grant(Chicago), Lenny V.(Jungle Boogie), East Coast Boogiemen(Seattle), Spacemen (Live), Barry Weaver (Funky Techno Tribe), Thomas Michael (Go Ventures), Thee-O (Biohazard), Signal (Live), Demigod (La), Dr.Zvago Vs. Dj Dione (Holland), Simon Apex (Scr) Vs. Robbie Long (Uk), Double D (Canada) and much, much more.
General Admission: starts @ $30,then $35 and finally $45. (VIP Tixs: $75) Tickets are on sale at all Ticketmaster locations, the Sports Arena box office and select Ticket Outlets listed on the event site.
Early arrival strongly suggested. Secured and safe parking. Multiple entrances. Multiple Search Staff for speedy entrance. Clean restrooms. Smoking area. Full Food & Drink Concessions. Full Bar w/ ID.
Five years and steadily breaking attendance records,Monster Massive again rears it's lovely, decadent head. Cited by LA WEEKLY as "electronic excellence, hitting more flavas than a whole week of tricking and treating" and by BPM Magazine as "one of the biggest one-off electronic music events in US history...pure haunted debauchery." LA TIMES said "If you're curious about the electronic dance music experience, then MONSTER MASSIVE may be your 100-beats-per-minute ticket."
Do you dare enter the doomed chambers that await you at Monster Massive? Come celebrate and enjoy a whole night of ghoulish entertainment. Be a part of the biggest and most monstrous bash to hit the west coast. Bring your friends to share in the nightmare, play and sway to the haunted bass lines from Hades itself.
Music to raise the dead, Puritanical funk witchcraft for your head.
This year's event will feature five functioning, technologically advanced Multimedia stages and rigging installations. Come and dance to blood-curdling beats from Dante's own Disco Inferno. Howl and sway with the ghosts of the night....
Tomb of Doom House of Horrors Witches Woods Phantom Chamber Devil's Dungeon
and of course a VIP Area
Get weird, get down, get funky and enjoy the freedom to be yourself.
Official MM_02 Aftterparty
[ 30 October 2002, 08:03: Message edited by: SoCalFire ]
~ word from ya SoCalFire pyro family~
MikeGinnyGOLD Member HOP Mad Doctor 13,925 posts Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Posted: So I am going to be in Santa Barbara from Dec. 23 until Jan 3. I will probably have to go down to S.D. to visit some of you folks during that time. Just sending out a warning!
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
FireMikeZLaguna dude 1,438 posts Location: Laguna, California, US
Posted: Wonderful, MikeGinny! Keep us posted when ya got any defs, or even probables, willya?
and hey, Dom's coming over from England somewhere just around Turkey Time! looking for "California couches too," mainly closish to LA but he may rent a car, so watch out for dat one, too. . .
MikeGinny, ya might be here when Kyrian is, late December, and she's got a date to go with some of us to the BIGGER massive than Monster Massive just posted above, to SoCal's legendary TAO (Together As One) New Year's Eve, same location, LA Olympic Coliseum's Arena, and last year 10,000 beat-pumped maniacs! Ya comin?
molten cheers,
~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!) Laguna, California, US