little phenoixmember
14 posts
Location: austin,tx

I have a pair of nunchakus I've been liting up for about 2yrs. now. I can do a little bit of stuff with 2 pair but I'm not quite ready to move on to 2 pair on fire.I know where to buy videos but I would like find info on moves with 2 pair (free info).

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

I do a lot of double-chucks in martial arts, but not with fire yet. The problem with doubles is you basically have a set of poi with hot handles. Single is cool because you can do the passes, wraps, etc, but doubles I dunno about. Maybe only light up one end and go thru our poi moves section for ideas?

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

dude, if you don't know them, hand wraps open chucks up to a whole world of double staff like moves. we'll probably meet at some tuesday or other, and i'll show you. meantime, practice meteors!

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

little phenoixmember
14 posts
Location: austin,tx

I dont have a problem with the nunchakus getting hot on the handles. The pair I have I made from a wooden pair which works pretty well. I can do a lil' bit with 2, just basic alternating(1 hand doin 1 thing while other does opposite)figure 8 behind the hand wrap arounds which would look cool on fire but its coming out of that and going into something else that I'm hav'n trouble with.

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

figure eight behind the hand wrap arounds...are we talking about the same thing? me might... actually, we must not, or else the chucks would be literally flying out of your hands, dying to go SOMEWHERE... well, it's frustrating trying to help someone when i have no idea how you spin. you could be bruce lee for all i know.
you should go to tuesday nights, even if i'm not there , i showed some folks some nunchaku wraps stuff there, they might could help. otherwise, peruse this site for double staff moves.

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

337 posts
Location: London UK

Trouble with chucks is that technically they're illegal and can be confiscated. I had police take away a pair of glowsticks tied together with string, which was ridiculous...

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

I hate it when authority figures act stupid.

actually that figure eight hand roll thing is quite easy to maintain, I do it all the time. with two chucks it took me a long time to get good hand rolls in my left.

I like to do it facing on way, then turn 180 and roll the other way.

I also do a lot of recoils combos with double chucks.

I've never had a problem with the handle getting hot, as mine are made of wood
Make sure you make them long enough though, and hold the chuck close to the chain. AND KEEP THEM MOVING. You have to been very conciouse of where that flame is, as a natural gip leaves the forearm right over the flame. BAD!

I like using one fire chuck the most though, because it lets you do hand passes and kneck wraps and stuff. Two chucking is sort of limiting in some ways, with two chucks though you can pretty much do all poi moves, and masive continuouse recoil patterns are wicked with double chucks. just go wild with it!

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

i8beefy2GOLD Member
674 posts
Location: Ohio, USA

How long should my chucks be? How do you connect wick to the end, and what kind? I just learned a few things with a pair and I want to try it on fire. Nothing I can't do with my practice set of course, but I think hand rolls would look wicked

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

most folks just take regular chucks (not speed chucks with shorter handles, longer chain) and screw wicking to the tip at the end, if the handles are (X) the wick is (>)


now, i wonder why i haven't met this little pheonix person yet?

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

somehow, Arashi, I don't think
most people
know anything about making fire nunchucks, but thats just my own sarcastic opinion.

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Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

if you want a weapon that has chain connecting stick sections but want more length for fire wicking, you could look at chinese weapons instead. they be nice and thing.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

robnunchucksBRONZE Member
363 posts
Location: manchester uk

best way of avoiding geting them confenstcated is to call them something else say there poi if you have two then just do a load of slow poi moves while there watching as poi arn't lillega or call them twisters (a varenent of poi that are basicly nunchucks except for the style in which there done) or something else then just what ever you do dont call them nunchucks insist there poi or twisters and demonstrate some slow moves that arn't nunchuck moves thats your best bet anyways

also if you make your own when you design them distort the dimentions abit make the handles very thin and long so they look less like nunchucks to the untrained eye

My nunchucks vital statictics biggrin

weight: 500g
handle lenght: 16 inches
chain length: 2 inches

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