34 posts
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA

Hey all,

Took some movies of firewhip in the parking lot last night. Thought I would share one with this crowd before putting them up on my website:

Nothing all that special, but it does prove that you can throw more than a couple fireballs with a rope style whip.


AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

Nothing all that special.
wow - that just looks fantastic, I was very impressed. I don't use whips and would love to hear more about how the whip makes the large flash of flame and light as it touches the ground...

essentially I want to know what makes it so

26 posts
Location: Palmerston Nth, New Zealand

awesome vid man!
i was looking at your site and im wondering to myself, if i make me one of these lil babies and ive never cracked a whip in my life can i still learn to use it well? is it relativly easy to learn? it looks like theres a bit of an art to it.
i guess what im trying to say is how hard are these lil fellas to get used to?

34 posts
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA

Hey thanks guys.

>I don't use whips and would love
>to hear more about how the whip
>makes the large flash of flame
>and light as it touches the ground

Actually, the whip is not touching the ground. I am cracking it which causes a fireball. What you are seeing is the light from the fireball reflecting off of the ground.

>ive never cracked a whip in
>my life can i still learn to use
>it well? is it relativly easy to
>learn? it looks like theres a bit
>of an art to it. i guess what im
>trying to say is how hard are
>these lil fellas to get used to?

It really helps to have some background with a real bullwhip. Hell, even with prior whip experience a firewhip is really dangerous -- if you fuck up you
have a burning fuel-soaked wick tangled around you. If you are facing into the wind you can end up with a fireball in your face. I suggest a lot of practice unlit.

have fun, and play safe...


Fire By Riz tmmember
212 posts
Location: tampa fl usa

damn I cant see the video Ninja do you have any stills ??

I have been cursed with the imagination to envision it all

165 posts
Location: Halifax, NS

the fireballs from a firewhip are always impressive ( sorta like the sound ) it's a nice little video there dude

thats right i look like an albino ape that has had a bad day.. go ahead say something stupid... i dare ya !

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

Ivan 2+2=0

In response to your signature.

Now what are you going to do?

26 posts
Location: Palmerston Nth, New Zealand

cheers fire ninja, even though it looks FUCKING AMAZING, i may jus leave it for a lil while until ive got more experience with all my other lil toys, a fireball in the face dosent really sound that attractive. cheers for the info man

34 posts
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA

Sorry Riz, no stills as of yet.... If you go to:

you can get a free quicktime player for any operating system. This should enable you to view the movie.

Glad you others have enjoyed it. I should have some more movies [and stills] up soon.


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