Barry Silvermember
1 post
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Attention to all members or friends living in or near Philadelphia, PA - USA. I would like to put together a group of fire performers to do shows, and for general meetings. If you are interested at all, please contact me ASAP!

Barry Silver
Master Magician

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Well I'm 100 miles from you but relatively mobile.

As of two weeks I don't have a dang thing to do all summer (except maybe go to England and Scotland for a vacation)... Is that close enough?

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

531 posts

Well let me think about this ... I'm about 100 miles from NYC and he is about 100 miles from you soooo ... um yeah.

Though I won't be able to be around for regular events I always check the events board here for interesting things going on in the New England area.I always enjoy meeting new people so try to keep us posted about what's going on in your area.

4 posts
Location: USA

i'm about two hours from you down in the Reading area, i've just recently got introduced to the scene and have been trying to learn the basics, but if you want to get together sometime when i get back into the country and don't mind teaching me things i'm sure we could get together.

Only a Fetus with Fire is a happy Fetus.

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