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Posted: On sat night we had our first gig & what a buzz it was. It was Edentity's 2nd birthday & the crowd was rocking. I did my first public body burning & fire eating act and the crowd went wild. To anyone out there trying to get together a fire troup I say persevere cos the end result justifies the hard slog. There is no better feeling than being on stage performing your best and having it appreciated by a receptive audience.I would like to publicly thank Megaty & Y, my partners in crime for all their help & support. & a massive thankyou to Lee & Alex for all they put up with & all their help.Big love & respect Guys. Love Thistlefirepixie
Are we nearly there yet?
FrenzieBRONZE Member member 515 posts Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: Argh!!!! Fire Flash may have just lined us up for our own performance at a party (lovely girl) and as exciting as it also scared out of my brain.......all those people?!!!!Guess its gonna be a lot of fun though
- Industrial design knows of no article more useful than the milk crate -
smittymember 104 posts Location: Brisbane QLD Australia
Posted: body burning?sounds pain full, how do u do it?holf the flame to ur skin, or pour stuff on?ive seen some guy hold the flame to his face be4, is that body burning?
bobrobmember 61 posts Location: currently in..... Perth WA
Posted: no. it's stupid.
bobrobmember 61 posts Location: currently in..... Perth WA
Posted: actually, isn't there some kind of act where you wear a costume on top of fire- proofs, so it can burn away?or did i dream this ?
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: I think it depends on the termonolgies.I, and others I have spoken to, calm it flame to body transfer which is taking a lit fire toy and trailing it along your body. When you do this there is a residue of fuel that remains behind on fire, but it doesn't really burn the skin, it just appears as if it might. Once the fuel burns off the flame is out, or you can smother it out if it is out of control (obviously you don't want more than a residue of don't want a lamp oil bath or anything). Important to remember when doing this, if you are one of the human rugs of the world...hairy and happy, shave first!!!! Singed hair smell is far worse than fuel! (BTW, I do this myself and haven't had any problems) This form of fire play is usually very slow and erotic but can be added to most routines.Any hoo....burning clothes you're wearing over flame retardent items? Umm...only heard of it for stunt people and I myself wouldn't concider it for a show as the prep time and fire proof gear would be too costly. But that's just me and my show..... ------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Posted: Hey frenzie, Don't you go worrying about all the people looking at ya. Once you get up on the stage/podium & all the people are cheering for you all the nerves and butterflies in the tummy fade away and you suddenly realise you love being the centre of attention. Even when you make a mistake no one seems tonotice. I think this is because we are all our own worst critics.Onelove, Thistlefirepixie. ;-)
Are we nearly there yet?
Jessemember 118 posts Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA
Posted: I'll agree on the fact that no one notices the mistakes. My first public performance was riddled with them, I was so nervous, but I **still** made in 10 minutes worth of tips what I usually make in 4 hours!!! I still laugh when I think of how that performance ended. One of my poi swung wildly and hit me in the head (which was I had previously SOAKED with water, 'cause I didn't want anything bad to happen... I was, as I said before, incredibly nervous and not leaving anything to chance...), then went out because my hair was so wet. Fortunately, my other poi had the good grace to go out at exactly the same moment, and my DJ wound up with a $20 tip because he was paying attention and switched the music and brought up the house lights. Lots of the audience members wanted to tell me how cool they thought the "abrupt darkness" at the end of my show was. I spent the rest of the night praying that no one would ever ask me to try and repeat that particular trick!!!
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