Forums > Social Discussion > stereotypes of americans...

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Location: York, England

I'm mostly out to ask the people from England, Oz, and NZ, who supposedly speak the same language as us americans... heh.

Basically, I want to know what people's sterotypes of americans are. Obnoxious? Self-centered? Those are a few I've hit so far. But what things do you usually associate with them?

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New Hampshire has a point....

squidBRONZE Member
382 posts
Location: sur, USA

Who says stereotypes have to be negative?

Americans: independent-minded, proud, and patriotic

Brits: steadfast, trustworthy, loyal

Aussies: charismatic, beautiful, adventurous

French: connossieurs of quality, artistic

Russians: Innovative, resourceful

Asians: ....well, lumping them all together as Asians is a bit of a stereotype in itself, isn't it? But also: loyal, devoted, ingenious, diligent, intelligent

Latinos:...(see first part of Asians) & family-oriented, fun-loving, proud, hard-working

women: hot, nurturing, double hot, caring, en fuego, strong, understanding, mothers

gays: clean, creative, happy

men: leaders, protectors, fathers, logical

Of course we know that this cant be held true all the time (or 1/10th). But in eight pages, all I have seen is that we have succeeded in creating rifts, divisions, and chasms between us and watch as a community degenerates. Why not look for the beautiful things in stereotypes and try to emulate those good qualities?

Personally, I think you are all great. kiss grouphug beerchug damn I love these smilies! soapbox angel

"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow

squidBRONZE Member
382 posts
Location: sur, USA

Oh, my wife and I were discussing why it is that Americans always do seem fat whenever we return to the States. We think its because airports are never wanted in the trendy rich parts of town. So the planes head towards poorer areas and those they employ for menial tasks are themselves poor. So the first view all foreigners have of the Statesians are those that are the poorer, less educated; aka: rudest, fatest, smelliest, stupidest. What a way to give out a welcome to the rest of the world.

Don't believe me? Swing by Atlanta's Hartsfield/Jackson airport sometime and see if Im wrong.

So, then we look and see that quality food is much more expensive than fat/salt/nastiness processed food and that poor people are doomed to be fat when their choices are between a fast food burger for $1.12 total or an apple thats .50 cents each.

Organic food products have higher insurance on the growers because the Federalist US govmt. cant regulate its manufacture as easily. So the healthier it is for you, the less access you have to getting it.

Hell, when you are thirsty you have two choices: water for 1.69 or soda for .50 If the store is in a poor area you have an additional choice: .99 cents for 22 ounces of malt liquor.

Though is anyone ready to admit that capitalism is a sham? Nope.

Im telling you: Babylon, Rome, USA....
EDITED_BY: squid (1192744994)

"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

see that was nice healthy all depends on the area...we have food markets in the poor section of town, for example

but point taken

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

squidBRONZE Member
382 posts
Location: sur, USA

Well, Atlanta does have their food markets in poor areas as well, but none of those are near the airport, and trust me..nothing in Atlanta is accessible unless you are driving. And public transportation is minimal.

"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow

6,650 posts

Squid: thanks for that! Stereotypes do not have to be negative at all!

Germans: clean, organized, effective, strong(minded)

I suffered the same phenomenon: western ppl look fat and unhealthy (especially) when coming back from Asean of Latin countries... reason for that being that they *are* more fat and of course pale... shrug

Faith: Al Gore is just a figurehead - side you on that one. As is Angelie Jolie, Brad Pitt... Jimmy Carter said that his organisation built 100 homes in 10% of the time, due to Brad Pitt turning up at the site in India unexpectedly - causing hundreds of Indians to volunteer.

Mankind is in need of figureheads, idols and icons - I reckon it's good that ppl volunteer being figureheads of (positive) change. Being "green" is becoming "chic"in the US? Tell you what: without the Californians insisting on unleaded fuel, we would have kept leaded fuel much longer in Europe. The (German) car industry claimed that unleaded wouldn't be possible, whilst already exporting to the US and California... shrug

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

organic_poiSILVER Member
32 posts
Location: Canada

Someone told me that the state of Florida does not recycle? Is that true? If so... that's shocking to me!

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

Being green is chic in the media now, many of us including local governments have taken steps to decrease our impact. There is mandatory recycling in my area. It is enforced. We are looking at how to properly manage the Great Lakes, and other water rights issues. We have ethanol in our gasoline.

It's not that people aren't wanting to be green but this may be another issue for another topic.

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

6,650 posts

They have 'funny' cults

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

Mr MajestikSILVER Member
coming to a country near you
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Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia

 Written by :FireTom

They have 'funny' cults

theres a really good book about polygamous groups in the US called Escape, written by Caroline Jessop, the fourth wife of a 50 something yearold man who managed to get out of the society with all her children.

"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"

jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley

MojojoGOLD Member
wandering dingo
167 posts
Location: Aussie in London, Australia

Culturally insensitive.

and LOUD about it so they broadcast to everyone in the vicintiy that they really have no idea.

Based purely on the travelling americans I've encountered everywhere - and from working in tourism in Australia - and its usually the 'rich' ones. I mean, if you can afford the fancy holiday, spend a little of your time learning about what you maybe should and should not do so as to not offend and embarrass yourself and everyone around you! An hour of reading on the plane on the way there should be enough.

Mind you, this of course is not strictly limited to Americans. But its usually the Americans that you notice because of the whole LOUD thing.

 Written by :squid

Aussies: charismatic, beautiful, adventurous

Ha ha ha, beautiful? as in physically attractive? I always reckon I can spot the aussies a mile off when I am travelling, as we are the ones that look like we have been put together with body parts that were meant for about 7 different people. I reckon we are an ugly bunch! But I don't see that as a bad thing either.
EDITED_BY: Mojojo (1208548184)

Only three things are certain: Death, Taxes, and that England will not win back the Ashes in this lifetime.

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