Forums > Videos > old skewl (aka skunkwebspin, skunk160.avi)

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Le Skunkmember
84 posts
Location: NYC, New York, USA

awesome finally a video section!!!

i couldn't find my old thread posted probably around october of last year...

so anyway here is the link that started my online video posting career:

fisher price presents: my first online fire video

parts of this performance were used on COL3

divx encoded (thanx bender ) though unfortunately the live drumming that i danced to has been lost in the compression...
the performance was taped in may 2002



[ 18. June 2003, 10:26: Message edited by: Le Skunk ]

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Eh up mr skunk, to save me double downloading:

Is this the same as the one that was up called skunkwebspin20mb?
That vid has the best collection of Between the legs I've seen
and a wicked east cost bob and foot shuffle style that reminds me of mr nomad?
You two spun together?
Cool stuff

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

ps at your service

Le Skunkmember
84 posts
Location: NYC, New York, USA

yes glass one and the same video

thanks for diggin up the thread i couldn't find it for some reason. maybe it was never posted in poi moves...

and yes, nomad and i have spun together on numerous occasions, from east to west and all over this great country...

ah, memories...

soon enough we shall meet again on a new continent. well the continent is not so new just new to me.

i plan to move to berlin in early september, anybody down for organizing a european poi summit?


GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

chirp me with a PM nearer the time.
I know some berlin crowd.
london is conveniently on the way to berlin

Le Skunkmember
84 posts
Location: NYC, New York, USA

will do!

maybe i can swing by London together with Sunbeam as we make our way back from BURNING MAN!!! gotta love those jedi powers of persuasion...

btw this is irrelevant to the thread but i saw cirque du soleil's varekai this weekend. first of all, they got these 3 12 year old chinese kids that are just SICK with meteors. at one point one of them is spinning horizontally, launches the meteors into the air, and jumps onto the ground on his back with his feet pointing up. then one of the other kids jumps up with his back on the first kid's feet and does a backflip off of him, stopping halfway through the flip to kick the rapidly descending meteors back up perfectly off of 1 foot!!! then he lands and the first kid on the ground manages to get up and catch it without missing a beat.

not to mention the juggler. well i guess it's too late for that and as i already mentioned him, i might as well say that he was the most impressive juggler i have EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE and i think either juggling 5 ping pong balls in his mouth or the juggling of 6 (not american, the one you actually play with your feet) football sized balls, 2 in each hand, and 2 kicking up off one foot and bouncing off the head clinches that title. and of course rarely have i seen people running full speed and tumbling while juggling clubs...

i gotta make myself a set of meteors, now that i've seen it done properly...

um..sorry bout the offtopicness.


DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

"yes, you skills between the legs are second to none", she said...

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

Le Skunkmember
84 posts
Location: NYC, New York, USA

how do you knwo my girlfriend? i swear, if she bin messin round on me 'gin, i dun put her on springer!!

just kidding


PS sorry i missed that whole bit about "the rules" and "naming threads", can one of you kindly moderators please change the title to include the name? the video has been called skunkwebspin20mb and skunk160.avi in various compression, it's the same performance....

nomadBRONZE Member
356 posts
Location: Paris, France

Pardon my french, but what the hell is bob and foot shuffle Mr Glass?

I totally second the idea of Mr Skunk for a european poi summit in the Fall.


MozyBRONZE Member
*.. If ya can't be Good, Be Good at it..*
147 posts
Location: In Melbourne at the moment, Australia


watching the world go by!!!!

Trick ferret on the making hehe!!!!
Everybodyknows me as (TriX)

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

"bob and foot shuffle" = that thing that Skunk does when he spins.


deffinitly a style all his own. Never seen it befor or since, anywhere else.

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

no, realy, Skunk, you have some amazing skills with poi.

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

i plan to move to berlin in early september, anybody down for organizing a european poi summit?

Oh dear God. You're not leaving me here in New York City.

If my calculations are correct that would make me the best TECHNICAL spinner in New York City. That's pathetic.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Oh yeah. Firstly, I can safely say after having been to the European Juggling Convention last summer that you'll see better jugglers in your life (Especially if you hang out with Glass and the Euro Juggling gang...)

...also, if you click "Edit" on your first post you can change the name of this thread yourself.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

at NYC. first one
second one,
it that a typo or are you being rude/ natural new yorker

[ 17. June 2003, 03:52: Message edited by: Glåss ]

Le Skunkmember
84 posts
Location: NYC, New York, USA

ah ok nyc i changed the title myself. and yes, i am gonna leave you here indefinitely to rule the roost. maybe you should take over cassandra's poi classes (hehehe) mr. technical. so in the meantime let's freakin get together and play already since it's been like a month and a half since i had an effective (more than 20 minutes) poi session...

and thanks kindly dantana, i been doing poi for quite some time so that is my excuse...

i am very psyched to be meetin the london gang this fall hopefully, not just because of all the innovative poi culture but also especially if any of you can juggle like that d00d in cirque...

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