Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Hi bobrob I'm gonna be in Manchester in about a months time. Is there any clubs there that are poi friendly? Also do you want to meet up and swing some poi together?One love, Thistlefirepixie. You can get my email off the meetothers directory.

Are we nearly there yet?

61 posts
Location: currently in..... Perth WA

You-Betchya Baby! Thursday nites, me n some mates have a bit of a jugglin nite goin on in a friendly student venue, s'really cool, lots of top poi, staff, juggling, diablo etc etc talent, lots of beginners too, and we've pretty much got the place to ourselves "***CHEEEP BEEER WARNING***", (ooh how did that get in there!? wink), so thistlefirepixie, get up here!! - (i'll email you details...) ...and anyone else who might be passin through, youre welcome too, bring yer mates! grin

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