Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > im looking for some fellow dutch spinners

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stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

frown hi there,

hey, is there anyone on HOP who is currently or shortly will be living in holland? just moved back home and i havent found the spinning community yet confused

spinning on my own is fun, but, ya know, i gotsta find some, umm, colleagues (?).. identify yourselves! im lonely ubbcrying beerchug

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

hello there smile

welcome to HoP weavesmiley

i used to live in holland but not any more unfortunately frown

there are quite a few dutch spinners on the board though. try here , these are all the dutch spinners i could find. they've all signed up in the 'meet others' section, so that means they're in the same boat as yourself - looking to meet others to spin with. so get in touch with some of them. you'll find that spinners (especially newbies) are generally delighted to meet anyone else who does poi, staff, or whatever. instant new friends hug


Lisa peace
EDITED_BY: Fabergé (1091012956)

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

right, sorry about that. that link doesn't appear to be working confused

go up to the menu bar and click on "Community", then "Meet Others>" then "Search".

this will bring you into a page where you're requested to enter a country, state, town or city. a search i did under "Netherlands" brought up about 10 results. not all have their email address listed, but you can send them a Private Message through this board.

happy hunting smile

knuffels hug

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

16 posts

Nederlander hier. Waar kom je vandaan gast?
*Instant translator*
Dutchman here. Where do you come from dude?

nativeSILVER Member
sleeping with angels
508 posts
Location: anaheim CA usa

holldand is silly and fun to say


stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

biggrin hey, relaxed.. eindelijk iemand gevonden..

ik ga net beginnen in utrecht te studeren en daar heb ik tijdens de UIT dagen ook wat fire jugglers gezien.. juggle

als je ooit de kans hebt om naar utrecht te komen moet je me bellen.. ik ben er vanaf morgen me nummer is 0640601181
sms kan ook..

waar zit je in nl? ubbrollsmile

stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

sorry bout that ppl,

got carried away.. so glad that im not alone in this small country.. peace

the point was (and in english this time) that i would like to know if anyone lives in or near utrecht and is interested in starting a spinning club.. sounds optimistic, i know, but there's no harm in trying right? tongue hug

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

wavehello hé, hoe gaat het? heb je al iemand gevonden?

i used to live in Huizen, Blaricum & Hilversum. was there for about 8 & a half years, but back in Ireland now so i can't be of much help frown

there's an irish guy called Mot living in Utrecht who uses this board, though i haven't seen him around in a while. here's his webiste though:

peace Lisa

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

8 posts
Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Hi there, I live in Holland as well, in Leiden and I'm always up for a poi meeting.

So just let me know (I'm in Edinburgh right now but I'm getting back the 20st)

You can also look at the ' meet others' section in HoP

tot pois?!

666 posts
Location: Netherlands

Hiya stickman, I'm in utrecht aswell and there is a few spinners floating around here. Give me a shout some time, we normally end up in the lepelenburg park, or the wilhemina park

Lost that old website frown, got a new one though

Come forth and thou shalt win enternal happiness. but he came fifth so he won an electric toatser.

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Hey Stickman,

nog eentje uit Nederland :-), Wat studeer jij? Ikke ben delftenaar! I'm living in the Hague, actually quite near SeeSarahFly <>, so maybe we could have a slightly bigger meeting, with MOT (I've been wanting to see him since december, 7bt BTB, unbelievable...), Sarah, Me ubbangel and more...
I have a very small starting spinning group btw, one other poier, Foxylady, and a staff-girl [and maybe a diabolo/juggling dude]...

Hope to see you soon! wave

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

8 posts
Location: Leiden, Netherlands

OOh wat fijn zeg allemaal medepoiers!

I'm glad to see so many fellow poiple live in Holland! I'm always up for a poi meeting when I'm in the country. I'm leaving for Poland tomorrow but I'll be back in a week or so.

Hope to see ya'll soon! grouphug
EDITED_BY: SeeSarahFly (1093556817)

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

You're going to Poland as well :-s? And I am already studying again for my resits... Lucky basterd :-)...

If you're back in a week or so we will probably meet soon, fun! Iveta and I are very enthousiastic lately ubbangel with meeting new people, we'll have a Poi In The zuiderPark biggrin.

ciaociaociao bye

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

8 posts
Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Poland got cancelled, got a nice offer for a internship? (stage) at "circus elleboog".

Hope to see you soon.

I'll send my phone number in a PM!

211 posts

Hi ppl grouphug

very nice to read that how many poi ppl is here in nederlands..

tomorrow,sunday,29.08.2004 mot and nephtys are going to do poi meeting in hopefully all of us could meet there...

Berend quote:
"Iveta and I are very enthousiastic lately with meeting new people, we'll have a Poi In The zuiderPark . "

see u soon my friends...



465 posts
Location: Netherlands


Hi guy's. I live in Rotterdam. Let me know when there's going to be a meet. Anyone who lives in Rotterdam?

C u soon

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda


you spin on NIN?!?! Never heard that before, makes me curiuous about your style! I don't think there will be a meeting this weekend (maybe though, ask Foxylady), but probably in two weeks, somewhere in the neighbourhood [Leiden ?]... I'll let you know and send you a PM!

wave Telpeva

ps, I don't think I know Rotterdamse poiers, but there must be some smile... Search and thou shalt find...

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Hi Telpeva,

I saw another show on wich they spun to NIN, the song Starf**@#$ (can't really show the rest) So that's a great song, but there's also Herecy (i think you spell it that way), that's another great song, but if you want to spin to NIN you don't want to be fast offended by the strong languages....

I heard there was going to be some spinning at the beach this weekend (via Foxy Lady) but I don't have any time the next two weekends, but if someone has time during the week, let me know couse I have free travel during the week.



Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

CarobananasGOLD Member
april fool
36 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

I heard from Nephtys that there is possibly a poi meeting in Utrecht friday in two weeks...
If so, I'll be there.
Hope to see you all there! wave

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Hey Fuero, it's Heresy btw smile, but ehmz, haven't listend to NIN for a while, gonna try to spin on it this week, lets see what it does with me... < ...
What do you study btw?


|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Hey Carobananas,

I don't know how it all will go upcoming weeks, but one thing is sure; there will be meetings, and there will also be meetings in Utrecht, so see you there! That's quite a ride from Groningen btw, cool that you will sacrifice so much time... ahh well, sacrifice, it's very very worth it, last two meetings were ubblove!!!
Do you have week or weekend OV btw?


|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Hi Telpeva,

Indeed it's Heresy, i checked it last nigt when I got home. NIN gives you a real rush and it sends a feeling of mysticism in the atmosphere. I also juggled to NIN last night, I was so intense (I need al my concentration just to do a cascade) that I got dizzy from staring at the balls. Oh, yeah, you asked about my style?

I don't reckon I've got really a style. Loads of butterfly thingy's and corkscrews, but I'm not that good.

But to get back on your question:

I study Graphic Design on the Graphic Lyceum here in Rotterdam.

What do you study?



Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Btw...does any of the dutch(wo)men know the band Omnia?

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

666 posts
Location: Netherlands

Fuero, hiya,
If you ever feel like having a spin here in utrecht, you should join us. Theres about 5 of us over here, but we try and meet up with the dhaag crowd aswell. Also theres a regular spinning fest in amsterdam on fridays.

Come forth and thou shalt win enternal happiness. but he came fifth so he won an electric toatser.

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

well, that's the nice thing about style, you don't need a lot of moves for it... it is giving your own 'twist' to moves and the links between them, so with just a weave and butterfly as a base you can give poi a fluid/angel like quality, or maybe a fighting style, ballet like, etc...
So, you spin, you spin on music -> you have got a style :-)

but ehmz, I'm studying aerospace engineering in Delft...


Omnia, just the name... Is it a gaping omission in my musical knowledge?

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

YES!!! You have to know OMNIA!!!

No, it's a great pagan band and I have met a few spinners during concerts by them, so i was wondering...

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

you mean these guys

yeh, i know them. well, not personally, but i know who you're talking about. ik heb een aantal jaar in nederland gewoond smile


My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Yeah *insert rockin' smiley*, what do you think of them?
and have I met you at a concert?

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

yeh, they're very good. i love all their costumes & the whole neo-celt thing. it's a really good act.

no, i don't think i've met you at a gig. you were probably about 16 when i last saw them play wink

have you ever heard of an irish band called Kila? you might like them, check them out here

they don't really go in for the same type of stage show as omnia, but if you like that kind of music with plenty of good percussion then i think you'll like them.


My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Where have you seen omnia play?

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

it was at an outdoor festival in the grounds of some castle somewhere near utrecht. not sure of the name of the place any more, but i can picture it in my head. it was in about 1999 or so, shortly before i left holland.

i remember being quite shocked that they were dutch. it's not really your typical klompen muziek is it? wink

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

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