onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

I'm considering buying 'The Meteor Book' as sold on HOP. I'm wondering if anyone experienced with meteors has seen a copy and if they consider it worth getting.

I'm at the stage where I can do the weave based stuff and turns, maintain a staff-like front circle and it pass behind my back, one handed butterfly throws and catches, one handed figure eight and turns, plus smooth combinations of all the above. Also at ease with fire meteors and water cup meteors.

Is there a lot of other stuff in the book. At the moment I'm particularly interested in how to get into full BTB weaves.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
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PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Pretty much it sounds like what you can do is what is covered in the book, so it may not be the best thing for you to get. Though I get all the books because they help me think of other/better ways to do things, or at least explain them, but that is just me. I REALLY like it but am not so sure it will suit your needs.
It pretty much covers the poi basics of it and the staff basics of it.

Somewhere in a thread I remember someone stating that the btb weave with meteor is pretty pointless as you end up tieing yourself in the rope. *shrug*
I am not that far with the meteor so I would not know about that.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
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onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Cheers for the info Pele.

BTB with meteors does work, once you've got into it it's the same as with poi. The difficult bit is getting into it whilst spinning.

I had a bit of a breakthrough with it today which I'm going to post in the BTB meteors thread.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

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